VOTE student Senator. I will he impartial anil understanding. I am very excited to become involved with the university and guarantee my commitment as a student Seat #11- l ndeclared and Music Kdward Beanes No statement received. Jodie Hall I la\ mg gone to l nited States Students Association in Washington DC. through the l 'Diversity. I have become aware of how much voice students have. As a united group, students from universities across the nation lobbied for the Higher luluca tion Act that promotes student rights to a higher education. I enjoyed lx-mg an active participant of that movement and would like to see it continue on our campus. Students need to unite and prove to our legislation and Oregonians that we are serious about our education. We need to lobb\ Washington D.( and also Salem. At the same time, we need to attend to the faculty here at the university. Students have rights, and as a Student Senator I would continue to work tor those rights! St ;H #13-1 inlet lan d and Music \\ eucl\ K. ( urran I lelki. \1y name is WcikI\ I Curran, and I ttouKl like to share ttitli ton ttlit I'm running lor a student senate seat. I currently hold the posi lion of Co 1 )ireetor ot W omen s Resource and Referral. I am also a Co founder ol W omen tor Peace, a nett It formed student group on campus. I (eel that 1 have the experience and commitment to serve on the student senate lor the best interest ot all stu dents. Some areas of concern that I ttoukl like to address while setting in the senate are tuition hikes, program cuts, unwanted sexual behavior, and promote safety of diverse groups on campus. 1 feel that by voting tor me. ton will be represented by someone w ho is committed to sert mg. Seat # 15 - Business Timothy H. MeNees Some ot the responsibilities that a Student Senate member must fulfil during his/her term ot office include: the duty to not only represent the people of their constituent (major) on the studenl/faculty I niversity Senate but to represent all students; the dut\ to serve on at least one Student/ [•acuity Committee; the duty to run the Information and Grievance Center in the I Ml ; the duty to decide on ASl () executive appointments; and the duty to help run the ASl () office. I find the aforementioned to be opportunities rather than duties. It elected to the Student Senate I would have the opportunity to represent a wide range of ideas and concerns from vou. the student body. I feel the Ix'st way tor me to represent you is to make myself available to you by I ) letting you know who I am and where I can be reached. 2) by holding regular of f ice hours so I can be contacted easiK. and G by getting out and talking with you, after all you elected me now I need to make the effort to talk w ith you. VO 11 I l\1 MCM1S SI \ A 11 SHAT #15 Jon Motohiro During my 4 years here at the Iniversity ol Oregon. I have worked with students and faculty Irom diverse backgrounds. I has c held leadership positions with the Asian Pacific American Student l mon and the Hawaii ( tub I have been a live in staff member with l Diversity Housing for two years. 1 am an accessible, hard working student with an interest in helping others. I bring these experi ences. interpersonal skills, and person alily to the Senate. I feel that the Senate can become an even more powerful force of change. 1 look forward to the oppor (units of working with the other mem bers of the Student Senate towards making the l Diversity of Oregon a more diverse community that is under standing of others. Jason Sprague In a school this si/e it is ditti cult to base your voice heard. But the Student Senate is one of the few means available to us as students. I he Student Senate makes decisions regarding school policies, as well as serving as an outlet tor student concerns. 1 feel confident in my ability to make respon sible decisions relating to this univer Pani ft •' h\ iln \ V/ O sit\ . This year I went through the grievance process. I was frustrated by the relatively little accomplished. Next year I want to make filing a grievance a worthwhile action. Please vote for Jason Sprague for Seat #15. 1991 GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT MEASURES BALLOT MEASURE 1. Shall it lx- the offtc tal polls s of the ASl () to advocate to the l <) administration for the establishment of the Institutional Animal ( are and l se ( oninnttee as a permanent I niversitv Student, I as tilts Committee in w hu h a student position vs ill lx- ap|xmited by the ASt () President just as all other student representatives in Student/I acuity Committees .ire appointed in accordance with existing Student ! acultv Committee prtxedures Currenllv the 1 AC CC is a faculty committee which has a student position hut is appointed hs the l t> President HANOI MKASI Rl #2 Shall the Student Incidental Pee lx established at V5 in jxr student per term, (including summei term) to generate approximate Is S2hl. hxi to fund unlimited bus sets ice w itlnn the l ane I ransit Dis trie l Service Area lor all currenllv registered l oft) students lot the l'N| I'J'O lisc.d seat ’ l ass students would pas S ’ M |x-r student per regular semester and $*> in pet student lot summer semes ter l nhmtled bus sets ue means l of () students mas ride arts III) bus anywhere ill I ane < omits as often as desired, hs showing the bus driver a I ot () identification card validated to the current term I nlimilcd bus service would lx' provided between consecutive terms for example a tall term validated l oft) ID sard would lx- good tor riding I ID buses from the first day of tall term classes until the first day ol classes lor winter term: students w tth s alut summer sc Inxrl I ol () ID cards would be permuted to rule I 11) buses until the lust day ot classes tall term, etc Law student identification cards would lx valid on I I D buses beginning the lust day ol semester classes until the lust day ot the next consecutive semester classes BALLOT MKASl RK 3. Shall a pcmiancnl student incidental fee lx established at SO 50 per student per quarter to generate approximate!) S2S 000 to lx- administered bx the AM () to assist in the funding of the I nixcrsitx ot Oregon C ampus Recscling Program ’ I his funding will supplement an> monies piosided trom the I'mscrsilx Administration and resenue generated trom the sale of marketable materials REMEMBER Bring your l'() If). and fee card to the Voting Booth.