I Hunter Davis will share her enthusiasm warmth and mischievous wit to with festival audiences Saturday night at S p m Hunter Davis to belt out the blues Saturday Whether belting out the blues or crooning a love ballad. Hunter Davis captivates her audi ences This North Carolina native will be performing her original music on the Main Stage Saturday at 5 p m She has toured the country delighting audiences with her easygoing manner Her music blends folk, rhythm and blues and a touch of ja.zc with expressive lyrics that reflect the joy and irony of life As part of the vanguard of southern musicians who are breaking down traditional barriers. Davis brings simplicity and directness to her performances and songwriting The Boston Globe calls Davis a "bluesy vocalist, reminiscent of Jams Ian in tone and intensity, who draws melodic. MOR originals into \azz. R&B. funk, folk and country directions Love and heartbreak are favor ite topics The album features backup by a stellar crew Davis began her musical career at five, writing her own songs and playing blues on a plastic toy banjo She (earned to play the ukulele and guitar while in high school and continued through college where she re corded her first album as a memorial to a close friend After college. Davis moved to Vail. Colo where she spent a year playing clubs She then returned home, cut her second album and embarked on a full time musical career She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay area where she has recorded and released two albums Harmony and Torn Harmony features vocal ad ditions from Ferron, Terry Garthwaite. Holly Near, Lin da Tillery and Teresa Trull Torn was produced by Trull and features a duet between Davis and powerful vocalist Cris Williamson Davis has performed at a variety of festivals mclud mg the 1987 Willamette Valley Folk Festival OUTDOOR ADVENTURES START AT mckenzie outfitters Visit our rental department at 79 W. Broadway BACKPACKS External Frame S 9.00/3 days. $18 00 per week ....$ 12.00/3 days. $20 00 per week Internal Frame MCKENZIE 70 W. BROADWAY Mon S*1 9 30-6 Sun 11-5 fmzFooi)■tjjv^ocK Where else to Celebrate hut Sv\infers Ni^htc lub? Lane County's Bijy;est & Only LIVE ROCK & ROLL Every Night of the week! • I ice bultft ilmtifi starts at 4pm \ lasts until Hpm fvfr\ night tor our loungt*» ustomurs. : • Sunda\ S\\ ingt-rs shovvr ast* with lot al hands SPECIALS EVERY NICHT OF THE WEEK . SW/MsErs, . | j tiionra- 15-16 *>11111 - 5pm ll> I Ml Main l>v>k or rail I’liil 11 ills! rout 1X5 I . 12lh \vt . 4X5-6161 tiki j gmxl (Might*»r State firm is ihcrr — t t A T I (AIM @/^> I N l U a A M C I V 1/ state f arm Mutual Auti*mm>l»ilr Insurant c ( onipam I It him-( HTu r Itli * xTiingti »n Illinois A RECYCLE THIS PAPER. J ADVERTISE IN OUR... GRADUATION CAREER EDITION Appears May 28 Space Deadline: Green Available: MAY 20 $25 NCAA TRACK SUPPLEMENT Appears May 29 Spat e Deadline: MAY 20 Green Available: $25