VOTE But those are reall\ derivatives ol the main issue, student control. It should Ire there, but either it is being drained through lack of willingness to dial lenge. or not being used at all. Eric James Homa No Statement Received Jason W. Moore No Statement Received Mark T. Wiener As a host to the University of Oregon Campus the UMl vsas built to serve the student bod) I have been one of the more approachable members of the board for two years, making myself available to the students on an individual level. This was to encour age participation in the decisions that would affect all students utilizing every aspect of the HMl I am cur rentlv sitting on the 1 Ml Board, the 1 N11 Budget Committee, and the ASUO Child Care Task l orce. I am also assisting the IMl Administration as a consultant to the I Ml Food Ner\ ice. Iii the Iasi two years I have only scratched the surface in determining the cause of high costs of operations within the EMU. This next year I plan to explore new marketing strategies through advertising and promotions, in order to provide affordable products and serv ices to the students. This would allow students to trade with the I Ml at reasonable costs while in creasing 1 Ml revenues. With our experience (yours and mine) as well as your support, we can strive to make a positive change that in the future will make a difference. von: mark r. wind r iok emu BOARD!!! Daniel Atchison The University of Oregon student body annually spends 4 million dollars to support a wide variety ot student programs. The Incidental Fee Com mittee (1IC'> is given the responsibility of deciding how much and to who :1 YEAR SEAT these lees go to. This means the IK’ is one of the most important arms ol student government. An IK' member must lx- fair and impartial to all student programs hut at the same time recognize all budgetary constraints. But most of all a member of the IK' must know that they are representing the entire student body, and should take into account the consequences of each decision upon the entire student body. It you want a fair and responsible voice on the IK', who speaks for all the students, VO I I I OK DAN ATCHISON. Robert Cruz The effects of ballot measure 5 are just starting to be fell around the university. Next vear the full rcprocussions of this bill will affect almost ev ery student organization on campus. If elected I will work my hardest to offer fair and honest treatment of all student groups. I especiallv would work dilligently to make sure small and fledgling organi zations siirv iv e the effects of ballot measure .V Sara Dodge In our \oars at the l Diversity ol Oregon, will will s|h‘iuI a great deal ol time in our classes preparing for our futures, but academies is only part ot our preparations. We can take ads an tages of the over 75 ASl () funded or subsidized programs the l of () lias to offer. I liese programs directly and indirectly affect us all. not only in their program goals, but also in their fund ing. Nest year, ssitli tuition increases and enrollment decreases, the issue ol program funding becomes a prominent concern. I Tie Incidental lee Committee distributes student fees to these pro grams and requires ol its members fairness, open-mindedness, flexibility, and responsibility I believe that 1 have those qualities. I am committed to working together with student groups and organizations to allocate lees in a manner that benefits students. As a member of student groups, I value the place they hold on campus, and as a student I know the value of tuition dollars. I feel that through working together, we can both adequately fund student groups and keep student fees moderate. So when you cast your ballot for an IK' one year seat on April Paul for bx the ASl 'O J4 or j>. please vote tot .sara i rouge. Ann Feig No statement received William K. (iaskill He who controls the purse controls all. With that in mind, it is a serious matter w hen any member of a student bod\ politic asks Ins fellows lor that control. You deserve to know where I stand and what I w ill do when elected. This is a time of retrenchment. With fewer students coming to Hugene. we w ill have lower revenues. Obvi ously. not all desires of the student bod\ can be pros ided as they have been. Budget cuts are on their way. I have the courage to both say it and vote for vote for sane and sound ones. I will not take the route of abstaining when leadership is so direly needed. I believe in a society based on the traditional family and individual worth, rights and responsibility. I will be an honorable guardian of the treasury. I ask for your vote. I promise to lx1 a true representative in the money branch of our legislature. William R. (iaskill is someone you can trust, even it you can't agree with his oddball stands! I trust the voters of the ASUO. You will choose right for you will choose (iaskill for IK'. Anthony St umbo With the onset of measure 5 in euiled budget euts, many students at the l'Diversity of Oregon are facing financial hardship. In light of this increased financial hardship, students, especially now, deserve to know how the incidental fee they pay each and every term are spent. The IK' com mittee is directly responsible for determining how the millions, ves millions, of dollars students pay in fees are distributed. The current IFC committee cannot tell us exactly where, and how. the money was spent. I do not have a \ast understanding ol finance. Nor am I a paragon of moral virtue. I can GUARANTEE, however, that I will do whatever is possible to reduce the cost of incidental fees paid by the students of the Univer sity of Oregon. I can GUARANTEE that I will not l ie. Cheat. Steal, Falsify records, or violate the ASUO Constitution in any way. I can also balance a checkbook, something the