POLITICS Blazer tickets among expenses listed by lobbyists By Miko Sian Yim i me t td (,o ni r sf?u ?Of SAHA! VVh.it do vou < .ill viini'nin1 who givi*s mu i s I lov\ nlxiut .1 lobby ist' I lie lati-st lobbyist i!X|xmM' reports lili’il mi May vv ilb tin’ (Iregon (invent mu -111 dibits ( (iiniiiisMim indicate dial dif distinction between .1 fni’nd and a lobbyist may not Ih1 .ill dial i tear In tin'll reports I«*>jis1.111v'*• lobbyists listed evervtbing from food and refresh intuits to dinnrrs and Ifla/er games as i osls of doing tin’ll |obs Although Oregon lobbying regttla lions ei|tiatc lobby tug \s ith influent ing or attempting to obtain lli«> good will of legislative officials, loin Harrows. .1 ( apitol lobbyist. sees it a different was Mr primarily trot information bar k ami forth from i licnt to legislators anil legislators lo 1 lients hr sail! If Itii' expense reports of two lobbyist art' an indii alor. a lot of trotting goes on outside of the ( .apitol and in seats at Mazer names Donald lordvir a lobbyist lor I S Ham orp and I S Hank of Oregon. inrli 1 all'll on his report that lie spent $7tl aptei e oil Mazer tii ki ts for lavs makers (.ars (unKling a lobbyist fm mans businesses ini Hiding Portland based 1 0111 panies such as Tektronix Ini and Mentor (irapliii s ('orp , spent more than $ Hit) apiece for Mazer tickets and din ners Between- tile two of them. Kordvre and (onkling provided tickets for in legislators and an aide to attend Hla/ei names that bail lieeri sold out to the pub In The legislators senators and repre sentatives are from froth major politi (ill parties Some of tin lawmakers who attended the games m< hide Senate Ma lorilN leader Hill Hradburx I) Handon. Rep |im Kdmundsnn. 1) Kugene. Sen l.enn Hannon K Ashland, and Rep Margaret ( after I) Portland Lordvc e and ( onklmg are only two of more than tOO lobbyists listed ill the ( apilol inemliership roster and almost twice that iniinbei registered with the ( begun F.thu s ( ominissinn I he\ are ,dso two who actually re ported their Hla/.er In knt- as expenses Many other lobbyists do not report all expenses bec ause of a loophole m regii hit ton's l.thics commission guidelines allow lobby ists lei omit lobbying expenses less than $l~> from their reports Lobbyists such as I lay id Harrows lorn Harrows father who lobbies toi the Oregon League of l inanc ial Institu tions and ( hemic al Waste Management of the Northwest use the loophole to their advantage Harrows said he invited ..'n legislators to lilazer games this season, including one .playoff game Harrows' expense re port listed only one Hlaz.er game snu e j.ul\ l'ltttl He did not report the other "We've been in these seats since the '70s.'' Harrows said He said bought the tn kets for $ til it) each, and he takes leg ixletors he likes though he declined to identity those he took to games I don't want to mention names Tom Harrows said Some legislators aren't comfortable with that bet ause the puhlit has the pert option that they've been bought off Hut in a wav they are being-bought off said )ohn Lie a I'niversiH sm min gv professor yvho specializes m social intei,a turn and organizations 'The lobbyists intervene in a direct relationship belts een the pllhlit and the legislators." he said Lobby ists repre sent themselves as serving the public good, and in fai t, they only further their oyy n interests '' - y-_ * *• " The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask for thi* Sjwildl) 95 (Add! Inyrrdirnt 70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited deliverv area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. $2.00 OFF Converse 5hoes Sunglasses • Pipes $1.00 OFF Posters rmn.uuLu.i^JiX2jE Lazar's Bazar I Cards 57 W. Broadway. Downtown Mall 687-0139 An Opportunity You Can See Through. Po.vi Wood Windows have become the clear t hoicetor high quality wood windows in tesiden tml construction We have immediate areer op portumties (or motivated individual1, who can see where they re gmng Powi Windows otters an op portunity that s as challenging as it is rewarding Our company oilers a very extensive 6 month training program in our Bern) Oregon location and will then transfer to a predetermined Pozzi re tail sales lor ation We me looking lor individuals who i an establish and maintain key account relationships with Ar chiiects and Contractors Promote the sales ot Po.'.-i Wood Windows in assigned geographic ter ritory The right candidate can expect competitive wage and benefits package relocation assis tance, as well as a challenging work environment See what you re missing please contact the Ca reer Placement Center We will be on campus May 23, 1991 B S in Marketing required WINIXAS A D>vsion 0* Bend Milhvork Systems A NoHPk Company E Qua1 Opportunity Employ**'