ARTS Musical to highlight working class people S*M*0»W*T*l*M*E PLAY i\l, ■'*»- 'Q a !>♦• . Thursday through Saturd Willamette Street fheat lamette St Tickets are $-t seating $8 for semors a 1 aiiiiliiir Ihrmi's of drudgery .tint the xrinil \\ ill i nllli !n lift* tills Uirk l\ it ft till’ shim m« lit the i oiliedv U iirknu; ,i| thi' W'illimii’tti' St!* MM 1 iKMlfM li“rs I'tiis partii prodm turn m rtplt'd'■ H\ Sti> Si Im.irt/ and \ni.i I .imi liMii'ircv JM ( t.'l's ill dlfl.'ii'iit |i. si! IIIV ul I’liiplm rinMil Mi'iiiilnuiit's .nr mlci>p(’rM‘(l w till Miuys Mill!.' ul .Whir lit ' 'ill,nil U 11. s i.ikrii -.liri'i 11.\ In un liir jiiii'i \ lew s, Rob.mis s.ii.I It is .1 hlt.ll .’ill'. 1 'III.' I!' ..'ill revi.'vv.'i salt! ..I tin- pro dm turn ' It is nli! hi mi ,t\ t.n \\ t)t k . hut ' i ' 111'. |S jilt 111.' Illl ill,in spii it t i .in surv iv.■ with lium.ii . .in- .uni . mi. cln ‘Many people who sue Working say they cun relate to two or three characters.' -Jim Roberts I'lic musk ,il cnmi'iK based on Studs Terkel's book iit tin* siimr narru'. will bt' performed b\ Meinstage I'heatre (ompam throughout the rest ol t lit* week Multistage is a prod ur Iimi company that has made its mark in laigenes drama i in If at tin- I lult ( filter The stun. is taken Irraii I ei kel s i ompilalion id tin intei views with people working in various fields I he musii al features the lives ot a steelworker a home maker, a corporate executive and migrant workers, among others " t here is something toi ev eryone in It orA/rig said thea ler direr tor Jim Roberts Main people who see it sa\ lhe\ ( >111 relate to two 01 three c.h.irai Inr others while doing ne< os sary wink Still m its first season, the Wilhilnette Street Theater lias leatured .1 vch It’s Your Education. Take It Seriously. Today. I he Undergraduate l.ducation I ask horce is sponsoru n open forum Uxlav on undergraduate edtu ati> >n To pies to lx* us sed include • Promoting, diversity at the University •International opportunities •Career preparation •Necessary support services • l iC Vs climate for learning and living, Todav, April 24, Ne>! 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. HNH \\ ilnut Room Come express your views on undergraduate life at the University. • * k . ■ i i ode “ : ' ■ f ■ ■ obt -> ODE ODE ■ : v., ODE -i - U-y OPC ■ 1 K"v UL>L i ODE 9PS LLUSIONSIW1 CL. • Perms. Customised for your hair type includes conditioners, cut & Style longer or • Loop Rods-Spirals. ' : > ( ondif! 'HPfS uf Si S?yU‘ • Haircuts.. "■riudi". shampoo & : mditinner iiiitiiimniMILLUSIONS bv Don iiiMMiiiiiiiM 545 1810 , VlM\VAV\NyiVyVVSVVySVAVASSSVVVW»VVVV»\ ur shears make you look sharp. . ‘• '■j . . a $27.95 < treated hair may tie extra! -" i • .. • i-• j i’ $39.95 , .. . a s7.00 • 1311 yViM.imecte T. .vers Bldg AAAA TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA Tluu’s Might! All YOU Can \ ’ossibly I A 1 ()f I’he Best Pi//ti l his Side ()f Anywhere TRACK TOWN PIZZA ISO1-) I ranklin • dSd 2799 I 15th & Willamette Full Italian Dinner Menu Including: Tortellini • Pi// (K) 1 1 (K)pm Delivery Available 342-81 1 1 Coca-Cola 6-pack cans FROM OUR DELI Whole Sandwiches $069 BE SURE TO COME IN AND CHECK OUT THE BEST HEALTH FOOD & NATURAL FOOD DEPARTMENT IN TOWN! expires 4/30/91 save COUPON Western Family 1 lb. Cottage Cheese small or sleek curd 38* first one add ! at 59C 117 COBURG RD HOURS 7a.m.-11p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK coo ocon AD EFFECTIVE I 4/24/91 THRU 4/30/91 |