UNIVERSITY Brand says lottery offers last hope By Jake Berg Emorald R'©pofi©f file Sports ,\i tion loiters game is tin- List ras ol hope tni thi't niversits At hi ft if I lepartmont s lullin' needs Cnisorsits President Myles Brand said I ridas Brand appt'.irt'd with Cniversits Athletit Dirt'i tor Bill Byrne I ridas at a Ktigene Area Chamber ol Common e luncheon. hoping to tall attontion to tho financial plight of the Cniversits and the Athlete Department Spot ifh alls . Brand named the Sports Action loiters yamc as the lone possible savior of inter t ol ley la I e athlete s m ( iregon Mooes raised from the game is supposed to go toward athletit s at all ol the state's colleges anti universities hut he cause ol a rule directing the (loss ol this monos onls a small amount has reat her) the athletit funds at Oregon's schools "lloss are svo going to fund these sports in the future:'" Brand asked the crowd ol about 'll I onls see one ray of hope, and that ras ol hope is sports hitters "Without it. I don’t know ss hat sse'd do. but I hope I never face that in the future The hitters has come under heavy tire tec entls from the Ml, ini hiding an appeerant n in Salem In \l l. ( annmissioner Paul Tagliabue. who asked thr I .eg i slat lire to do away with thi> lottery I fee I we re hieing up hv other inti rests, Hr.ind said of Sports \c lion's opponents Oregon and Oregon State are the mill I’.u ifii It) ( 'otderente si hoofs that do not rereive fill.ill i i.d support from state government Byrne predii ted major i uts in the .Athletii IV partment it aid was not rei eived soon and those i uts would probably affect the si hool s 1 non revenue sports Only football and men s basketball are i onsid ered revenue sports and the other 1- sports whu h cost $4 million to run eai h year only gen erate S I til III III We're at the point where it we doll t get some help soon we re going to have to make some i uts that are pretty drastii Byrne said "We're at the end of our rope He added as an example the i ase where Wash ingtim State l iuversity was fori ed to make iiits in non revenue sports programs and was t onse i|uenflv sued by the women s athletii department for not providing equal 'opportunity to women athletes I'he legal actions were based on grounds that Washington State must provide an equal amount ol sports for men as they-do. women, and the i use was ruled in favor of the women s athletii depart merit ASUO Continued from Page 3 increase the nttmbei ot regts lered student voters Ciimpus safetv is another is sue Hills Watson intend to fix us on it ele< ted ' It has to he more than just lights '' Watson said I lie c andidates said they w ill push for ni^tht ( lasses to be moved to ■! centralized loca tinu, pussibK alonK 1 ttli Ave nue will) incre.ised patrols I>\ the ()ffii e ul l’uhlu S.itet\ They said c ampus safetv is not only about sexual assault and that hate i rimes also need to lie dealt \\ itil U c Id move Iowan! an ■iii'ii of respiu I Hills said "Ui■ will not always agrot* with imi h othci but that ilmrsn'l mean uc havr In turn In vio lulu i> \\ lull |m*i>|>l«• s attitudes remain utuhanged. their he ha v tor he at f**« I ml she said V It’s Travel Time And Now Ls The Time To Get Ready With All Maps Now On Sale In The General Book Dept. (United «•' 't<* k ‘ < haul (ash re^.vtrr ^Irs .*dv • 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 Teacher Education W Certification In Elementary Education Secondary Education Physical Education Human Development -Gerontology -Counseling Social Work Education Ask about our Evening Adult Degree Completion Programs WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE Call 775-4366, Ext. 510 2219 S.K. tiHtlv. Portland, OK 9721!. Full service, accredited, Christian Liberal Arts College VISIT OIJK TABLE IN THE EMU MONDAY. APRIL , 29th '-\ SPRING DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS , LUBE, OIL & j FILTER • • Chassis l ut < I • U | ' f :! new oil ■ • New Firestone oil filter j s16" ( AMS MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS 6 CYL 8CYL $‘,9 99 $69 99 plug s set tim ' Visual inspec Nca upper mg* and idle (ion of filter PCV PGR vaiv and fluid level belts wipers hoses lights ALIGNMENT SERVICE ! Front Wheel s24 99 [ Thrust I 4-Wheel ! , ,v it f i ’ i M ' * » M •’ ' » tA4l V If, l‘WI . , halt {•! All i .vi a 4 *M««' S A99 • a '■ nt»*f Q _ M i-.'f" r- j - ‘n f<;t ! * K U ™ ™ ^ ^ Mi/ullmfl Most cars Paris 4 rear shims extra, it needed Most locations i f ■ RADIATOR | SERVICE I Flush, fill & add up to 1 ■ gallon of coolant In I sped belts, hoses and I water pump. | $2999 I Chemical Treatment I Power Flush ! s49" ■ S' 00shof harge • nuied 1 ,im [»k **s LUWEST PRICE Prlc« P17SBOR13 12999 P185 '5R14 3999 P198 ’5R’4 3999 P20S/7SRM 3999 P;'OV:'5RI5 4999 P21S75R15 4999 P235 75R1f) 49 99 No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk trom Campus i 345-1593 » 185 E. 11th j . , i •, •,;. vrtir-’j paste uc and amr-ra wort Letter Perfect Craphics, 3^16'A38’1 Pi.,..