Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Jennifer Hills/ JoSonja Watson
Leadership and organizing require
e\|>erience ami dedication to student
rights. I tie team ot Jennifer Hills and
JoSonja Watson exemplify strong
leadership. acti\ ism and years ot
e\|K*rienee. Jennifer is the \ ice chair
of the Incidental f ee Committee, and is
on the f Ml board. ASPAC and the
Presidents I ask force forCiay and
I eshian concerns She was also past
director of (i \l \ and on the National
Hoard of l SSA JoSoiqa is also on the
IIC, presently V ice chair ot the Hlack
Women ot Achievement, and very
actise in the Hlack Student l mon In
the past she has worked with the office
ot Multicultural Affairs on issues of
recruitment and retention of Minority
Jennifer and JoSonpi iron I gist give
lip ser\ ice to the issues of chilli care,
campus saletv. coalition building and
access to higher education. They have
a histois ot doing work on these issues.
Jennifer and JoSonja are determined
and committed to gi\ mg all students a
voice m the implementation of Ballot
measure 5. I hey feel that students
should not lx- made to bear the burden
ot tuition increases and program cuts.
I noughis enough!
I lies plan to seek funds from the
state to lower tuition so more students
can have access to higher education,
l'hey w ill also implement a crisis
service to immediately deal with rape
and sexual assault issues Also, they
will create a committee of representa
lives of student organizations to ex
change information and build coali
l or Dedication. Activism,
and I xperience
Bill I S AND WA I S( )\
tor ASl () I sec
Michael (Olson /
Barela\ (Jravson
I Ttectivc leadership requires people
vs iih strong ideas ami experience.
We both have a strong record ot
commitment and service. Mike is the
current Chairperson ot the ASl ()
Incidental l ee Committee. He also
serves in the Oregon Legislature .is an
assistant aide and has worked on the
Residence Hall Governance Commit
tee. I niversitv President’s Advisors
( ouncil (ASPAC1 egislative A:
( ommumtv Relations, and l Diversity
Democrats. Barclay is a member of
the ASl () Incidental Lee Committee.
I-Ml Board and Budget Committee,
and has two years on the I inert ratern 11 >
Council Fwccutive as Treasurer.
I he main responsibility ot the
1 xecutive is to further student empow
erment and increase accessibility to
higher education. This includes utili/
ing our experience and relationship
\s ith the administration, legislature and
student programs to further concerns ot
students. Students cannot continue to
shoulder tuition hikes and surcharges
lor their education. Replacement
revenue sources must tv lapped while
also increasing levels ot financial aid.
Student Services must remain
strong, footnotes. Child Care. Legal
Services. Athletics, and Counseling all
need the continued support ot the
executive. We are committed to
positively addressing campus safety for
women and men, availability, access,
and affordability of child care, and
lower student fees.
for this to be successful, profes
sional, experienced, and open student
government is essential. In the deci
sion making process, all must be heard
including graduate students, members
ot the greek system, students of color,
athletes, student parents, law students,
ami international students.
\\ ith out experience and your
support, student government can make
responsible progressive change.
f\ml Jot h\ tht' VS CO
Scott Dunlap/ Connie Seeley
We are not reactionaries- we are
visionaries. We see:
a campus where ideas are freely
exchanged without fear of ignorant
a campus where our needs and
wants can be provided because admini
stration. the Legislature, and members
o! the community understand the
importance of higher education and see
the students in a positive light;
a campus where we all treat one
another with the respect and support
we deserve not only as students but as
human beings.
I o achieve this \ ision, we see the
issue as being the large amount of
misinfonnation, lack ofcommuniea
non. anil lack of education surrounding
student politics. Through increased
information, strong communication,
and showing each student the power
they hold, we can effectively address
the issues that directly affect the
student body:
Ballot Measure £ and other Legislative
Issues: The students voice should be
heard where it can be most effective.
It is important to show students the
power they hold as students and as
constituents and apply that power to
force legislators, through effective
lobbying, to make higher education a
Campus Safety: Campus lighting and
policy changes are helpful, but educa
tion is the key.
Free rhinking Campus Environmental:
The whole idea of a university is to
provide an environment where ideas
can be freely exchanged. Education
through programs in EORP, New
Student Week, and promoting diverse
events presents a free-thinking campus
Things won’t change until attitudes