19 9 1 VOTER'S GUIDE GENERAL ELECTIONS APRIL 24, 25 RUN-OFF ELECTIONS APRIL 30, MAY 1 YOl ( \\ \ <»I I \l I III SI LOCATIONS • Law Center Quad • In front of the Library • Gilbert & 13th • University & 15th • University & 13th • Carson/Tennis Courts • Dorms (Agate Street) W II.VI N < »l Mil) l() \()l I : • IJO II) Card • Fee Card SaU o ELECTIONS All statements included in the Voter's (litide have been taken verbatim from statements submitted b\ the individual candidates No attempt has been made to edit for content ot grammar The statements in no way reflect an endorsement b\ the ASl < > or the Ida lions Hoard ASUO Ida lions Hoard Anyie Keller. Susie Sotka. Deepa Subramantam, Hum Wiese. (’atherine Yoon Paid for by the ASUO o ELECTIONS