Oregon DAITY EMERALD Thurstiav. April 25. 1*WI I ugrne. Oregon Volume *J2. Isiuc I 'l> Vote here l.orn.i llormor r.i.s/s hm h.illot in I'nivrrsitv rlrition.s Wrdnrsdm, I'alls ivill hr oprn from ft.1 m to '> p m tnd.n in thr hn.il d.n ot votiiic tor nr\t \rm\ ASI'O lAnutixr fivr lit mrnihris >tmlrnt •>rn.itoi•> mut thrrr h.illot mrm,urrs I’hoto h\ I!ru I \ ans Missing professor’s vehicle, wallet found near river bank By Don Peters and Pat Malach ( .'IK-'.l'i) S'.l" ‘Ill'l'lt'e' Missing t niversity professor I mniati Lift ! l.il/.inloms' i .1 r was found early Wednesday niMr -Villa un (loodpaslure island Road thi- Pane ( minty Sheriff s OffII I* Hp-ilt.«t I il)V\ ever . Hat/Olltoilis ll.is llllt Mi been III! .11IM i \ I'iip'lir pi > 111 e tllifl live said HIM t ig.ilurs nr assuming 11 -it/.iiitun i s itiiivv iit'il ,il M.iili'ii K-ipiils IIntzaiilonis iii, apparently lull his Springfield In mu- early Saturday -mil has mil born beard from sim e ai i urd ing In pulii e reports \l approximately 7 it) .i m Wednes day sheriff's deputies and Eugene po lice responded to ,i lip and found tlal/.anlonis 1'IHO i upper i ulored lion d.i Prelude on (.oodpaslure Island Knud oil ol Highway l.i. ,u Marten Rapid near \ ida laigene Polite Iteparttlienl Detective I t's Ramey said authorities (otind no in dilation ot loul play Die veliii It* w.is lurked and some ot I lal/untonis' per soflal effei Is tin lulling a |ai Let. belly park and an lie idles! containing bis wallet were found on (be river bank ol the Mi ken/ie Rim-i I he Pane l minty Sheritl s ottii e and Pvplnret Post I it.\ ran bed the river and surrounding area on Wednesday al lernoon but turned up nothing Hat/.inUini-. u lie (lean said be ywis an ay id fisherman. but she didn't know il any ot his lislimg equipment was missing left Ziiler dislrul lisli biologist lor the Oregon Department of fish and W I Id I de said Marten Rapids was t fit' major rapid on I he McKenzie River and desi i dled il .is dangerous Police are not certain what happened to I lut/aiitoms but the best information would indii ate he was a drowning v n lull Rainey said He added that ill must river drow ning Immanuel I l.il/.mlimis < (ISI'S the V llltlll s bulls remains Mill iiH'iijnl tur several das s belore siirbti mu ' * SV11 liin lhe next several da vs I expet t seme 11 s h«* i-in,in will piebalds find I lit* bulls . ” In- said I mm tIn .litm It's surmiimiiiui (hr i .11 .lllil llli- blit lll.lt It S\as linked. K.lllll’S .pel ul.iled lh.it I bit/a nl on i s ssenl dossil In tin' river fur .1 spin tin rtM Still 11 l.il/tiiitonisj tilt ,i real buiiil ssitli tin- Mi Ken/ie Kami’s s.uil I l.il/antiiui.s .1 Kumani.e language pmfi’ssui 1 ami' imilei lire rt'i mils be 1 ansi’ ul several t iimpliiiiits about tile I'liivi’rsitv's sluils abiu.nl program 111 Perugia Hals ssbitli J latzantun is f<>uinii'il ami iliri’i ts (a'.iii flat/.HituiHs saiil her biisbaml svas upsi’t osi’i tin-1 ntii isms Hr was r.ithff stressedslin saiil I SaturdayI ssas sm li .1 1111 e ilas . I glmss he needed !u go up there and suit things mil ASUO candidates report campaign spending By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter The three ASI 'O presidential tnhets have submitted lists ut campaign expenditures and contributors, although there is confusion as to how detailed they need to lie Klections Hoard forms re quired candidates to report the amount of mone\ flies spent on their campaigns estimated within $10 through I'uesdav at I p m when the forms were due A new Idee lions Hoard polic \ also requests candidates to e\ plain him their i a mpa ign Itinils were spent but the hoard has approved forms without Itemized lists Ifespite its polu \ the hoard approved expenditure forms witfiout itemized lists for two t ii kets St iitt I hinlup ( inline See Iev and Mike ( ail miii Bari lay (Irayson Kun{1111k mates Jennifer Bills .uni |i>S<111),i \\.itsoii siihmitii'il .1 Breakdown of campaign spending with llirir espendi lure forms By Wednesday afternoon, however. ( adson (Iravson t ain i.iign m.m.i^rr K.ul I’ntitl sub mill'd .in iti-mi/i'il i xpi'iiililiirr orm fur (tie tiiki't. .mil i'ln urns board nu>ml>i'rs I'xpi-i led ii rri.i'ivr .m ilt'ini/.iiliun (rum In' I) 11111.11> Si'idi'v i iiinpniKii .ilr U'i'ilni'silav ■ 11vii11 Turn to FORMS page 8 Almanac Today is the last day to vote in ASl!( ) general elm tions with seven voting booths open from 8 a m to 5 p.m. Students only need to show their student II) cards to vote. Inside A house bill sponsored by Rep. Peter Courtney, D-Sa lem. among others, would make rape a gender neutral crime if passed. The bill seeks to hold women pros editable for rape if they sex ually abuse a young boy Currently, women cannot he prosec uted for rape, only sexual assault under Oregon statutes story, pa^e 3 Students protested the U.S. military's discriimna tory recruitment policy against gays and lesbians at .t sit-down protest in front nt a Marini; Corps ret roiling la bio in thf KMl' Wednesday Si1*; story. Page H Sports favclin thrower Paula H*;rr\ has learned flow to deal with adversity to be come one of the nation's !x*sl in tin- event, and is looking to win the NCAA ti ill' next month a! Hayward Held See story. Page ti 1 K.'I.A aptwred its s*-( oinl straight Pat ifii 10 (.on feront.e women s golf title Wednesday at Eugene (anio Irv Club by topping second plat e Arizona by Z2 strokes Oregon had its best finish ever tving for fourth with Arizona Slate See story. Page 7 Lynn Yonemotu