BRUINS Continued from Page 7 •mil getting two RBI I lowevei I ernandez s ( ause didn't need much aid as the I'( I A sophomore gave up onh one hit a single to Mamie Me Call "Today we went against two of the best piti hers in the i min tr\ Drown said ol 1 ernande/ and Compton Number one and two. i think I ( I A wasn t the only first ranked team the Dinks had to fate this weekend Portland State the top ranked team in Division II swept Oregon in a doubleheader in Portland on Saturday . i and t, , Brown said those two losses uill likely keep Oregon fnim returning to the \( A A Region uls When .i l)n ision II te.un he.its you two in ,i rnv\ it shows youi mi onsistent;v We re not going anywhere.’ UroHii s.iul I'm not being pessimistic I'm heiug re,ills He " TRACK Continued from Page 8 nio Relays mcr lilt* wet'ki'inl in Walnut. t .tilt with Imth licrtornimg vers writ I list.un i' riimirr I’at Haller set .1 I’K ami autumalii ally (|ua!tfiril fnt tin' \( \ \ meet w i I li a t i in i' 1) t> I w c e n 11 I"» I I 41' I)i>llitiKt>r Nil11j III' illlltl t have the ilffil |n| tnut' hut ili.i know Haller w i'll I under tin- automate standard ot I I ill |a\ i-lin thrower Paula Her r\ w .in s«M mill in the w orn '-'I n lavelin throw Siinila\ W itll .1 IlINN of 1 'H 1 Daily tmerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4342 $ufif A«*f Happy 21st Birthday! iHi tony’ Have A Good Day. See You Tonight!! Amy (Julte Ann*). Amy & The Gang Troop. FB. Chewie Brapster Captain Crunchberry I Love You* XU Welcome to our newest pledge Jen W We love you' HEY FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES FANTASTIC JOB1! The fraternity and Sorority grad* point «v»iag« South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 v uu Student rates Near Campus School_ mmfatmrr of omon of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave n CHARLES DOWD (Classical Marimba • Faculty Artist Series "A Tribute to the Sculptures of Auguste Rodm' Monday, April 22 8 p m. (Room 198) $4 General Admission $2 Students / Seniors 0 PACIFIC RIM GAMELON » Indonesian Orchestra Special Event Tues., April 23 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students/' Seniors n JAZZ COMBOS I (r) Student Ensembles f' Thurs, April 25 8 p.m. FREE Admission For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) The Microcomputer Support [xib presents Pacific Northwest Computer Roadshow Apple • IBM • NeXT Claris • Aldus Microsoft • Lotus Supra • and others... ♦ Presentations ♦ Product exhibits ♦ Prizes ♦ Vendor Representati currently touring campuses throughout the Willamette Valley April 24, 1991 • 1 lam - 4pm • EMU Ballroom