POLITICS State senators shoot it out over gun-control bill Private deals would become illegal By Gerrit Koepping gmeMidConifhuloi SAl.t'M \ political shoot out is brewing in tin' Orison Legislature .is law'makers consul)1! ,i Senate lull that would further restrict in individual's ability to pun base rifles shotguns and handguns The pro-gun lobby is crying foul, claiming the bill Violates compromises that were made in the l'.IH'l legislative session The anti gun lobby is saving this is a new \ ear and pasta nrnpromises ate |ust that past Compromises Two years ago under the leadership of Kep Veia hat/ iI)-Portland)', both sides of the dehate leal lied a i ompro nose that ftei nine the omnibus weapons lull ot lOII'l Ilia! law requires a person to Wait 1 r> day's lor a fiai kground i Tin k to he i otil pleted before pun basing a handgun from a registered dealer Ihe pun baser must lie at least 21 years old, have no felons record and no history of mental illness lo bu\ a rifle or shotgun an individ uni need only lie 18 years old and sign a statement that he or she is neither a con v ii ted felon nor mentally disturlied Ihe proposed hill. Senate Hill hit, would extend regulations Im handguns to all firearm pun bases tighten restru turns on coni ealed weapons permits and forbid firearms purchases between private parties Moreover anyone con V II ted of a misdemeanor involving ale o hoi or drugs would not he allowed to buy a firearm While many politn.il observers don’t believe the Senate hill will win approv al hat/ is presently working to form a (Oil Ilium similar to lllr one sill’ helped brill# together in 1‘IH'I to help the nev\ bill w m approval Hut this time the pro-gun lobby might not be \\ illtng to join Rep |oht! Mmnis. a Portland Hepubli (.ill who helped sponsor the 1'IH‘t bill said he is angered bei .mse Sit ti t I is .1 violation of .1 very dele t'rmii. anti the sheriffs office cannot denv a permit unless the criteria lur obtaining one is not met I lie- bothers Sen Dick Springer I) Portland one of the bill s sponsors I he dei ision made b\ tile last l.egis Iwture to permit thousands of people to obtain 1 out ealed weapons permits v\ ith out demonstrating need tor a concealed weapon was a mistake and we have to 1 orret t that mistake " he said I he proposed bill would require indi viduals applying lor a permit to state why thev need to carry a concealed weapon Ihe sheriff's office1 can rejet I the application based on the reason's merits However the proposed l.iu would give sheriffs too much power over who i.oi ohliiin ,i permit s.iid |ohn I Nit h ids ,i lobbyist for the Oregon State Shooting Assot iation lie saitf the criteria for issuing a |>er mil would vary from county to counts under the proposed law Most legislators are attacking the hill on let hnical grounds, hut the proposed law is also draw ing opposition based on philosophii al grounds " The real price of freedom is risk, saul Rep Hill Dwyer, D-Springfield. who keeps a 45 i aliber pistol in Ills .s,i lem offi< e "Kvery time government takes an element ot risk out ot life or the individual, it also takes a portion of freedom 30% Off Selected Fine Art Paper Arches 88 Silkscreen Arches Cover Lenox 100 Rives Lightweight and Heavyweight Rives BFK Stonehenge Selected Drawing Papers OFFER EFFECTIVE 4/22/91 - 4/27//91 Limited to Stock on Hand • No Further Discounts Apply 13th and Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 BAKER’S PHARMACIES I Prescription Specialists For Over 60 Years Ioos Selected'e PCS Pa*) Ris Ot A Choice tPSGl ■ Toiletries ■ Vitamins & Food Supplements Prescription Delivery || TWO CONVENIENT CAMPUS LOCATIONS 12th AVENUE PHARMACY 677 E12th Physicians & Surgeons Bldg. North 9-5 30 M F 485-8186 HILYARD ST. PHARMACY 1200 Hilyard St. Physicians & Surgeons Bldg. South Across From Sacred Heart Hospital 9-6 30MF 344-9196 Also: DOWNTOWN 128 E. Broadway 344 3234 9 5:30 M-F 9-3:00 Sat.