LETTERS Cruz for IFC I .im w riling in i inn mi of t!n> proi ess w Im h is 11m*ii for endorsing i andidates running for ,i student hods government position I he i redihilits of these endorsements is Imsed on interviews of the i andidates In the |(t/)/'| I ilitori.i! Board l 'nfortunatels . not all of the candidates. im hiding mvself, wen* ( untar ted and inter \ iewed 1 do not feel that a i lear and < omplele dec.ision can lie determined w ithoiit has ing mtei s less eil .ill ol the i an delates Alter talking svifli people Irom the hmcr.ilt! I ssas ill formed that tiles Wanted to in ten less me hut ssere unahle to ■ ontai t me I'hls I < an under stand and I am not Irving to ac (Use anyone ol aits svrongdo ing I low ns nr, I am very a on i erned and therefore I am writ Ill# (ins letter I don't know him to respond' In this issue ovi ept to sa\ I \\,mt In represent everv student on i .unpus fairis and without In,is 1 i are \ er\ niui li alxiut human rights and what is hap peniiig In pur planet I am not nun h of a pnlitu ran lull I want in make a different e livers student shimIti evert Ise their light In vnte tui Mime, ait vv hii is u illim; In listen, and i are " Knliert ( ru/ Ifl i andulate ()ne i ear seat hditnrs noli' Hubert l rtu is the (in/i III or is/ I > /•vein fire t .nuliihite u horn the l iner aid lias un.ihlr lo i onl.it I. am/ therelore u as not inters leit ft! Nerve gas \V dll,111! I ..(skill has a III! Ill tiers e As an II < i ajiilidate (t.iskill proposes In zero fuml H.i\ and lesbian animal rights and abortion groups in the name of a free Ament .1 \|at In- has w ritfen a lettei K >I >1 \pril 1 H| saving he he I let es Mike I olsuns rights have been viol a ted ( ,.isk ill sivs even the most horrible mass murderer and the most gnte some rapist" have rights I’hev apparently have more rights than the groups he plans to v\ ipe outnevt v ear I find it interesting (,uskilI w ould a ome to t olson’s de tense i uni ermng due prtx ess I lie 11 1 II1V est igation tv as baulk a i rtminal rase I he \sl t) investigation i(nl follow the due proi e ;ot tins tinivei sitv as outlined in the I’nivVi s it v I. oust it ut ion live police were: trot, invrilveil no one was ai resfeil (hut It does hi nig Up an mtrrvstinK idtM) Stephrn rhoinas l im- .tils Vote Colson (.1 unn to m hnol here used to nr .1 v\underfill exponent •• ami used to be ( heapei too Depending on your major \ou miw»ht not get yum classes \mi need to graduate in loss than five vears And .even when a student does land a c lass thi‘\ n»*rd it mas just cmv in a » rosvd ed lot turn hall when* the oidv seats art* on tin* floor It svotild stand f*» reason th.it it ur art* pas inv; nunr monrs s\ r should get better senat r Isn t this boss the market works.'* Well s rs r\t ept ,it the 1 'mversitv Ur are indeed pas IHKmole tor loss l iiKjur to out I ms ri sits is tin* posset the student gosrm nii'iit has over a poition of our tuition liill e,n li term i a t*rv term ui' man li into tin* ball room .mil shell out approvi match Slut) tin ti'.ii limn i n-.ts only ituothi'i Sm m buihlinn lees 'll III llt'illlll Celllct tees iiuit Slut) III till i lie lit. 11 I its tvhit li we as students have i on trol over As out ciiut .itioii bet nines * more onpensivo and ext in.on would be stuiieiils iroin .Itteiiiiuiy: this st 111 Mil. It be tomes ini|ier.it!Ve tfi.it Me elei.t strmiv; stintent leaders to the In i nlellt.ll I re ( OlllHllttee .mil most i mport,!lit I \ VS l ( ) | \ei utive to brim; b.u V .illonl.ibili tv I imi .istinu tin v oti- lor . Mike l olson .uni li.in !.i\ (irnv soil tor the president \ It's time ue brought tin.mi lal saints Ii.ii k to t lie 1 III Vet sit \ \ oiii ot lls ,111 .itlol ll to p,l\ mole tol less' K.o I I’oilii Sim ioIiikv TRACK TOWN PIZZA *1.00 OFF MEDIUM PIZZA 484-2799 one coupon pci order Valid in house oi 1)1.1 |VI RY ) IT’S HOT, IT’S FRESH IT’S DELICIOUS. 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