Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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Huskies top Ducks in tennis duals
By Robert Weber
Freer aid Sports Reporter
Oregon mav be inching i his
or to Washington in women's
tennis, blit the Huskies proved
the\ still ovvn the l’.i< ifi< 111
Northern Division .itter sweep
mg Oregon and Washington
Stale to win the r onfereni e's
dual meet tournament
Washington (Hi 7) wrapped
up its seventh consol utive con
fereni e ( mu n with an H I Sun
day morning win over the host
Ihuks Oregon blanked Wash
ington State O il on Iriday and
tmished the season at ] "i ft m
i hiding w ins in si\ of then last
seven outings
"This was probably the best
mati h yy e've play ed .ill sea
son.'' Oregon (loach Tom
Oreider said .of the Oregon
Washington clash "livery
match was tight
"Ur n- making progress t>ut
we n1 still about two or three
plasers short of .when* thrs
junior M,ir\ K*• 111y 1«-<1 the
Husks assault defeating Ore
foil's Hilary Roberts |t> »>-_•!
at first smiles and rumbinmg
s\ 11h teammate ('intis ()f**j.ir for
a 7 ">. ii 1 ss in at lirst doubles
Suhdas s matt Ii marked the
end of Rolierts four s ear i aren
1 'm liapps ss ith the ss as I
plased todas especially doll
hies Roberts said Singles
ssas good but doubles ss as a lot
ot fun
Despite losing the mail h.
Roberts and teammate krisss
Harger played some of the best
tennis ot I lie s eai in the \n 1
doubles mall h 1 lies : led i (I
and i t in the tirst set before
tailing to the stronger pan tmm
U ashington
l ire (list lour games ot that
doubles 111,III h was the best I Vi*
ever seen ,il tile college level
I Ireider s.inl I liav e nev er
seen one it i, >n .uni intensify like
I (ini in those first live or si\
I resliman Katie (llvnn col
lei ted Oregon s lone viitorv on
Sunday In dusting Washing
ton's Hoc k\ t lavtnn (> t> 1 at
filth singles l ire vv i n w as
(dv mi's second against a W ash
ington opponent this season
It was gloat to see her plav
w ell; < .renter sand of (,l\ nn
I hope to he able to look tor
W ard to three more wars of that
tv pe oi plav
Oregon's u o win over Wash
ington Mate oil 1 rid.iv wasn't
as easy as it sounds as the
ddlH k- were pushed to three
sets four times bv the ( lougars
I wasn't very happy about
how vv e played against Wash
ington State (Irender said
Bruin pitchers stop
Oregon in twinbill
By Jake Berg
t.m*>r j ,) ,p< :f ? Vj>.ft*
To M or*1 uni' must got on
Imm' ,niil (hi'gmi s sntlh.ill
tiMtn did l.lll,' lit ritlvi'r in
two liism's to I t I \ lit Howe
I H'lii Sunil.i\ .1111-rmiiin
In tin- J it .uni ' o lussi's to
tin- tu[i rankl'd Hiuitis onlv
Iiv•• (hi'gon j11.1 \ rrs w it i'
. 11 >11 • III { 1 '.II tl ll.isr I 111' ill'
jisits ill'll.ili'il ( )ri■ hiin s o'
i uni in 1*1 I ovi'rall
It mhi i .hi got two in
tlllt'i' tills against I Ill's,' kills
you ru ilmug .i good jflti.
(krogun (loai Ii I .mu Itnm n
siiiil nt llu- 1 hit ks tor i i
I'tlorl .il tin' pluto
III I III' til St llinll'sl lulll*
( liiv.ilitiUK.ll > hunt up the
first Imsi- Imr ill tin- m'vfilth
mmiu: hrukf up .1 nu hit bill
b\ Bruins' piti.hrr 1 ir.ithfi
( 11 111 pi i u 1
(It tin- sr\ fii 1(1 A runs
ms lu'ii' isitni'il In (fri'Kiui
til'shm.m pili her K.u lifllf
I ,i\ lpi u Ikisi' rri nrii It'll In
•1 U
I ('linn fri'slinniii piti 111 • 1
N.il.ish.i Dumiiski t.irt'il lift
li-r lli.111 lii'i limin.il** .il
loiviiiK mill ihift' ismu'll
runs hi I In- sis mill Kiimt- hut
I Ilf l*Itl I I ('suit 11 .IS till' s.lllll'
,is 1(1 \ pin hnr l.isa I fi
11.null'/ hflpi'tl mil lift mi u
1 .him- IhIIuik tun tm thrui*
T urn m BRUINS f Mi).- 9
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I .n i ii .mil IiI.i/ih"-mi I■ 1111 ji.ij><-r- mil
1. 111 I r | M II t - I In I HM l’> tl.l- wll.ll Mill IH i ll
iti ! \iiu lliriiiiyli mmii willk .11ill min '|irm”,
II ll.l- | »l I 'll 1.1 • ||’11 I ill M.ll I ill.II II III Mill ' I* .ill
mi|ii'"iM |M|n rs. Mr,i|ilin - .mil 'jut.HI^11* ' i- m
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IimiI- liki ,i imlrfi.ilI. i .ili liil.H .mil i .inllili I ’lli -
il - i \|i.mil,ilil. mi 11 i .m "riiw .ilimt: mill Mill
l l,. HIM li-r-Mul >%.l.-m - lui'.ill tin
.il .i ~ii|ni 'lmii nl pi ii i ‘ .uni .illiinl.ilil' In.hi (i.ii
mi ni- mill IIh- I MM I’Vj I mil Inf I • .mimt:
\ml mi .1 i||H« i* nl im»l« urn < .in Ir.iM'lorm
\ « Mil I I > \ I |N J \s it I I \| |( f O ( ll.ll II H I IMt*» .in
i \i it ii 1*1 mill' 111.1 k« i w i (11 11 it KoI.iihI I I* k i< »|*
Mu i« -i* in
N i •*! I -• HIM I fillip
ili.ii will I»«*1 j» sou i
11II oil jjl I SIMM SMilk .Mill
Milo I In 'Mil \ III I .ill
'|»rillp ilk* I It* I li\t
I J W.| ' III.nl' tof
• mi \ 'Iml' iil Im HIn
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