Oregon DAILY EMERALD WoJnexlas. April 2-* I V9I l ll^CIK". i Itoiion \ olunu- . Issue I's Courtyard cackling llrt i ,i Dm-is licit). Heidi St hret k ,unl Harbara ktnbrcc note Shakespeare » bntlnkn on I ur>d.t\ In performing the part.s o/ (/)<• f/z/cc u iti lies from the opening s< ones of Mai l>Hh in the l Ml Hree/e wav I’hnlo In Sf.ni I'nslon Court rules in favor of ASUO By Catherine Hawley ASl '(> (‘resident Kirk Hadev at led ml Inn Ins author 11\ when In' investigated a ( ompltimt ut mile tampei 111vr III tile till lilelll.il t ee I omliuttee (he I 'iill.stitlltlOII ( am i t ruled TueMt.n (he rmirl re jetted arguments ut Inrmei IIK Khan 111,III Mike ( tilson. whu Sillil Balle\ s investigation \ in |,lleii the ASt ( ) I (institution and I set utive Kill* s Hut I , 11 sun said Tuesday that the I niistitutiuii l 'mill l aM'iuisimh a lust step and that he would i untin ue he- hid tu t dear Ins name lie also said he would oonlintie to sit mi the il l as a non voting member tin td tile issue Is resolved Ue took a very narrow issue to test the waters on the I oust it u t inis Knurl said ( ulsnn all ASIA) presi dential candidate Ue have some avenues open to Kolsuu said he was elitouraged bv a rei niuiueiida (ion in the i mitts opinion. delivered by justiee Steven Bnggs. that the \SK() adopt rules hir investigating wrongdoing in student government tu protect against abuse Ue wuuld have liked a dilterent null nine." ( ulsnn said Hut "something good has i nine nut of this In arguments heture the court no Mniidav ( ulsnn s legal tounsel Lisa Kalin said the < umplamt ui note tampering hrntight by li t note -laker Lydia hernia in Turn I.. RULING Page 4 KRMA cutting red tape, pushing for mid-summer airing By Carrie Dennett t meiald Repeater The diret tor ot i ampus radio station kKMA said In- can sen a light at the end ot the bureaucrat u tunnel and lie anticipates going on ait in tire middle of Slimmer Station direr tor James lanuarv said kKM \ lias hired its seven member management team completing the in ternal steps necessarv to start tiroad t listing rile managers have redone KKM A s liieident.il l ee Committee budget re quest, which is quite a hit larger than last year's budget lanuarv sard 1 tie t(C approved the request l'nesdav evening The I Ft allot ated $25,Hti I to the sta turn tor next year, which matched tins year s appropriation I he lioard ear marked to k K \ 1A another Sin IHIO in surplus funds that ttie station did not spend this year At tfit* meeting lanuarv said it was d if fit ull to at i Uratelv estimate tile amount of money the fledgling station would need for operations and equip mi nt hoi !■ I all the equipment January said the station is still on the waiting list lor better spat e m the I Ml and is interested in finding any other available i ampus area spai e finding ottii e spate was once a m.i lor obslai h- but kKMA's biggest hui die now is waiting for del isious h\ the f ederal Communications Commission and the Internal Revenue Service Right m «t ni*t|«>nl\ Itt Mill'S ll ill III' Ill’ll I \|ll ll ill .mil M.iv I In Miliv siiuliuls should limig llii'if II) i .inis mid i m u ni li i' i .mis In iiiii' til ni'mmi i .imptis Mil mg liimllis Plus M'.ir mi i .iiiiii.iigii mg u ill tie .iIUhm'i! u it)iiii "ii I li'i'l nl .mi 11 ill 11In ii il ll V\ il 11 ll llll'.lllS sltlill'llls I .111 mil iM.il . i Hi |>.i i u 11 I ii 1111 il is in sin k.'rs u lull i'iling Inside I hr hit himl.il I n* ( mil ni*u ili’i.iih* on i i i«l.i\ u hrthri t«» rrinovr lot hum * I1,111 m,m \!ikr ( olsoit lonn olht t* lot liih }N»S'iljlt' tolr to (in I < I! ? 11 ii ■ it 11 *4 ol lh«* Ml * lUllt'S hum tin* U ( s | mi ! I imrl Si 1“ slot V 1**1 vt*’ 4 io drlmnint' t:l I it \ is «>ih* pt>ssit)iI it \ .i l im »*i m!\ lank loirc is lunkiiiK .if to j»ir\i*nf .ihusi's m subsicli.-i‘ti Sri* slorv. t Sports i1111«* l .iv auaii^h vvriil tm M In hrlp ( )ri ‘4«»n i J I s\\ r«’|» ()r«‘p*n Mali* m a tint'#' Dm k |>l.ivi*rs u ilh ihrce hits hi tin1 i .is t tn’iiun rolled In .1 1J ’ v\ iii Sin• u.is .1 |hmlei I I fur I .uni si iiri'il luu runs in .1 "> I sis nml g.iinc u in Ami,1 Koine inmrd tile hil Ii.11.11ir u illi .( , fur H mid lour Kill idfiirt ! Ii>’ Due ks liuundi'd III Inis mid slolr 10 li isi'. hi Ihf tun 14.mil's Oregon [ilnvs iii'n! .il An /i 111,1 SI.lie nn I 1 id.iv Ini .1 1 onteieni e doiibielieHiler