VOTE grievance process. Having gone through the* process myself this year. I know how it works, anil I feel more lias to lx- done to make tiling a gries ance as smooth as possible. I am prepared to meet the challenges ol the upcoming year. Please vote lor Stephen Thomas. Seat #1. Seat # 2 - AAA Journalism I year (half term) Brian Hoop M\ interest in running tor Student Senate is to implement a broader base ol multi cultural curriculum require ments to help prepare l () students loi changes m six'let\ as it becomes more and more diversitlieil. ISpecialls with the loss ot Health Studies requirement and growing interest in expanding the existing Race and I thmcitx require men! there are opportunities to expand the general requirements to include health issues, diverisly issues, contem porarx social issues, and world values and cultures in a comprehensive package ot new classes, I will also advocate the return ot Human Dexel opuieni and Performance as well as balneation programs into the curricu lum as well as explore the introduction ot ( ia\ and l esbian Studies, C’hicano Studies, and African American Studies I will advixate for the expansion of Peace Studies. I nvironmental Studies, and Women’s Studies. Punch I*. Moasser Howdy. My name is Punch Moasser "Pooh" as in Winnie the Pooh and “nay" as in what a horse says; "Mow" your lawn, "awe”, "sir"; Punch Moasser. I am a Telecommum cations and I dm (TCP) major (I have a second major. Pnglish). I am running tor a Student Senate seat associated with the Journalism Department. I am currently the Student Senator tor the majors of TCP. THe atre, Speech and Music. Due to the budget cuts, my major's department vs ill lx* dissolved; so the seat I seek, is under the Journalism Department, t here vs ill lx- a lot of negotiating and sdiscussion next year as the transition of department splitting and merging commences. I guess I am suppose to appeal to your emotions by giv ing a bunch of wrongs w ith tins 1 tmersity and then promising 1 will solve all Ihat is pointless The only thing 1 can promise is my leadership, experience. and an open ear and mind. I know the idea of vote the incumbents out is a popular notion still. Yet. I challenge you to educate yourself about all the candidates before you mark ballot. If you want a qualified and dedicated Senator, cast your vote for Puneh I*. Moasser. Seat # 3 - A \ A Journalism Mexandra Koote I have been extensively in volved in campus activities at the l mversitv of Oregon. I have Junior standing after two years of attendance due to Summer I erm and Advanced Placement credit. I ast year my activi ties included driving lot Project Sat eride and working on campus recycling issues with the Survival Center My major accomplishments were to assist the establishment of paper recycling in the domis and to work with the food service to bring the reusable plastic l () mugs to campus to reduce papter cup use. I Ins vear I am the Recycling (oordmator of the Sum al ( enter, and Spring I erm. the Of f ice Coordinator as well. I am also the undergraduate representative of the department of Planning. Public Policy , and manage ment on the Student Adv isory Council to the school of Architecture and Allied Arts. I have also been lobbying is Salem for higher education f unding and recycling bills. 1 coordinated educational events and literature drops for ballot measures #4 and #6 (shut down of Trojan and recycling inilia live) m October of this year. I believe that social and envi ronmental justice starts with the indi vidual, branching outward to include the individual’s commumcty, and growing to encompass the entire world eventually. The UO is a part Seat # 4 - AAA/Journalism 1 year (half term) l isa \1. ( lark In April of 1W1. I was ap pointed to fill a Student Senate Seat, and 1 have realh appreciated the chance to become involved on campus. Alter ha\ ing experienced the Senate. I I'.uJ fot h\ I hi IS/ () know this is something I would like to pursue I enjoy the challenge of solving grievances and look forward to con turning with Senate activities during the next academic year. Voting for Lisa C lark tor Seat #4 w ill gain you an enthusiastic and responsible represen tative on the ASl'O Student Senate. Seat # 5 - Languages/Arts and I,ot ters Interdisciplinary Studies Chad McBride I think we are all a hit over whelmed with the events that have transpired this past year. The War. measure 5, anil so on. have tremendous and profound impacts on our li\cs as students regardless of our stance. I here are a number of campus issues that we face daiK which are sources of con cern Indeed, it seems that many of these student issues, while certainly not tnv ial. get lost in the uproar of acliv ity and the intensity of our lives. As a Senate member I would give much energy m addressing the student issues and concerns at a campus level and also at a community lev el. I am well qualified to represent vou as a fellow student. I am intensely involved with ()SBIK(I in coordinating many student projects To gam greater perspectives ot issues facing young people today 1 an a volunteer at the I ookmg Class Shelter. I am a highly motivated and genuinely concerned student that would like to serve the student interest, furthermore. I would be a strong voice in making sure their concerns are acted upon. We need mobilization and progress; that requires an active stu dent senate, f or an active Senate, vote (’had McBride. Seat # 7 - Languages/Arts and Let ters/Interdisciplinary Studies I)a\ id J. Kimura No statement received. Seat # 9 - Social Sciences/ Sciences Kosmarie ('alderon The direction to which our school follows relies heavih upon its leaders. I would like to have an influence on the decisions of the University for the best interests of the students, and this is whv I am running for Student Senate