Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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Colson/Grayson plan to trim budgets, cut fees
ASUO Executive candidates not surprised by criticism
By Catherine Hawley
()l three sets of candidates
running lor ASl'O executive
Mike Colson .mil It.in hi\ C.r.tv
son's In ket h.is been doused In
the most i ontroversy and the
most negative public it\
Colson is i hallenging .in
ASl'O investigation th.it found
him responsible tor altering
notes from an Ini idental l ee
Committee meeting, and he has
stepped down as li t chairman
until the ASt'() ( ^institution
(!ourt makes a ruling
Some students have i om
plained m letters to the Filter
uliI about .1 Colson C.rayson
campaign ad criticizing an
ASl!() sponsored lobbying trip
to Washington. I) ( an ad
th.it spec ifii ally named i am
p.ngn opponent lennifer Hills
However. Colson and Cra\
son said the ad was meant to tie
And at least seven students
who were in KMC Suite 1 two
weeks ago when the Survival
Center held candidate endorse
ment hearings say Colson told
them lie tiad once carried a lire
arm to campus
Colson said tie later regretted
carrying the gun. Survival Cen
ter member Todd llausman
I low ev er. i o j so n loll! th«*
I nirr.ihi Ik- Iuin never ( arried .1
firearm on i amp its lie does say
lie i arried .1 starter n pistol om e
or (wipe for personal rea
('.olsnn .mil (day son said the
criticism dtrei Ifd against their
1 ampaigri in unfounded. the rn
mors exaggerated tl not down
right false I'tiey say the alien
lion has detr.K ted from then
discussion of such issues as
higher edm ation funding 1 am
pus safety and 1 llild ( are
Hut they also say they're not
surprised h\ the 1 rith ism he
1 arise their i ampaign platform
namely their pledge to ( ut
yvaSte and save students money
endangers a mind set that
has prevailed in the ASl'O lor
the past few years
"We’ve asked some tough
(piestious and. yeah, we've
rocked the boat in some areas."
t olson said "And that hasn't
been done lor a long time And
it's made a lot of people Her
"We’ve got control of some
things here." he said "We
need to focus in on what we
ourselves i an do In help our
l’ro|e< ted tuition ini reases in
the wake of ballot Measure 1
put ,i burden on next year's
\Sl t ) I An uliV'e to ( lit U aste
.uni keep student lin ulurit.il
tecs low the candidates said
< aiImiii .uni (.r.i\ son said they
would work with their finance
i nordinator to examine student
group budgets si riitiili/ing ey
el y line item III scan h ot pl.li es
to trim fat
They would also i omputen/e
the ASt'O's accounting system
to ensure more .u ( urate rei
1 isi al responsibility in the
ASI () is the best w ay to earn
stale legislators support m the
I'niversity s lobby for stable
higher education funding (ail
son said
Another component in the
( ailsoii l.ravson campaign is
ai i essihility They said they
y\ant to "tear down the yyalls
An artii it- in Nlomiav’s I'mrruld implied that students who
painted graffiti on a knight l.ibran sidewalk last week were
sponsored In I lie Survival (enter s Am lent forest (iroup AI
though mam of the people who took part in the protest are
members of that group Survival ( enter Dina tor Alexandra
Foote said Mondav that her organization did not sponsor the
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lll'llt l)o(f\
I heir 11rsi. sv mix>1 k stop
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