Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Page 13, Image 13

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(position nine). l-rom nn past success
tul experiences in I'utul raising over
thousands ot dollars, volunteering, help
vs ith I aster Seals as Master ot (’eremo
nies. attending numerous leadership
conventions, and chairing various
committees and organizations. I have
acquired the leaiiership qualities
necessary to motivate people. I would
like to take this opportunity to leant
more about the needs ot our school.
Much can be improved with the cam
pus. and I would like to take part in
seeing that the concerns ot students are
being met I am a very approachable
person and more than willing to take
the time to listen to ideas and hear
people out. I am aware that problems
with issues will arise, but they also can
ho worked out w ith an optimistic
attitude and much enthusiasm. I want
to take a step forward and help lacili
tale what is going on with our school
and how it w ill or could a fleet each ot
us as a student.
Tom ('hien
Making decisions, getting to the
heart ot the matter and voicing opin
ions are some ot the reasons that
motivate me to run tor ASl O SEN
ATE. It elected, I will lx- reliable and
w ill work hare to do my job well. I he
job ot a senator entails a considerable
amount ot work and a great deal ot re
sponsibility in representing a depart
ment as a whole. I understand this
position demands quality and I w ill !xi
an asset to the senate. One concern in
my mind is the amount ot communica
lion between the students and the
senate. I feel that il more bulletins
were posted say ing where and when to
go to talk about issues, then there
would be more ot a response. I hese
concerns will be brought up to the
senate and solutions can be tound.
resolving these problems. I am run
ning for the senate because I leel that I
am an open minded person who just
cares about fellow students and wants
to help them.
l)a\ id Hand
Currently . I do not think that most
students know what the Student Senate
does. Hus is due to the tact that
students are not able to see how the
Student Senate directly attects them. I
think that this is a dangerous situation.
I he Student Senate is the l Diversity \
direct link its administration and its
students. IU meeting w ith taeullv and
students, the Senate is able to debate
and set l niversity policies \s a result
ot the l niversity \ budget crisis mans
important decisions are going to be
marie in the near future. Without
student involvement in the decision
making process the administration will
make cuts that are based on financial
considerations instead being based on
students concerns and needs.
As a student at the I diversity I fell
the frustration ol being'helpless in the
administration's decision making
process. As a result ol this frustration I
have decided to try to make a diflei
ence at this l diversity by running tor
Student Senate. Il you want someone
who will represent the mainstream
ideas ot the student body then vote for
David Hand for Student Senate seat
Todd Hausman
I Iio l nivcrsity ot Oregon is hecom
mg increasingly closed to voices ot
discontent. I his stands in sharp con
Hast to the ideas ot tree speech and
diversitv that the educational system is
supposed to uphold. Hie student
Senate should serve the interests ot the
student body and not simply accept the
administrative rhetoric as truth. Hie
student Senate is m a position to
facilitate open exchange between
students and the administration, in such
a way that student concerns are at the
core of the decision making pros ess.
Atterall. what would a l Diversity lv
without the presence ot students ’ It is
essential that we become more in
volved m l Diversity politics, other
wise, we will simply become puppets
m the theatrical performance (at times
comic and at others tragic) ot the
Oregon State System ot Higher I duca
tion. In the process, issues that will
affect students of all orientations
continue to be swept under the rug. It
is never too late, however, to hold
l Diversity officials accountable to the
student body and, in fact, we are long
overdue tor an evaluation of their
efforts. The time has come to dis
mantle the existing oligarchic structure
which has pre determined our future
for us and replace it w ith a
Darren l.uvass
I consider niysell an extremely
motivated and enthusiastic individual.
/W/<>r h\ the \Sf (>
no! only as a student, tun as an active
participant in the operations ol tins
university My first year as a student
here, lor example, I sought and ac
quired the positions df hall president
and representative ol Hamilton Com
['lex to the Residence Hall (ioveniance
Committee 1 simultaneously served
under several committees in the resi
deuce system (Diversity Committee,
hood Committee, and Presidents
Council). I earnestly enjoy getting
involved and instigating those changes
vital to the improvement of student
life. As a student senator, I pledge my
most sincere dedication to the respon
sibihties and duties of this position.
ID passing Measure hive, Oregon
voters have assured a difficult job in
the continuation and progression of
propel higher education standard I am
prepared to work as hard as I am able,
and harder, to fashion a feasible solu
tion, regardless of the difficulties
Measure hive has presented and the
restrictions wo now find confronting
us, I he concerns of my constituents
are my own. With this m mind, I am
seeking a seat on the student in an
effort to consummate the ambitions of
my fellow students and to compel
positive improvement in student life.
IVler ()/nliii
I am currently .1 junior al l of().
larch year I have become more inter
ested m the events transpiring around
mysell anti the I diversity. I have
learned the best wav to accomplish an
objective is to do it yourself. I am
currently President ol my organization
and have Ivcome much involved in
university stuilent relationships. My
inspirations to become a student
senator revolve around what is best lor
the students, and I am interested in
receiving a university perspective in
decision making. My concerns lor
student rights motivates me to become
involved with the university.
l or three years I have v iewed the
university process from students point
ol view. I would like to learn and
understand student involved decisions
that the university makes. Be able to
answer questions lor my lellow stu
dents, i.e. Why the tuition increases '
\k hat has the university done to pie
vent alcohol and drug abuse.’ My
intentions are the I airness and 111st 11 k a
lion to the student How evei. al the
same tune I realize the rules are there
for a purpose. I here fore, d elected