VOTE current IK' committee cannot do. Jon Tucker This is a time of change at the University of Oregon. I he effects of Measure > will force students to evaluate their priorities and ask them selves, "What next?" In the coming year, the Incidental l ee Committee must also evaluate its priorities yet maintain the fairness to each orgam/a non that receives the committee's appropriations. Who you vote for on this committee is an important decision, and 1 would like to establish myself as a superior candidate for this position. I am currently chairman of the Residence Hall Governance Committee, which essentially does the same functions as the Incidental l ee Committee, but on a smaller scale. This group administers funds to student groups on campus, and specifically the residence halls I am also a member of two academic honor societies and have served on committees w ith many other campus groups. I have always been active in organi zations I care about, and I feel it s time for me to use my experience and dedication to benefit the university as a whole, and its students. I his next year promises to provide challenges to student leadership, and I want to be a part of it. Vote Jon I ucker tor the Incidental f ee Committee. Jason Wilson The allocation of over 4.5 million dollars is an important job, and as a member of the Incidental l ee ( ommit tee distributing these funds, I would provide unbiased and careful consul eration when allocating these tnciden tal fees. At a time of tightening budg clary belts, apportioning these funds in a fiscally responsible manner is very important, and my dedication in doing so would be unmatched. It is extremely important to me that every dollar ol incidental fees is spent effectively and responsibly . I’articu larly because we students are pay ing for these incidental tees, we want to see them utilized in a productive manner, and I would do my best to make sure that they are. I will work for f iscal responsibility and accounta bility for groups or organizations receiving incidental fees. Getting the most for less out of incidental tees will tv im top prioritv! It elected. I will otter innovative thinking wMile serv mg on the II ( . and I will serve the l Diversity ot Oregon community to the utmost ot my ability I am someone you can trust to allocate incidental tees in a lair and fiscally responsible way . Please \ote tor me, Jason Wilson, lor IK' Member, flunk > ,u IFC 2 YEAR SEAT John (ioodman 1 or mam reasons, the Incidental l ee Committee is going to lace tremendous ehallenges in the upcoming year. VV uti tuition rising sharply, students should be more critical ol where their inciden tal lee dollars are s|X‘tit With their actions under greater scrutiny , the members ol the ll (’ must exercise careful judgement when allocating the a\ a11 aisle funds As a member ol the IK’, I will try to answer this increased pressure trom the student body by making the deci sions ol the II C and each final budget allocation more public. Students have a right to know where every dollar is going and the reasons why because the money the IK' allocates comes di rectiy front the students every term. The* experience I have in dealing with student groups and their funding has prepared me for a position on the IK'. I have worked within the ASl () financial process and I understand its strengths and weaknesses. As a com nuttee member, I will Ik- prepared to use the financial process to the greatest benefit of all student groups. I he students on this campus are fortunate to have the control we do over our inci dental fees. 1 acknowledge the mipor lance of the position and appreciate your vote. Lydia Lerma As the Incidental l ee Committee Secretary I have had the opportunity to work with the current members. This has enabled me to learn the process in which to establish fair budget alloca tions. As a result of the passing of ballot measure 5, next year will Ik- a very difficult year. We have already w it nessed cuts in the budgets of numerous Paid for h\ the ASl I > Muilcnt duns anil organizations. i am sure the following yeai will bring greater difficulties \\ 11h im experience I am prepared to deal with the financial problems we as a l Diversity face. It ejected I will take all factors pertaining to budgets into consideration when deciding on a fair allotment Priscilla Warren I lie students ol the l Diversity o! Oregon enjoy a wide variety ot ser\ ices and programs funded through their student fee dollars each year My concern and commitment towards the .educational, social, cultural and physi cal development ol the \Sl () has led me to seek a 2 year seat on the IK’. \s a student parent. I'm aware ol the importance ot maintaining pro grams like the child care subsidy, which enable students like my sell to attend this university. Ihis is but one ol the many programs worth support mg which promote and enable diver s11\ m our student population; a great many other programs exist also which directly support the well being ol students and enhance the quality ot out educational experiences at the l ol(). With the proposed enrollment cuts, a great deal of skill and maturity will lx* required when determining how to maintain funding ot these programs without compromising quality by stretching fewer fee dollars across the board. I pledge to support the ASl <) by being conscientious and fair in negoti atnig the coming challenges we will lace. I will work hard on campus and at the state level to maintain the fund mg, integrity and diversity of the IJofO’s student funded programs. STUDENT SENATE Seat # 1 - AAA journalism Stephen I homas There are several ways at l niversity of Oregon for one to voice Ins or her opinion, hut very few tor actually inspiring real change. The Student Senate is one ol those lew . I am running tins year to become an active part ol this process. The AAA and Journalism schools are a strong part ol this university, hut an effort has to be* made to maintain this position. Another important aspect ol the Student Senate is it’s work in the