Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Page 16, Image 16

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    Car Care with a Conscience
k Porsche
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Mercedes Benz
1975 W. 7th, Eugene • 687-0040
Shibley: Gay unity key to equality
By Gerrit Koeppmg
focm-v: .it -
Although Oregon's gavs ami
lesbians represent .1 broad
range of ha< kgroundsand inter
ests. thev should unite in the
fight against ilisi nmmation
state Kep Gail Shihles told a
crowd in the Hen hinder Kooin
on Moiidav night
'' I he homosexual i omnium
l\ is incredibly diverse, that is
our greatest strength and our
g re .11 es t weakness said
Shihles a DeiiKxra! irom Port
land and the legislature's first
openly leshian lawmaker
"Gays need to unite our 1:0111
munity. nr else our enemies
will follow the old Machiasel
lian du turn of ‘divide and 1 on
quer. ’‘ she said
Shihles one of nine gay nr
leshian state legislators in the
fnited States was invited to
speak on i ampus as part of Gas
and lesbian Pride Weeks
One of the greatest threats to
the gas and lesbian < nmmunits
is political apaths she said
Though she acknowledged
the risks of tie< nrning politu al
Rep. (.ail Shihley
l\ .«live she said Kavs and les
bians don't have the rinhl of
beinn afraid
"Our lives and the lives of
our loved ones and the lives of
our families are at risk she
Education is the most vain
able tool of the kuv and lesbian
(ommunitv in their simple for
equality, she said
"We need to stretch other
people s comfort levels," she
said 'Wr have In orach out
and em.mirage nnr straight al
lies and encourage our families
and friends
Most people are eager to
learn about the gav and lesbian
community Shihlev said
"()nl\ ,1 small fat lion are .ill
hostile foaming at the mouth
hostile ‘' she said
Shihlev said she has seen
signs of improvements for gavs
in the st.ite l or the first time in
years, an omnibus gav rights
bill i urrentlv in the (begun
Senate has a good ( ham e of
passing, although it probablv
won't make it past the Republi
can-dominated House, she
(iov Barbara Roberts testified
on behalf of the bill, the first
time in history that a state gov
ernor testified on behalf of suc h
legislation, she said
f or equal rights to become a
reality , it's vital for the gav and
lesbian community stay united
in its efforts, she said
“We have to realize that we
are in this together.'' Shibfey
said "We can't break up and
pretend that we're whole. "
IFC continues budget hearings
liu idrnlal I re ( ummillM . -1%
j« m in lh« \tl Hojni Room 1 be
J..1 \s k .i :r tw !i'.m <1 iK.ii r
Student I limn Student Hat A»m* latmn
KKMA Si*?«'i ( Pm = k* ! Sun n.il
( r .ter Student ItiMif #i- n! Viet ;irt(nr'«
Student A»mi ution I SSA AS! O ( ti11*1
( nr SulnuU and International Student
A»«m latton
Et als
Studrnl Senate K
Straub »*t b p m
Hie I a»\ Sim irt\
Straub at ? to
Akklepiada ■ > • t i K
from «> li. " p m
Ml 1 Jl .11 »\
Smhiuii C ruler
s|Mtns«its a qiieiluin ami answer vf»iton to?
thuw i ui»*rvfci«*d in I hr < athuln faith at
( hrtftttan M irm r Organi/ation
l Ml < **ntur\ Room h from > to n p m
1% thr larih our mother' tfir ' ; •
lui Konndtahfr dt*« ukMon at p tn in KMI
i rittun Room I) 1 hr meeting o* sponsored
t»v tf»r ration CainpuN Mlnndrs
(•rare t uthr > an (hur«h I
|u«-u-illation b> Marvin Nt hau» from
luthrian Hihlr translator* di%« u»»ing the
I .ula people m f jberla the presentation i*
,it 'pm at i.rair I uthrran Chun h on 18th
A%r and Md\an) Si
Sowhrir In Hide
bombing during thr gulf uaf will h«
shown a! " p m m Room 110 Willamette
Him f%riil ^ sponsored fn thr \o (.uif War
Remediation of t ontaminalrd Sites Do
Mr * t « r t with r a r I h «n»me or
rnjCinrrnng ’ is lh«* ! 'pit In U- «iis«
K I IVtfine t ’< l.A im Know 202
( iiftc «tl«* at 1 »0 p nr This «*wnt is
* pons< >!•'•) b\ I hi* Ik’partimmt of (.eologual
s« icmr
( holrftlrrtil v rmuiifi vs ill fit* offi*r«*il it
jH’opIr vsith l'mvi*r»it\ l<i«Mitlfn ation at I hr
Hrallh I dui alum desk Stuil»*tit Hralth
(Viilrr from ‘t to II to a rn sponsored b\
I hr 1 ifrslvles I'iannm* ProKrati!
I hr Krtl d111) \\ hllr
Mftions of th«* Kussodn ( nil War in l‘*!H
Mill \* shimti at t» 10 P m in Kaom ns
pa< ii i Hall This film t* part of Ihr si-nrs of
lh« Sov ir* ami F ast Kuropran l ilt:. Vlii’v
anil n ftjMiiiftorrd lift I hr l ’llivcfftltv Russian
ami I .ist hufojH’an St mi ir s ( fiitei
( 1) koM I utori*l Siirmr ( Million
i Mill' V
\ '\ / / \
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