UNIVERSITY Group to examine family housing Problems with student estimates of financial need By Tammy Batey I mera 10 Reporter Assessing finam needs tif family housing apple ants to determine eligibility is one pus sibihty a I'niversity t.isk force is looking at to prevent abuses in subsidized housing The iask fori e Was appointed in March by Housing Director Marjory Ramev bin ause ot (piestions raised over the past several years about vvhethei some family housing residents could aftonl to live elsewhere Ramey said More recently me question ill residents' finam means lias grown more important tie i a Use ol the rei on! lions ing shortage. Kamev said About Mi eligible families re main on the waiting list lor family housing, she said At their Inst meeting April 0 task tori e members reviewed Kurnev s i barge to determine what ko\ issues lo investigate said Ron Tend it k family lions mg direotor anti task foroe i hairman Task forte members det idud lo investigate issues relating to validating actual 1111:11 me I endii k said sue h as having a representative from intern.ition ci 1 servo i's look into I Ilf depart moot S .1 t>l111\ to Verify till.HI i i.iI intorm.ition furnished l>\ international students Kligihilitv .nut need .it• • f.u tors used to determine who yets In \ ,n ant family hoiiniiiy* tint ';somtil irues those issues get .confused ' Tenclii k sail) I ouId we apply a Imam oil test to eligibility as opposed to priority'''' lend ti k asked Students with the most t linin' i lal need should have first pri only It s ddtn nil to apply a test, hilt there are a lot nl good reasons win it should work Also the fin.uvt ial means tests at other universiPos will he studied to see it a similar method i mild he used at the l 'niversity , eildii k aid ( urrentlv tor people to bo ol iyt11>I(• lor fuinflv housing -they must bo lull time shutouts ,unl oitlior bo married ur Inivo the legal i.ustodv ot a i;hi!d Tendit.k said I’riorits is based on the applit ant's ospoi tod in i onto for tin’ next soar this ti naiuaal mturmation is supplied b\ tho apptii ant ho said I atnilios are prioritized based on ,i formula ot iin omo level and number of dependents. Ka mo\ said 1 amilios rvith an in (omobolou llio necessary level to support a given number ot dependents rer eive lust priori Is I'o k»>i on .1 priorils list .in ssilli oin’ dependent in ioI h .1 v e ,i n i in o in e o I SlJ.000 III loss illl .ipplu.llll with Iimi dependents Sit IKK) .ippln .ini ssitli three depen dents Sin lion, .mil .in .ippli i .ml With four dependents S 1 H (Hill \\ lum applying (or f.iinilv housing pi iispi'i I is e students inusi estimate (heir mi ouif tm tin' tollossiivu sear ssltiih iir ates lllttll U It It's espei mils it thus it' from .mother state nr country said line i (tuple (rum kans,is vi hi . applied lui family housing undereslimated their mi mill' alter the husliaml was able to get a vvi*lI pay lug |ob l inin' an- problems ut vab (latum Kami's salil \lsn vv bethel it s legal In fS is t pen |i|c il tln*\ in making loo mm h lllotlrv ( urrently il a unit nt faintly housing vsas tip«*n ami tin- lust jutsiin on tin' waiting list made a million, we would have to house them." Ramey so id U e i e a sell support auxiliary servile If the unit was empty the other Tesulents would have to |iu k up the bill I'lle task ton e w ill release its ret ommeiidations In the end ol spring term Rainey said Catholic lore and legend to be discussed Ml FI l\< I'he Im ulental fee t oimiutlrr spiu ul request* from the (. r a d w a t r Tear hmg f el low federation and f.Mt Budget .»t «» tt) j» rn on Thursdav tn tit* ! Ml Hoard Room Et als (.ollene Kepuhlnuns t.-.r .1 w • meeting in thr 1 Ml Cedar Room i if > tn tonight Men \«RajM* * mwting in 1 Ml ( emir Room 8 it 6 p it* (.olden Ke\ National Honun So< n-tv oitii am • ••' to: i ' ■'•••*■' * ' II: Willamette Hall from *» tutor* top »» 1 aim Ninernan Sup purl Committee Hire!* m 1 Mi led... Kim-.ii l .if • *•• tonight i nivrr«llv 1 immili of M Salvador ( alltolo l ore and legend liiv. UOIIHI al III.' Newman l enter iH:.4I f.merald SI al iukhi Student Man* Kmeiald St at ‘I p m what do t lilted Methodist* Helirvr \ hoot Rapt Uni’ ,i,s. .noun .it !hr Wetlev foundation i. ft* him aid St a! pm I he d.«ii**MU, «* KiHinairiHl by the t ampu* Miiintrv Moslem Student \*s.m latlon pin m KM l' laibin lof approval of the bvi»w» Itanton fUM Kuorn 1 IH t. i tlx* ft Mall the* movie b\ I hr Iluiii4liill<*!t ta*ntrl Mar* t.rrard I Jcpaidiru and ifv Ihr third in thr film >mr* on Krprrwnting KevuluHoii .ttHuii ihr Fmtw h Krvolulion \\ «r and f'rai r" 1'ut 4 1 p m in KtHim 1J > Pm da Mali lhi* film i"> jwrt of Ihr* Ko«*ian I ilm Vnoi and I* iponvornil bv dir I iiivtimIv (fcpdHmpni "I Kuinian Inlrriirflmnal Smun sh.f.’ show iin-M-nirtii uppoftollit ir» jl dir l OlV Smith I’m iIh hy hdfhy P«hj I Mi Udlrnit K.mhii |Hin»4iring * <>n Mutiv a! 4 p m I j nr Mrniofidl Hloml Hank Ihr liaduatr 1rat hmg KpUoto Federation Avriiur and kin. aid To w hedulr an dju.unri t ill '44 OH IJ Pai iIk Northt»rsl ( oinpulrr HiucUhcm f Mt iiailroom from l l a m 4 p if Ihr rv«n| U M’o.norrd hv Ihr ( .imputing VfII M •• nfrrldiII l*1 l 1) KUM tutorial International Iradr Inloi (nation i ■ ..Moil i> in the knight s l ibrary Ikaumetift (krtiftftmmt I r* «**i 2 ‘Ml In 4 ii tn ( l» KUM tutorial Mrdlmr (inrilii irn-1 fjoto to u%r Oh library * i uiiipwfrf i/rd dat abate* to find informal»an m medicine I hr M‘^11111 ts I'l lb*- V Ii:iu #* l ibrary * K« !ro m r A Ira at IU p in t I) RDM Internal INyc lit |p*v» hologv J , tin th »w iftlrfr' m :.-ai .mg tin a (i.itittwitt* to find information m s»*v holo^v 1 j,,. nt n> ih» * night l ■» St hwn r I tufJdtltnf til t W i> m Stud**nl Sriulf (.rirvam r 1 jfolr ' Mdiit |.oM>\ fnmi ■» m ir-.1 f.-, \ .t ( I Mu.I. Ml \ p p I > i n * to I j w School Hork%h«>|) lot ih.M- int.'i«-Mi‘il d»« ..w-riii* thr* trcl mai*>i* amt «.muwi 4ml liwrnitiK tiuw It. loj thf I .S A I the work ■-*! ip i •• in !»* 4 (ir**goii Hill .|| i III |l HI 4lld 1% SJJOMMHr.i > the A. i Umiik \.H emit diol Student Servo i n \oo I t jditioiidl StudcrnU 4fld t.radualr ossmn in KU'/l mho KiLu ( Krnrwablr hii-rip «n Mtrfiu»ti»r to Y \liru lion ■» Studrnt parrots who h<»r ijurslions .iImioI I 111 lit v 4* i Illation ft** illations n MibiuHfittii hi ill* lo I hr i \li s .tr i‘D is ■ ■ ^ fitibhtMlnm H al* tun fhr t harxr H ill Hut It*' utvfih ( .unfitly tiX'imli mui fhi-*w si IhhIhUhI turn, llw fnibhtation ttali' mil I*' kim'ii prior I hr I1 ow'fdtd fivm** thi' light ft* *• CDs and TAPES Buy Sell Trade (Tlusic FlevDluticfi 1217 Alder sv;;,,. HINT: Fill in the missing blanks. 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