Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS VlVKll^ A1 1 li-VC. I r4vrt «rl% v% 111 lw hulclrn ihrmmhmil the ( iasvtfir.ls Ihtn month ( hr. k .mu ( l.i^'uhr.t houvr 4tit lot mote .IH41N_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 235 APTS/DUPLEXES 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS!' Alderwood Manor I860 Aldei i and 2 bedroom ymts "om $30* t yj svv#»hjvo • - vv f R| ■ • A Me •*. , • •. AUN and more' Call Don 344 569*' Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 1156 PATTERSON f » .‘plion.ii 1 bedroom apartment -iv i able now No* ->rs tresh pa>-’* shared courtyard private parking$345 Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 1186 Ferry Great stud apartments . t ,»t - wonderful remodeled house a, ties paid' From $250 Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 599 Coburg Rd 1 txjfin apt >itt . ampus New . .epet a >■'. pami Great io< ain-n Qn bust' >■ • • shoppe g Must $ < ** in $200 security dep Bennett Mgmt Co 915 Oak #200 95 W 15th Aparin-,.• .?,»'! it $365 Features covered parking j,c onvemeni location and most utilities Manager 484 5633 Bennett Mgmt Co 915 Oak #200 EVENTS ?3bAPTS/DUPLEXES u l:u. 686 11 JO 240 QUADS Two week* FREF rent •• «<*• .v , ,*t .m,i«uriJ.quarts «e - S. » i- !••, V N . .. . . • : !-• » •. u i 4109 ?45 ROOMS CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP 1851 Ony* St 343 2874 Summer Fell Term* 983 F #rry l ene 532 W 8th Sprmgfietd . V2 S310 ..Spyglass Associates 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Four females needed to rent 5 bdrm house 1 blk to campus furnished 2 bath June 15 Sept 15 1200 ea/mo 485 1041 1 EVENTS Lesbian, Gay and BLsexual Pride Weeks 1991 OO April 20 - A fay 4 Cj si m m i i oi i \ i m s for ii i si) \\ \i*k11 : i • 12 JO-2 JO p.m \ panel «• t jiturnilun In. n" the mass media »nd in lonnriiii'i)' with lesbian*. ga\* ami bisexual* iHen I nula Hoorn) • J:0( i'm i u. iu .i> . ('Ii..; .. iaphi r IX»n Ro " I he kissing Series.’’ 1 hrough ps'wi ftul imager* aiul hluni text. K«> * Kn»k addresses the mu-ri nniuv tedne** of the \IDS epidemu and homophobia, hook** wil he available for salt tUett I imier ll-'ini • 4:00-6:00 p.m “Tht v -.is ind Lesbian Wounded Hcalei Finding thi l ight within the Darkih'x." \ workshop on iiunsiorming our wound* into sourer* of healing K edar Ro**m* IK > • ?r00-10;00 p.m “Dyke* to watch out for \ Night with Some o! hugene's Best t omcdicttno." luiurini- ^II\ Sheklow and others Vn n(Hiiniike segment will follow the scheduled |H-iformei' Si admission bu\* you the s ham e at trips, d>*s»t pn t >, ansi moi» I Ml Ballr»»omi • 10: JO p.m ‘‘lesbians, (>a\* ami Bisexual* and lavs I nl.'t.rmrnt \ representative of the Offisi of I’ublu vafciv vs ill K presenting d edar KiH'ITh IK ) • Don’t forget the "1 urn h In" from l I K' to I .’ is' in the I Ml l ishD-wl Bring vour sjueer gear. v»»ur lumh aiul snur fahutou' selves’ l.serv siav 1 \pril 21 2 Si. same time, same pla»e * 117: 'Hi III HI U I 'HI QL I I II... \\H HI 'HI H \\ IS( ■ \ HAH I van ?5i ROOMMATES WANTED Nu ll b« l|> lx piii^ .< |u|H i I I H >K Jl '('V 11*m 115 ?60 REAL ESTATE Government home* S PRICI REDUCTION on big hill*.He *.» bedroom Greet berbecue c1e* k* vr.lh \ S1* 4 900 00 Drive by .‘«/S Ony. end then cell Cretg fce<» et J44 44S1 V/i/’i #* 1 V«-ut ifrr 11'.’11." REPOSSESSED VA 4 HUD HOMES mM.. *• ,.n :J, .. * ■ |1 a•"!htHil•. 'edit . be * V >u A.i•». ■> SAl / . b4ii>^ot pr... ..*t.r«. ?ao EVENTS JUMP IN!! . OPEN SWIM MEET DIVISIONS Men Women 1 ;>«d INDIVIOUALS/TE AM 1 *«tmni«ri ENTRY DEADLINE April TPM (F orm* available at HIM ofttcoi SWIM MEET : April .‘6 130 6 00PM l niyhton Pool TEAM ENTRY FEE US INDIVIDUAL f ter For more information Contact RIM office x 4113 103 Gerlinger ?ao ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pocket Ptayhou** P»e»*n!» Shakespeare's Birthday April 23. 12 00 2:30 EMU Courtyard Also. 7:30 at the Willamette Street Theatre ?S5 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT a*< ovmt w *• v« *w»> % y ___t^JSBSLBLSA2£ the nasty girl, m*Ai i cu rt‘ s/ *. * oo * «*. MY TWENTIETH CENTURY *•■/■*» ' ' » M*Hl' I ■ ‘ * GRAFFITI bridge **»./•♦» " '0 WOOOT *i l IN I -ALICE * MU Cultural Forum Pr#%*nt% Lunchtime Concerts Weds 4/24 Guitarist Paul Prince EMU Fishbowl Thurs 4/25 Pianist John Atkins EMU Courtyard (Fishbowl il rain) Both Shows 12:30 2:00 PM 1' 1 atjv* M.nmtf ' u»« »r'« Daily Emerald PtX'h«t Playhou** Pra»ant» SWEET N SALTY April 26 A .’/SO0 Rm 10.’ Vitijrij H«il N t a!**- AiJmitlrtKJ S' !. >r .It' " JtMt'f 4 310 SERVICES I HI I HI MOVAl o* unwAoltd abandoned cai» 72t 0C\A l nr* 1 an 1 I alb s »r ii rn *'»»#; ,vi if.* LOST CONTAt r LINS * ' No i HAlNhO.S iHTh M3 i 333 NI 10 FINANCIAL AID’* • , 1 800 S/1 70S! fh« N«* Mjl*7 Mr- A • 1 976 3939 • t j, I ug«n« » htjiinsf p**t, 24 Im \ $1 f»MM. TTI *916 221 2IS4 oil • 1 976 • $1 n-THM TTI *916 ?23 27S4 ill CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 log lunclKMi 5 Hart a ballroom dance? 8 ! argets in quorts 12 Micro wave 13 Actor Chaney t 4 Away Irom the storm 15 Compolor printout 1 7 Network 18 YofcO 19 Block bird 20 Mystery 21 Hasten 22 Small 23 Playwright Brendan 2f> Hunt ng dog 30 Homan journey 31 Table part 32 Major or Minor 33 Model s tole? 35 Curved moldings 36 Old crone 37 they rumble over ho ad 38 Priscilla's John 41 luau garland 42 Truth, in China 45 Amazon estuary 46 Soldier 5 rations 48 Dry and 49 "The Great* ‘ t’ 50 Arab finer 51 Seance sounds 52 Water tester7 53 High tableland DOWN 1 london di .In J 2 Mr tkxisky 3 Pianist Peter 4 (ioal 5 Identical reproduc tion 6 Pueblo Indian 7 ‘ have you — wool?" 8 1 opc oi *Nuw Jack City” 9 Cassini 10 Between alpha and gamma 11 Prophet 16 \ if-.! fratricide 20 Corn unit 21 Shrewd Solution tlm« 27 mtn». Y»»terdjy'» •nsw«r 4 23 business men 22 Joker 23 Lobster eater's nood 24 Airport info 25 f arm layer 26 tvd SfMlil 27 Wrath 28 Japan follower 29 Abyss in ian prim u 31 Pilot's record 34 Proscribe 35 Strong smelling 3 7 Ghostly and scary 38 On (oqurva lent to) 39 Zhivago •. love 40 Dull person 41 f ranch composer 42 Docile 43 Galatea . love 44 Gumbo 46 Cloche or toque 47 Highland headgear '* tMINDCRlAND * GREAT TOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS S^umpn All GAME SWORA Wf,WtU WlTMNlCAElS GAMES ADMISSION M 65 5IH STRUT PUIUC MARKET lUCiRtotl) »4*4 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowff on campus «•* jin -iMi i up»'•*«* b» »■«>» * Check the ODE Classifieds Long Island Ice Tea tor how much? Thursday’s at vdo V Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I wVt • S , l * Cri tl 0> S. v» .iinS h >«** j if* li' ' V 'iW* »\ • A U | •< 'rt'Hi ‘ wiU -Vi ‘ >V HT OUW l * 4AH a . r~\ id wjct A , V Hk\\ M r.M’ ' m :.*oy, u\"+* #k *♦» ’V*A‘ A’ £*£ ME ^ < mim-, .jy' i tto ■ N . H Nt# C.' 11 w. *t 1 *Ki xk MWl K) tdUDft fWW PfcitUlA 1 *1 > If > V. Vi felM9A V*AT, '.iW*, 4. TUI ANTUf *4 Mirr' ■ I i i CUM GT&Hloss fl CLUfc IK THE 0)SMnS ,| ' J T • ^ W. : .I'M 4.1 ;'.v M^oua/! i ^1? N— 2673 Willamette • 484 0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery Till I’AINUNC-S TH( pATf. MAI' MAPI IINUIK .ICEE'S WAKHHjl INf Mf I A WO>4-P i (.* HmiO ACOr'ANCl Hit Of PAIHT ON fAPfU Wt RE P-.H K\l T U)U HU VIEW! RS To Wt LAU INTO THElR Uffc'G E vlTKiiNd. ANP wot si TW£* CXP, THEY saw1 HORRUVt AN|) OvfHClUwl’t-P RtNPU'ONti Of muaanm fxlST£MC£. OlP l AIM S anI> CONGRESSMEN, ClAinainG to PeKOEI/E IMAGES Of PuRnooRa-PHiC PR-ORORT 10*4 IN Uf (’AiNT'NliS SET OUT AT tNi't TO CENSvUt The M.VN B£MtNP THE WORK; UTTlF SoSf’fC'NG That (hen va( RE the naturaluiTiC PRAVMINGS OT ItATJ MCUllN ORCHESTRATI P LH jeee, OEEE GREtv lUTTE-R ANP TI LT CONHAT ONO Uj PVrti l IN HU OUUROWO ANP TUNNELS OE HiS HOME. VIf uoniinuEP I’anmnO in COno*.** uon VArlTH HIS UA1S ANP RESIT.>M>EP TO TYll OU’StCH V*>RiP AMP art CRITICS Ml RIO IAV SahinG, in an oi>i> way, "* S>-?uCt , SO£E , 3Jii€E’’ wiic'ii, |V COURSE , No ONE CJULp UNPER8TANO. vv AtVSMlD 3a VOU'RE T^t . OfslE LEf T. . W\0^t DRAWINGS'. M«.*<£ FlAx£.n*.