Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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    UCLA extends lead in Pac-10 Championships
By Robert Weber
Emerald Sports Reporter
The second round of .1 unit
tournament is usually termed
as .1 moving dav tor teams and
mdi\ ideals
\\ illt that in mind t ( Id's
lasa kiggens helped her team
give the rest ol the field at the
far 10 (championships a lesson
on how it's done during lues
dav s second round at Kugene
( ountrv (dull
l ed In kiggrns' 71 tin* Hm
ins lut'd ,i 2'Mt tn give them .t
two <i>i\ total tit Vn> and a m\
shut lf.nl ini-r \rizon.i in what
lias l«‘< unit' a two-tram r.n <•
Allrr hitting onK ninr grrrns
in regulation and struggling to
a onr-ovrr par 7 1 on Mnndav
kiggrns Imhiih rd liai k to hit t»>
grrrns and givr hrrsrlf a two
slmkr ( ushion m thr mdnnlu
al i omprt it ion hr ad mg into
Wfdnrstl.n s tmal round
I lilt tlir hall brltrr loda\
kiggrns tin- 1‘1‘lti liimor World
t h.impion Mid and I putted
well ( nnsidermg u here im
iron shots kept ending up on
the greens
(Iregon toll into .1 1 le tor tilth
with Washington .it tilt .111«• r
posting .1 11H on I uos(t.i\ hut
( out h Kenee Mm k stressed lh.it
her sipi.nl w .1 s hanging 1 n
U.' starli'il a little slow
Mai k said hut w o' re 1 ight
where we want to he heading
into tomorrow We could have
heen blown out of the water to
<l.i\ lull »r hi'li! miisi'Kfs In
Senior I.villi Nonemolo and
lieshman Aim I ill’ll .in' tied
lor llii' low ()ri'Koo si ore .it 1 Ml
Stanford (t>lH) and 'Arizona
Stale |0Jt>| are in the third and
fourth positions while I'M
|li MI (trefoil Slate (Mail and
U nshmuton Stale |ti7 .| tiring
up the rear
\ri/ona (Ml. ranted the sei
und best team total ' Tuesday
with a tltn hehiiid the .strength
of its foreign i outingenl
Sweden's \miik.i Soirn.sl.ini
iind llic Netherlands' ,\f•• 11«•
I lanem.in
\lter .m Dju’itinK round 'll
Soieiislani stunihlrd .1 hit lues
d.i s with .1 'I. while I l.lgrimill
1 ollei led lit'r set end 1 unsi’i u
tivr 'I llit- two Wild* .its .111'
til'd lol m'i mid itidiv I< 111.111\ .it
1 11. two shots h,n k ol hiui;rns
.mil thri'i' shots ,ihi'.id ot I St s
1 li'idi Voorhees
t ill.11 round .11 I1011 tod.i\ he
Vtuts .it H It) ,1 in
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2:(K) Claris FileMaker Pro: Repeal of morning
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protect yourself from them! Gumwood Room.
3:00 Apple Sy stem 7.0: Rejx-at of morning session.
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See you there!