SPORTS Bruins grab early lead in Pac-10 golf tourney By Robert Weber Emerald : rl Re; I’l.n ing in ( .illturn 1.1 like weather .mil .mini In thi* dis qualification id ii n A rizoiia player. I 'Cl.A jumped mil to a two-stroke lead in Monday's lirst round ot the Ping I’.u j'fii It) ( ainferem e. Wpinen's (lull Championships at T'.ugehe (iountrv 1 dub The liruins 1 anted .1 four player total ot III!) hut didn't 1 laim top honors until altei the Wildcats’ Susan I’iiiikiiti disqualified tor signing the wrong seorei aril Instead ul shooting a 291) and finishing a shot ahead ot CM \ Arizona carded a 102 -and. ended the din in sei ond place two shots hi' hind the Drums Arizona s Annika Sorenstam a freshman from Stockholm Sweden, loured the usually de mantling Kugene course in two under par 70. good enough for a three stroke cushion over teammate Mette liegeman l 'Cl,A s,1 kiggens and Stan lord's |odi I'iglev in the null vicinal 1 ompetition Sorenstam, the nation s third-ranked player, was pleased with her round and said the nice weather had a lot to do with the low scores "I played well. " Sorenstam said "1 liked the weather and the course. The course is differ ent than were used to hei a use it's narrow and has a lot ot trees.'' Stanford i too) and Arizona State I tOK) .iif in the tturd ami fourth plait' after 18 holes of [> 1.1 \ wh i le the hie.I Din k s rounded out the top live with a lit Washington I t 1 • I l 1st (3211 Oregon State l l.:'ti and Washington State ( 111) round ed out the team scoring Ihe Dm k s ai i om p I is lied what thev set out to do In i ard ing four rounds ui the .'O s Or egon (loath Renee Mai k. sard Senior l.vun Ydneiupto led the I )ut ks' parade with a V n iuii heigh I lornung fired a 78 111 nmi St.ii la S a 111 a 11 a Oregon's top player struggled to a lust round 81 Nothing dropped for me to da\ Yainadn said 1 had no hit k at all Mai k w as surprised In the low si ores hut pleased u itli the performance ol her team, ospe i ia11 \ Yoneinolo I earns shot a lot hotter than I thought thin would. Mar k said M\ team played e\ai tIs the wav sse wanted to hhes were vers i onsistent and hun died the pressure ol playing in front ol people "I.son has played hard golt courses well under ililfit ult sit nations before She's a senioi and this is tier final tourna menl. so she's |ust going to go for il Hargain drafted by 49ers Oregon's Tunv Hurgain was selet led in the eighth round of the \|-1 draft f)\ the San I ran ( isi o -Piers on Monday the set ond and final das of the 12 round draft I he Piers made Harysam tfie 22 1st selection overall, despite the lac t that Hurgain missed virtually his entire senior sen son hei ause of a broken knee iap I largai n. a li foot I I Ho pound flaukei has made .t quit k rt'< every from the injury It lie is fully let ovcn'il. 11 argil in could be a y l.ilile < andiilate to III.ike the 4‘ters roster bei ause of Ills sj/e speed and athlete ability He |oins Oregon quarterback Hill Musgrave. drafted Sunday by the Dallas ( lowboys as the inly I)ui ks selei ted Teacher Education ) Certification In Elementary Education Secondary Education Physical Education Human Development -Gerontology -Counseling -Social Work -Education Ask about our Evening Adult Degree Completion Programs WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE Call 775-4366, ExL 510 2219 SJ£. UHth. Portland, OK 9/21!* Full service, accredited, Christian Liberal Arts College VISIT OUR TABLE IN THE EMU MONDAY, APRIL, 29th PhiiH) bv Mjt k ' Irn Ort'Kitn s Starla ) amaita » hi/ts to thr tilth nrrrn .it hi^cnc i ountrx ( luh tUirinx: Monttax s hrsl nwml ot thr t’.o tit ( ontrrrru r i ha/njoonshif> ) am.nta i an/rit an HI as I )rvi{on timshttl the (tax tout tor tilth .it tit NO DOWNTOWN TRANSFERS NO PARKING HASSLES NO POISONOUS SNAKES Catch LTD *28 and jet directly to or from the U of 0, Hilyard and Amazon Drive Passage is free to all U of 0 students', faculty and staff In fact, you can go on free expeditions anywhere, anytime—free with LTD's Club Express Your U of OLD card is your passport to unlimited adventure! OTHER DIRECT PASSAGE ROUTES TO OR FROM THE U OF 0: #3XEXPRESS fto*l 0*1 i •'* CoOufy Ro*J B*#fcne #11 THURSTON i SpnogMaVU n St #11X EXPRESS Thuf ster to 69^ #21 LCC HARRIS #23X EXPRESS (Fol Modem DoMMi *23 FOX HOLLOW F;)i Modem 0ona<0) »28UOFO HILYARD Amifoo! #31A BAILEY HILL U OF 0 WrvlnoY«HAT«tV< 189)) # 31B CITY VIEW U OF 0 WwtmortiarxiW 'Sit' #31C OAKPATCH U OF 0 rtpwtmoreunrl W l8tf>i #36 MAC COURT WwtmoraiifxlA tStfi Explore your options in your LTD Rider's Digest or call 687-5555 ' 1*9 p0C HuA** ixtimri*