Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Page 20, Image 20

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    The Microcomputer Support Lab presents
Pacific Northwest
Computer Roadshow
Apple • IBM
NeXT • Aldus
Ashton-Tate • Claris
Lotus • Microsoft
Leading Technology
Wednesday, April 24
EMU Ballroom
11 am - 4 pm
University of Oregon
Microcomputer Purchase Plan
vendors and
Oregon manufacturers
currently towing campuses throughout the Willamette Valley
Vendor Representatives • Product Exhibits
Prizes • MIDI Entertainment
11:00 IBM Laptop: A look at die new PS/2 Model
L40SX. Ballroom.
11:30 Electronic Communications: How to use a
micro to exchange information over networks,
electronic mail & more! Gum wood Room.
Claris FileMaker Pro: 1 low would you describe
die ideal database program for your Macintosh?
Come and find out! Ballroom.
12:(X) Microsoft Windows Line: Windows, Word,
Excel, and Powerpoint. See how all diesc fully
integrated packages work together. Maple Room.
12:15 Macintosh Tips & Sound: Learn about many
important Macintosh system tricks and tips, as
well as how to work with sound. Gum wood
12:30 Apple System 7.0: It’s almost here! Preview the
new "mondo cool" system software for the
Macintosh. Ballroom.
1:00 Macintosh/IBM PC Compatibility: How to
move and convert files between IBM PC and
Macintosh computers. Gum wood Room.
1:30 IHM Laptop: Repeat of morning session.
Microsoft System Strategy : Come see where
Microsoft is headed in the ‘90s. Maple Room.
1:45 On-Line L'O Library Catalogs: Access Lite
UO JANUS Library Catalog and oilier catalogs
from your home or office. Gumwood Room.
2:00 Claris FileMaker Fro: Repeat of morning
session. Ballroom.
2:30 DOS & Macintosh Viruses: Find out what
microcomputer viruses are, and how to best
protect yourself from them! Gumwood Room.
3:00 Apple System 7.0: Repeat of morning session.
3:15 Automating WordPerfect with Macros: See
how to use WordPerfect Macros to speed up
your work, make your own macros, anu let you
take control of WordPerfect! Gumwood Room.
See you there!