SPORTS Track teams split against WSU By Ashley Conklin Emerald Spoils Ediloi The (Jregon men's tr.u k team suffered its worst dual meet loss ever Saturday when Washington State in flu ted a 11 1 Wl defeat oil the I lie ks "I've said this before that records are made to be bro ken ” (Iregon (ioat h Hill Del linger said 'HopefuiK Ibis record isn't beaten for a long time One reason for Dellingers optimism was that Oregon at tualK performed pretts well The Ducks' -tx 10(1 meter relav le.irn of Devon Hoses Mike Mi < Hendon Hob (ira\ and Ronnie Harris finished sei ond to the I aiugars hut set .i nexx m !hk)I record of Id HO, treating tlic 10-vear old re cord of to H4 “Our gu x s ran prett v well " Dellinger said "The meet xxas closer than the sr egon posted an easy .7*1 S7 win over W ashington State "We wanted to get the win with a minimal effort." (Ire gan < :<)«(.h I om Hr jnonen said. Although the I tin ks didn't load up. the\ had several good marks espw iallv from I. ii ( \ N u s ra I a and lisa harnopp, who went 1 2. re spe< livek in the 1 TOO me ters over the ( oilers' Llii/a DoNascirnento The I)u( ks also had I 2 fin ishes in the high lump and long jump and swept the top three spots in the i (100 me ters Oregon also got a I’K and a win from Karen Wiedmann in the 4(H) hurdles her firsi ever i oilege vii ton Mt. SA( Relays Oregon also had tv\n athletes i.ompel mg in the Mount San Auto Turn to TRACK Page 9 Duck women golfers to host Pac-10 tourney By Robert Weber f Spoil*; Hepoitei Sunshine. short rough and rounds in the low 70s at < nurses .ill over California and Arizona are out In are unpre dietable spring weather, ankle deep rough and si ores in the high 70s to low HOs at one of the Northwest's toughest golf ( nurses The latter is a brief descrip tion of what is expected at the fifth annual I’acifit It) Confer enc.e women's golf champion ships, running todav through Wednesdav at the a.UOO yard Kugene (Country ( Hub l .ugene (lountry < !lub is an im red ible i nurse '' Oregon Coach Kenee Mack said It s in great shape The rough's deep the fairwais are iliunat u CALL FOR ENTRIES PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST EXPLANATION April 22 - May 25 Hie I () Bookstore Is spoil seringa photo contest with this theme: THE BEST OF TIMES" Show us the tx-st times you have with your friends by photographing what you do when you are .ill together Whether It is Spring Break or a night out on the town, we want to sit what you do for lun! ('.teat Prizes will be offered, and your entry photos will be displayed In the store Hie winners will lx- person ally notified, and their names posted In the lobby of the Bookstore, as well as announced In the Oregon Dally Emerald on May :H. 1991 Have lots of fun with this and Good I tick! There will tx- exciting prizes awarded to four lucky winners: our People's Choice prize winner will be chosen by you the people! First Prize A .JVC Compact Disc Player (Value $300) Second Prize $200 in cash Third Prize (ilympus Infinity Twin Camera (Value $ 1 HO) People's Choice Free processing lor :>2 rolls ol film (enough for each week of the year). RULES • lull entries per prison • Ail photos must have t>ecn taken since Mai 1 1990 • No professional (a person whose principal living Is made by taking pictures) may enter • Sl/e of photo (total print or matte si/e) Maximum: 11x14 Minimum: 5x7 • Color prints only • Judging will be done bv Qualex, Inc . the t 'O Journalism Dept . and local prolessionals outside of the UO Bookstore lire judges will not be aware of who submitted anv entry. DEADLINES I 'hr duration ol the Photo ( ’oiliest will be April 22 - May 25 • All photo entries must be received at the photo department ol the l O I looks tote (near the bai k o| the mam floor) no later than May 25 • <^n the bark ol your enti tes you must print very clearly: (1) Your name (2) Your address (3) The title ol yout print (4) Ihe type ol camera lens and Him nsr-d (if possible) • People s Choice'' voting will take place within the store May 1 1 25 • Prints must lx- picked up by June 8, 1991. UO BOOKSTORE I 'm 4 Klr.uiO 1 MI7J04U’ , SAl MIAtt) ncut-uu late arid the greens will be readv bv Monday Typical Oregon spring weather combined with the course s deceptive length will cause Mines to balloon. Mack said And Mai k should know what she's talking about her squad has placed the Kugene course twice a week situ e Sep tember "On paper it doesn't look long, but it is because you don't get a lot of roll here like vou do in Arizona or Califor nia Mat k said " year it took a team average of 7.1 or 74 to v\ in, this year it will proha blv be around 7H "People will be hitting long irons and woods into the par fours and the long rough will fori e them to i hip out and then go tor the green Three of the nation's top six teams will compete in the tour namcnt led bv second-ranked Arizona which has won six ot its nine tournaments this sea son 1(1.A and Arizona will i nine in and be very tough Mar k said "Stanford will be right up there and after that a lot of teams will battle for fourth, fifth and sixth plat e favorites for individual lion ors ini lude Arizona State's him Millies. I'CI A's l.isa higgens a ml a pa i r of Ui tdcats i n Annikn Sorestam and Mutter 1 lageman I'CI.A collected its first con terence title last year, charging Iriiin behind during the final round to overcome Arizona by one shot and Arizona State bv two strokes at the Stanford < aril ('.ourse The Sun Devils Brandie Hut ton captured medalist honors last year with a five under par 2 14 Burton the collegiate player of the year last season as a freshman, won't be back to defend her title as she is now play mg on the l.Pl >A cm uit The I Jut ks sixth pl.u e per formant e in last year's lourna merit was the highest finish m (Jregon history vet Mack be lieves her team's strong play lately has put them in a posi turn to improve on that mark "We are very ready, she said "We had our best three day total at ASt' and have been playing very consistent Oregon's success may de pend on whether junior Star la Yamaii.i can continue her solid play Yamada who enters the championships with an 80.5 Storing average Is fresh oil her lust tournament win at the Ore gun State Inv national "Starla is playing great." Mack said "Her short game has improved and that's why she’s play mg so w ell T h e lourna m mil gets underway with Arizona State. CSC and Washington State tee ing off at 8 10 a m Admission is free I I Save some mnnevl! money!! i coupons. / G sc ODE