LETTERS Danger warning I .1111 worried about .1 danger uus new trend developing on I ’ S (iimpuses today Then* seems to tie .111 IIU re.is mg impulse to i ensure exprns sum ol thmiglit that does not ((inform to the agenda ol the so i ailed politic ally < orrer! Most ot the opposition to this seems to have been coming from the right I would like to add a voir e from the far lett (Not politic .tils 1 orrei I t I am specifically addressing ( are\ IIravton and I lame (.reen |1)1 II Ma\ ti| who have patted themselves on the hat k loi nothing less than a witch hunt I .u p use them o! self aggran di/emiml and of l.u king the so phisticated intellect needed for a ( ritii al auah sis of radii al po 11111 al art 1 .mi referring to the two .1! legedlv misogynist posters 111 question w till h ,in ill tai I "t .1 radii .tlh feminist point of view I 111 v 111* Dr.iylun (been Mvles Brand the Womens ( .'enter ot anyone else to per sunnily i out.k I me so tli.it I might .ml then teehle inteller Is 111 understanding these posters I implore the student body and the fui lilts to oppose Ihi(Ii the proset utioti of the student suspet t and the harassment id further suspet ts (they have questioned more than 100) It tills w .IS a hate ( rune it is as hatred ol war and oppression ttiat stimulated it I have always been a support er of feminism, and I ask that those from the Women s ( enter who still maintain intellectual integrity oppose this at turn I ton t let feminism hei nme sy n on v tnou s with Mi t art In is in' l ight the thought poll! e and support tree thought and e\ pression Aaron Kilher Arts and letters Mall plan I ,iki• .1 minuti' u want to know more 0 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted. 1 he l-.merald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style FORUM Low voter turnout result of ASUO’s effectiveness By Christopher Mat? So I'm working in Suite 1 when the i .ill i nines over the plume from .in outraged student group whose budget 11.isn't been heard vet wanting to speak to kirk Hailes It seems li t l hairwoinan Jeunitei Hills lias re ferrud all groups with budget ipiestions to the ANI () I \e< liti\ e until Itiitlit-t notn e or until Ma\ .1 i\\ 11«• n Hills lakes ottu e as ASt l ) president! as the Im identa! l ee ( onimittee lias for the sei olid time in as mam months adjourned and left their responsibilities In the w at, side Commentary I i .in l ti'll whether this is tlit* List sti.m in .1 ti'rm of List sir.uss or it I'll remember to Itt- shot ked ,tnd .iji palled when something liki* this happens again Indi rations are that it will at this point win not ’ As ,1 student ol tin' t'niveisity and a member of the ASI A) Ixriutiye pin | dun I think that antunialii alls tils«|iiii 111i«"s niv opinion I'm quite sure I didn't agree to anything to that «-tfi*t t yvhen I signed 0111 I'd like to shed some perspei lnr on this ongoing mess I irst, I 1 .iniuit bellev e how utterly irresponsible it was loi the < tregon IKnh I■ mrr.ihl to enimirage stu dents not to tote I daresay they already do .1 ratten good |ob ol tli.it As lot low voter turnout being the 1.1 it It ol the ASIA) I \ci iillvr well. we (.111 go around and around but I would 1 la 1111 that high turnout on this i a lupus 011 uts wlwii there arc negatives involved I don't believe it's unreasonable to suggest that a roughly average turnout ol 15 perc ent means the I Act utive is doing its |ob the people who alwavs vote did and nohod\ else was upset enough to do so Advene mg the idea that student government is met tec live and thus not worthwhile because we can't get legislators in Salem to give us a break is similarly Inch c rons I seem to u-meinhc r a fairly visible c ampaign last fall urging tolks to vote dow n Measure . and save us this griet We tried to bead oil the 1 r is is and 1 mild not now ev el v one 1 an see vv in vve vv ere so frantic Last it what point will the 111 all seven mem bers he taken to task tor playing personal politics and extorting the budget process, not to mention shirking their duties as elec ted offic nils:' Before or af ter Salem completely tires of children playing at adults games and tears up the t la 1 k I toe umerit, w hie h gives us the privilege of distributing our 1111 idental tees ourselves And it new III members particularly l.ydia l.crmn I who tiled the complaint against then-IK (Ih.urnian Mike holson that got this ball ol mud rolling), are not w illmg tu pursui' the removal ot Colson .is .in issue be lure the cummlttee wh\ the hell ilttl tile Kxe( ulive bother is itli .111 investin.ition? We have better things to do than be the lightning luil fur .ill the personal friction generated in the KMl nut the least of ivhii It is to protei I student rights s\ ith the 1 ntversits administration, stale Legislature and the i (immunity This is ini musingly diffic 11 It when student offu nils Haunt the ease with whii h the\ I,ill to do then job. and the student dailv newspaper suggests that this might be the Executive's fault all along and that perhaps we'd be better off without student go\ eminent 1 hank you for your support I II be the first to admit that the ASl'O Executive tsn t pellet t but it there wasn’t a student government as w ith so mans other • things, someone would just have to invent one Hither was . it the Emerald and the '’ther Student publications want all the credit as gos eminent watchdogs, then thes had better be ready to ai i ept a! least some of the blame when thes sas we si resved up \iter all d only two people i a me forward to com moot on the lunrr.ihl s anti ASt'O editorial maybe student government isn't the mils thing students don't gise a damn about ( hnstophrr Slat/, is the t.s/'() nit'dia relations coot din.itor