Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1991, Image 1

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I ucmI.in \pril 2 - ll><M
I iii’cm- ()rci;on
\ olimu- Issue I *
Pride Week
• 10 to M1 ; > i;I
Panel ut journalisls ills
i;uss in.iss media i nniiei
lions u ith k«i\ s lesbians
,01(1 bisexuals IA1I ’ Hen
bindri Kooin
• j 11 mi riiis.1111111
I lull Koss U ill sign ( opies
ot Ills book 77ir k is.siov
.Senes, ullli b addresses
All)S ,iml homophobia
I'MI' Bi n l.imlei Kooin
• 111 10 |l III I )\ I i s
lo V\ ,tl(.li ()ul I or A
nighl with some ol i n
griii1 s lii’st i ollii’di
I’llties featuring Sally
Shcklim .mil ollieix
( ) J ii ■ 11 llilkr segment lol
lows scheduled peitorm
ers 1 All '■ Ill’ll binder
Room |$.i admission!
I iigene |ioli( i' burnt'
CXpITlh llisHUUllll'tl ,1
i nil 1c explosive tluv hi in
the roof uf U .illoii ( urn
|»lt \ IMlK Mllllll.U .lltl'l
(larrv I )r .1 \ lull, (flirt
lor uf Iho Olfit.r ul I’lllifil
S.lfl'H S.liti flic (lev it ••
11 .is found lit i l’ti\ sit .it
I'l.tnl rniplmri lining
in.iinlrn.mi i • nui k on I fli
rt it 'f Hit- rxplnsivr u its
1111n|hist’ii ul butteries nnd
gun pint <frr but I )i<n tun
s,ii(f lllr (lev U r u unit! nut
Innr i ausrtl sigmlit .int
il,tillage il il li.nl exploit
fill It r Inn r itu sus
pei ts in the i .tsr In- nil
AS1 () j’Hili'lill Him Imn ml
\\ i •< 11 If st i<l\ .mil Thors
d.iv St-\ cm pulling ptiii i^
U ill In’ upCU <i 11 Ml I III I till i
SlM‘ \Sl () \ ol«-i s
(luiilti. Ihiip-s 7-1 4
I ( . I \ llltlk 1 111' 111 si
this 1h.hI in thu woman s
Ping I'ucifii III(lull
(ili.impiunships hold <ii
Kugt'iH* (,i)iiulr\ ( lull
I Iih drums shiil .i too
Monday in lake <i I wti
slioko Iu.hI ovor Arizona
Shh slorv. Pago 1!»
J'huln hv Nmlir K4IHP11
H<m l.i\ (>f ,i\ s nn (frvm Irttl ami \fikr ( olxtn ilrbatr tumhnu issurs it i(h ( nnmr Srrlrs Si 1 tit Dunlap in thr v#*f niul \ S/ () l \rt utn r 1 aiulitlalr drhatr
\ tonda 1 nitthl
Debate focuses on tuition increases
By Daralyn Trappe
fc !•>,•• I ! RutKjIter
I'lie three sets i it AM < 1 I \et
utive i.andidates ntt‘1 Ini a sec
mill debate Monday . taking tin*
u|ipur!umtv lu tpieslinn i'.n h
other mi tuition as well us 11.id*
•in in i asional personal ia 1)
At one point Si ott Dunlap
asked tellow presidential ran
didate Mike t ulsiui it p.ua
noia is an elleitive leadeisliip
I don't like In think of ItiV
sell as a paranoid person. ( ol
son said I am worried ahout
student tees, d you want to . all
that paranoid
i olsoii is i uirentlv disputing
,,ti \St t) investigation that
found him responsible tor alter
nig the minutes ot an Ini tden
tal I ee (lomill it tee meet tug
( olsoii an II I melliher has de
nied the i bulges alld tiled a
i umpluint with the luinstilu
t it in ( ourl
I he i andulates spent most nt
the evening i|uestuining eai h
utliiT about lim\ tu keep stu
drill tees hum mi leasing
| uSoti ja W a I sun a v 11 e
presidential i andidale running
with |**1111i' Bills asked t.ul
son ithow' ...isl statement that
he wanted In < ill itu idelital lees
In Ml pert ent Watson wanted
In know what groups or srr
VII es '.M ill 111 be I lit
( iilsim said llli)iie\ i mild lie
saved through belter money
manage! lent in the \SI () and
by looking at eai h group s
budget with a zero based
budget mentalitv , lather then
assuming ear h group deserves
at least w hat it got last year
Bills arid Watson responded
In sav mg they don't belun e
such dr.istn i ills are le.isible it
die • Ulleiit serv n es ale to lie
maintained Hut thin said it is
important to i loselv examine
the budgets ol the athlete de
partinenl and the I Ml Watson
said she would work with
groups to help them make the
f'fwilii tt\ \ml»r K.imrii
JoSun i*i W.itson .in d Ivnnitrr Hills runnim; Ini is / () s nr prvsidrnt ann
fiirsnlrnt rrsfitu h\vl\ sfiruk out *it Mnml.n s drh.itr
musl nl lln'M minif\
( (llsilll .iskl'li I )ll 111.11 > .mil Ills
rtuiniiiH iii.itr < iin 11!#• S(‘i‘lf\ il
I h ti \ vv o u I il s u p |i o t I a
■ inistittitiiiii.il ,mi«-n<Iiin• iit liin
itili(4 mi iilrlltill Iff imi ri .iscs In
■ i maximum n( t pen ml i'.n h
ye.ti Stmli'iils nim pay aliuut
$1111) jut 11-r ill in i nr ill t'ltl a I
\ S i pel lei m I lit tease u mil
jinn1 students out oI .in e d u t a
turn Seelrv said, hut a S.'liu tu
ition tlit tease \\ d! I o« using at
tenlton uii the sun hatge is nn
jjr u t.mt she -an I < n| i rn I e
spnnded that ini nientai let* tu
i iea-.es ate important and that
thev ha\ e gone up pen cut
in the last tom veu\ ■
Court hears arguments on investigation
By Rene DeCair
t • ■ h.t
Ini nli'iil.il I n ( iimmitlfi’ inembti Mike
Colson was "harmed bv an investigation
conducted li\ Itti> \st () Executive whit li
ilnl not inni* the authority to investigate II (
w rongdoings. said legal t ounsr! at a ASI ()
Constitution Court hearing Monday
Speaking on liehall of Colson also an
ASIA) presidential candidate atlurne\ lasa
(,allo s.ud the investigation i mild have been
handled h\ other I 'niversitv groups and that
Colson was singled out lor .1 biased investi
Mr Colson did not have the opportunity
oiilront his ui 1 users (.alio said
After the ASCI) laei nine investigation
President kirk Hailey com luded on April !
that Colson ua> responsible (or tampering
with the |an it 11 1 meeting's minutes
The t ourt did not real h .1 verdii t M0nd.1v
evening on whether the ASIA) bad tbe an
thority to condui t the investigation It is
ex per ted to del ide toilav
I In i uurt hearing was nearls postponed
whin it was In,irni’d I li.it < udxon had
brought legal t ounsel
Italics said In' felt In1 should not be
iii.iili- to go up against a traim-d attorncs,
uhilr t Millo said t olsoii s !ai k of tinu* to
prepare lor tin- hearing was pri’iudii nil
and warranted legal < ounsel
‘Mr. Colson did not have the
opportunity to confront his
-Lisa (lallo
\lter deliberating whether Callus pres
enoe was unfair to llailiw the court ion
eluded that with ANl () elei lions two (lavs
ass ns. it would he wise to settle the matter
as (|iii( k 1 \ as possible
Hailes idled sections of the ASl'O I'.xei u
live Hull’s and the ASl’O Constitution as
proof that tin* Cmsei-uts ■ '*u*( ii!i\r hoc .
has ihf power to ( niitlui I an ms cstigntiori
(olsOMS ( OUllMlI responded ill.it miller
executive rules the i omplnrut should haw
been handled bs the \SI () Mediation I’m
gram lhe Sludeiil \ds rsors Hoard or tin
A SI '() programs i.ooidinntor
Hid Hadev said none of the alternatives
were options her ause the mediation pro
grant handles internal gran .ones whu h
Hailes alleged was not tin' nature ol (ail
son's situation Hades said the SAII could
not handle the investigation bet ause it was
not an ai tl\e group at tile time
Kurtlieriuore Hailes (lalined the ASI’O
programs coordinator. Killian Anderson
could not look into the matter because of a
( (inflict ol interest Anderson is an organi/
er ol the Coke hovi ott and signed the infor
mnl i oiTipl.iitit that Hint k Student t 'nion i o
Direr tor fair W ard brought before the If t
on |an 11