Vote on Colson could come Friday By Kristin Genzer Emerald Reporlei Tin1 Incidental ire Committer annoum rd I uesdav night that the removal of Mikr Colson from his II I position ss ill Iw voted on no sooner than Indus I mm ausr of IF'(. proi rdurrs Thr IFC hail suspi'iidcil ai ting on removing Colson until the AS!'() Constitution Court ruli'd on Colson's complaint against an Fxrcutive m vestigation that found him responsible for tain pering with minuti's from thr Il l' s Jan It mrrt ing Thr i ourt ruled Tuesday afternoon that thr ASt ft) Kxim utivr was w ithin its < onstitutional au thority to conduct such an investigation, rejia ting Colson's argument that the ini]uiry was conduct ed through improper channels The IFC must allow three days beforr pnx red ing with the issue to allow for the him essarv prep arations and so that students (.an tie notified of the meeting Barclay Grayson. ITC momlier as well as Col son's running mate m today's ASl’O presidential ele< lions, said that the case is not finished set and the investigation ( ould he i hallenged on the Basis that the case against Colson "has not Im'cii proven or finished and should Iw opened up to all students Colson attended Tuesday's Budget hearing hut did not vote on any of the student-group Budget requests During regular business the lit members heard next vi'ar s budge! requests from nine stu dent groups and one spe< ml request from the Women's ( enter The Student Bar Association requested whit Ii is .1 dt.istu increase over lust visit's budget of Si! i.r>?i! The ASl ’() rei omniend ed $22 24H to i over postage and long distant e e\ penditures The II r voted in favor of the recom mendation fell 1 The Survival ( enter and II < < eme to a ( onsen sus after debating on tile usefulness of an addi lional campus newspaper featuring environmen tal concerns The St a drill Insurgent re< eived $1,000 last year to rover environmental issues however the Survival ( enter is interested in re vivi'ng the .Stew art/and w ished to put money into its own publii at ion The I IT voted for SfiOO to go to each publication, and the approved budget mate bed the ASl 10 recommendation ot Si t. lt> t, a dec reuse of l> ft pert flit These student groups ret eived the billowing budgets ASt O (ihild (.are Suhsidy ($l?lt>.740). International Student Association (Sift.Hit1)) Women's ((enter (an additional Sd.OdO). Women's ((enter \'ista Administration ((onlruct ($Tut>). Black Student t niun iSl 1 -4A t). K.RMA |$2r).H(il plus last visitS remaining Sl't J ia fur equip menl). Sister I’niversitv (Si!.4ftr>|. Student Insur gent ($4 ti1()|. and I SSA ($1 1.048) TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Right! All YOU Can Possibly PA I Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484 2799 2 Pizzas With Pepperoni! Pepperoni! $A99 TWO MEDIUM PIZZAS LARGfS AVAILABLE 'A PCuS SQ99 FREE Crazy Bread *s- x p>t:.'. :: ' • ?tv> *1 . •*» t ;«fS ;.*t; lOn *« .^>.1 «* r ► . \ti_; J t»f I V- ■ ' "• > ‘ tdllo cited sections of the l-.\ei utive Hides that govern the ASI’O’s handling of pro gram violations and of stn dent program's internal grievani es However, the court ruled that the complaint was not an internal grievance be i ause I.erma i s ' 'clerir a I help'' and not an elected member of the IKC Also, the nature of her complaint did not warrant mediation "Ms I.erma ' s c h arge didn't involve a simple dis pule between two parties, hut a charge of wrongdo ing. the court said ''Medi ation would he awkwardly meffei tive in this situa tion ' ' Although l.xec utive Rules direct the ASl'O president tu refer program violations to a Student Advisory’ Hoard for corrective action, the court ruled that Hailey was not obligated to follow this procedure because no Stu dent Advisory Hoard has been appointed this year A Iso. Kxec olive Rules grant the1 president the au thority to act on program y iolations y\ ithout the SAH's help when the problem in vulves 11(1 budget notes the court said "While the problem did not l n y o I y e 11- (I bud ge t notes but rather meeting notes, the rule nonetheless demonstrates an intent to make abuses of III proce dures subjei t lo F.vei nine ai tion. llu‘ court said Tin- i onrl also rejot led ('.nlson s argument that rules for the 11 (; investigation pro i ess should have been (level oped and approved in ai c ordain e with Section r> of the ('(institution "Requiring the Kxei utive to promulgate rules lielore taking even,' important at: tion would grind the wheels of an already slow student government to a halt," the court said. Aside from Briggs. jus tices concurring in the opin ion were Matthew Cate. Ka i h e I kelly a n d Jose p h Ssebanakitta Richard Wie ner did not part it ipate Baile\ said Tuesday he was pleased by the court's ruling and that his recom mendation that the 11(1 vote to remove Colson from the ( ommittee still stands "\\e vc done our |ob; the court's done it's job." he said. "Now it's up to the ll'C " Bailev said the Kxecutive would discuss the court's rei otnmendation to adopt a spe< ifii procedure tor inves tigations. But Colson said he was considering options such us appealing the court's deci sum to University President Myles Brand or seeking re dress "outside the Universi ty." Although the i Destitution ality of the investigation has been upheld. Colson said "the process and the way the process was carried out" c ould still he c hallenged SUI\ |IH )\< Fail Convanlant Raining Affordable SunShowrr on campus «m m> • an f i)« U^*«»«B ►» •<«*• • '* MMNDmANP ,«HI A 1 fU« PAH T if s AND BlHTHOAVS 5CVIDE0 GAMES admission m 6s ilH STRUT PUBLIC MARAT T tUCIBt »M3 14*4 J Macintosh Rental kinko's the copy center 860 K. 13th 1265 Willamette 344-7894 344-3555 Open 24 Honrs Open 7 l)jts BEST FISH & CHIPS IN TOWN Rose & Thistle 398 East 11th Ave Orders to go • 343-2244 Mon-Sat 11AM-9PM Sun 12noon-7PM Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Emerald. / - ^ M