Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS Three students milking pilgrimage from AL to OR lot summer muon N»»d apt rooms house etc 2 bdrm prefer settle for 1 We will share or sublet Will lake cere of pels plants etc References available Call Paula or Mall colled (20S) 2S4 8016 105 PERSONALS S1W0IICUMUMI LOOKING FOR A JOB? See Section 220 JftfrosniM C Miirwcissnit uuuui‘T S;,ln* fto/M •*•»••• engmeeri SESySs «OOWMM!tS Ben VOTE DUNLAP SEELEY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE Paul tor h> Scott Durtiap Coon.f* Xfi Then* is still time to support VOTE DUNLAP/SEELEY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE Paul lor by Scott Dunlap Connie Seeley AZ There is still time to Supp.; VOTE DUNL AP'SEEL EY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE Paul to* by Scott Dunlap Lonnie 105 PERSONALS HEY FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES FANTASTIC JOB!1 Th* Fraternity and Sorority grade point average* have been ateedily INCRFASING We are pleated with the increased emphati* placed on ac adermcft Special congratulation* to Fratermtie* t> Highett G P A 3 01 v * Mo»t Improved Sororitie* . . Highett Q P A 3 09 Moil Improved Keep up the GOOD WORK • Mark & Shelley Greek Adviaor* In regard* - ’ * • > A A A VOTE DUNLAP SEELEY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE Ar VOTE OUNLAP/SEElEY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE »'.»••! ' t»y M O'j• •>.»l • ATA VOTE DUNLAP SEELEY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE Dy Sc oil Dunlap i. on-. ,* AT VOTE DUNLAP SEELEY FOR ASUO EXECUTIVE ■ tv, Sr. oil Dun I dp Co nn.« Pd. j )05 PERSONALS Private h*ip ’ • VOTf OUNL AP S! f l f Y FOR ASUO t *f CUTlVf Congratulations Fraternities and Sororities on passing the Joint Social Policy' Thanks to all those who worked to develop and implement the policy Mr MSI VOTI DUNl AC V,l lit FOH ASUO t «t cunvr 105 PERSONALS Planned Parenthood « < •* j-- ,i •. , » ' unbiased l ouineimy . 44 U KAO VO T f OUNl AP SIUIY »or asuo f u cuTivf KE VO Y f OUNl AP M f If V f OR ASUO f Xf t. UTlVf KKF . H| :)uNl AP SI » t l x l OR ASUO t Xf < UTlVf Helpful Tips on Writing Good Ads from the ODE Classified Dept. 1 Most readers are interested in price Let them know what your prices are, and what they'll get for their money 2 Give the readers a good reason to buy your merchandise 3 Ads should encourage the reader to take action This will help close your sale Need help with your ad9 call 346-4343 10b PERSONALS AXQ VO T f- OUNL AP'SifiM f OR ASUO t *t CUTIVI Af VC) T | DON l AP SHUT » OR ASUO I XtCUT-IVt ATO VO T | OUNlAP Still V > OR A'.UO I XI CUTiVI To |ho*e lophitlu j»anpu» l opy C«n|»r Taitboofc Group Dynamic *" II found call Kata 14410’** 115 TYPING SERVICES ■ 14407S9 ROHIN .GHAO SCHOOL APPROVI D ... • . . ■ » • , ... ON AMPUS1 DIAL A TYPIST M3 7777 I «* • Typing M3 IS6*> Riporli O.*t*rl4lion» H«ump*Uh!f.l 11 k ••!>% i *• n 1 a. i )*Tini>m- ' •' I *J111►*. Kciumet \CAROLVN LIg.HU CINOY i Ilflilil ' l'i> V-3 - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCl n'jlNO • •• - -.. uv L a.« :U. .*WXft JV s.#il --*X\. ‘ 4 if to If «TM l»M [ T . a. VB «rv1 *-• ' • vn ] mix i nih Printed text to computer files fs C A NN E R Sj 7474560 s iiomrm *j J4< ki« I Typu>y Service t J 1 • j. 1 I .«•' JO T M| TYPING PRO 64) 3 6066 TYPING UNLIMITED Harber* lend lai«i Pnnl*i 4ftS JJ4.1 f ■' ttrif ■■■ Itienl li-j-ni Ti'r^lre H- «g WORD PROCESSING l m*vi (Hinting $ 1 v » Dim sum / Every / luncheon Sunday/ Special 11 an/ r kt‘il M if/l i am its potatoes ,unl onions $4.50 >rslairs \r\t to l HI () Hook store lr\ our dinner too! CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT U i 28 U I ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS... ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL i t If you believe that all financial institutions arc the same, perhaps vou have not looked into your ( redit Union At U-Lane-O, business is not conducted as usu al Wc offer a unique approach to financial services As a cooperative, members have equal vote and say in the management of the Credit Union I he result is an at fordable and responsible way of providing financial sei vices While financial institutions are not created equal, we happen to believe that all members are ( ome visit U Lane O and let us show you the Credit Union way of doing business Serving 1 of O students and employees. 11th & Ferry 687-2347 NCIIA CIRRUS It’s Travel Time And Now Is The Time To Get Ready With All Maps Now On Sale In The General Book Dept. I timlcO *• > 'li» • «n haul < 4 >h rryi U r .ah' «nG • 13th & Kincaid 346 4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6