Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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Megan Cogswell
A student representative should be
acti\ oI\ involved in student affairs
with a sincere concern for student
rights. I am on staff at the Women's
(’enter on campus; through this I have
had the opportunity to network with
other student groups and become
aware of mans prev alent student
matters. I have a double major in
Geography and International Studies,
and am concerned with environmental
issues. I also work at the I’sslmger
equipment room where I come in
contact with a large number of our
diverse student population. Through
volunteering at III I’and interning with
Chicano Affairs, my know ledge ol
under represented students on campus
has broadened.
I feel there is a communication gap
between the I diversity administration
and students. \S ith respect and coop
eralion, ASI’A( can make a difference
for students by getting our concerns in
legrated into the administration’s
agenda. All student concerns deserve
to be heard and we all have a responsi
bilitv to strengthen the voice of the stu
dents. Voting for a progressive camli
dale is a positive step. \ ote Megan
Cogswell for ASPAC (Associated
Student’s Presidential Advisory Conn
cil) and let your voice be heard.
Heather Moore
With so man) concerns in today s
society we are all being pulled in
various directions. I see ASPA( with
so much potential to change the prob
lems that lace us as students today.
We all have one thing in common, the
search for higher knowledge as well as
an understanding of the world we live
in. Only with vast channels of commu
nication will vvc be able to understand
each other's concerns. I want to be
that route for students.
My varied interests keep me in
formed on most issues and involved
w ith making things happen. I am a
v ery approachable anti open minded
person w ith concerns in many areas
and feel everyone’s suggestions and
opinions should bo heard. I want to
listen to anyone w ith any concern they
mas base, no matter boss big or small
I am dedicated to change and ass arc
ness ot issues that apply to us as
students as well as the younger genera
lion. I believe that the President
should he aware ot these issues. I be
future belongs to us. Change will only
occur it we make it happen I can
show you how much change we can do
Jon ()rgnn
I am currently finishing a one seal
appointment on the I Ml Board,
serv mg as ( hair ot the 1 louse ( miiniil
tee ot the I Ml Board I am interested
m continuing ms sets ice to the unis et
sits community and the I Ml . and
with the experience I have I know that
I am capable and qualified to continue
ss ith this position
ke\ in \N . Kilev
I lie I Ml is ,m integral part ol tnil
campus Not onls is it a place to meet
I fiends and study. hut it houses otlu e
spat e tor clubs and set s ices, provides
food sen ice. houses a post ol I ice. and
pros ides areas tot s arious tv pes ol
Nest year, the I Ml Hoard ssill lx*
contronled ss ith seseral important
issues Ioremost among these ssill Iv
dealing ssitli the proposed budget tuts,
it and sslien they take effect. Because
the I Ml and the club and programs
located there help enhance the educa
tional experience, it would lx- unlortu
nate to lose ans ot them due* to budget
As a board member, I would stork
to preserve the EMI as it is now, since
it otters something to almost every
student. Hopefully, by improving
efficiency, budget cuts will not mean
the elimination ot anything currently
offered at the I Ml
l ra\ is (ireen
An elected member ot the EMI
Board must serve as a liason between
1‘iildfm h\ ihf ISll)
students ami organizations that com
pose I he I Ml ami must accept the re
sponsibilits ot making decisions on the
basis of what benefits the I Ml I
have the drive, leadership evperience,
and the organizational skills to lx* an
ellictrve member ot the 1 Ml board
I base worked as a member ot
('< >1 ()KS i ( umpamg < )l I ectures < )n
Racial Sensitiv its I. am a I 1( i (I resh
man Interest ( iroup) leader, and have
held several offices in I’hi Kappa I No
including chairman ol Rush. Scholat
ship, and I’uhlk Relations committees,
and corresponding secretars ( ur
rentls. I'm an intern working in the
Oregon Senate Ma|ont) Oltice.
I believe issues lacing the I Ml .
such as banning smoking, must be
e\ aluatcd thoroughls realisticalls. and
burls I pledge to wotk toward in
creasing the gteeners in the I Ml and
reconligm ing the sks light to create a
mote pleasant and relaxing atmos
I he I Ml Hoard seises as a toun
dation that students and gioups can
tels on and build on I o re.u.h its lull
potential, it must lx* solid and secure
\V ith sour sole, I ss ill ssork hard to lx
a valuable and pioductise part ol that
foundation I would appreciate sout
Jot* (iruhe
\\ h;il docs tlie I Ml Hoard
do? Do you know? Do you care?
Il is ms goal to make-people
care about vs hat the I Ml Board does
Ms main goal as an IMl
Board Member is to gam more student
control over the IMl I he IMl is
supposed to lx1 a student union but I
have found that in the past two years
there are more conferences and con
ventions for people not ot the l 'Diver
sity while student groups often get
overlooked or given less priority, l or
the past two years I have worked in the
ASl () (one as an intern, and one as the
Publications Coordinator). With this
experience, I feel I have gained knowl
edge necessary to understand the red
tape that must be overcome when
dealing with the 1 Diversity and Stu
dent government.
I would support banning
smoking in the IMl
Affirmative Action recruitment
in the IMl as well as IMl Board
control ot what it sells to students are
the two issues I want to affect most.