Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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House bill would make rape law gender neutral
By Carrie Dennett
Ernecatd Reporter
A new bill m the stale Lcgis
lilture is (Iran mu both praise
and < ritic ism on a deeply per
sonal and sensitive issue it
would allow prosec ution of te
males for r,i[ie
House Hill 2 a 4 4 would
c hange (tie language ol the ex
istmg state Ian from being gen
der spec die to being gender
The bill's creation was
prompted in part b\ a c all Kep
Peter ( ourtnev I) Salem re
reived from a police otlic or in
leffeisoil County about a case
involving the sexual abuse of a
m.de child b\ an adult woman
This woman was doing
something to a child, and it
amounted to rape Courtney
Tlie polic c* n ere limited he
said, bec ause there is no provi
sum of the c ommissionOt rape
In a woman, and the c barges
they could bring against her
did not i am the same penal
It an adult female engages
in sexual mterc ourse with a
y oung boy it is i onsufered sex
ual abuse, said Kuss Spenc.er
a lobbyist for the Oregon Sher
iffs Zero Crime Tolerant e I’.V
On tlie other band it an
adult male engages in sexual
inli'ii ourse u ith a young girl, it
is i nnsidered rape
K.i(>*• is .1 ('lass A B or ( telo
in while sexual abuse (.irnes
imlv a ( lass ( felonv down lo a
misdemeanor i barge
I here is an obvious dispart
l\ " Spent er said
Despite an apparent contra
diction in the severitv of the
charges stun*' believe th.it
i hanging the definition of rape
is nut the ( orrer t response
I here\ nu re.ison to call
that rape said Hoik Slegner
a member nt t he I 'ni\ ersity's
I'mvanled Sexual Meh.avi.or
1 ask hurt e
It the sexuaTabuse laws are
not sti ii I enough she said
then thev should he strength
ened r.ithei than removing
gender from the rape statutes
"To have it degenden/ed Is
to ignore ttu* i.oih opt in which
rape o< i urs said |o 1'rigilio <>t
tile \ SI ( ) U lilllrn s (enter
Vmi iv losing something v •• r\
historical ami contextual about
Spemer said the Sheriffs \s
sim lation formed a task, force to
determine w hat the biggest
problems are and to push fot
some significant measures on
sexual assault during this legis
I alive session
\ substantial part of the lull s
birth c arne out of this task
force made up of sheriffs dep
uly disti ll t attorned s anil detei
lives all with experielu c* ileal
mg with sexual assault i axes
We were seeing a progres
sive inc rease in cases where
adult ivimii'ii were engaging in
sexual intercourse with young
bo\ x.' Spcuic er said
(.ourtney one of the lull s
sponsors said the bill sigmli
c antly states for the law in tire
gun that the' rape of anyone by
anyone is heinous arid mexi us
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iliU: I'hin makes il mure sen
ms and cm nmpassing law
Kape is ,i i rilin' nt \ in
i’in i*. In' said A vv mu.in
mild do llif same thing tu .1
:ii.ilr i liilil
S|(ii'in rr s.ml it Is .1 i iiltllllOli
v In-lit lielifl lli.il women i an
int rapi' mi'll. hei ause it a mail
las an eret turn it implies i nn
However In' said it Inis lit'i'it
nii'dii ally suhslantiatril that an
t'ti'i tuin is a pliysuiliigii.il re
spouse anil does nut ni'i I’ssan
Iv nman tlm mail* is aroused
lust as tin' prt'M'in i' ut vaginal
lulirit atmn ilm*s nut ni'i nssar ilv
lml it ala fimialr aniiisal
I rigilin said that the nru lull
i mild hi' i unstrui'd as a gut
e\un thing
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