Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
debated out funded .uid out
ridiculed, he said
Frank .uid Moses look to the
day when our social activities
■ire |ust that, and not a political
statement I rank said
At .1 politu at fum lion om e
a reporter assumed Moses was
I rank's i olleague I oink s.ud
She turned to Her!) and
asked Art' vou in the Senate
with Mr I rank ’’ I rank said
Ile said No. I'm in the house
with him We have found that
much that we do is a political
Another example I rank nave
was of a hotel clerk who as
sinned Moses w as I rank s se
i ret servo e agent when he
asked for one room. I rank said
There's more "overt opposi
tion ' to the gav ( (immunity
now compared to fn years ago
I rank said liowevei this re
(let ts the ga\ population's pro
\lous unwillingness to 'make
ourselves a target,'' he said
1 rank plat ed the ga\ rights
movement within a historical
i untext bv describing how ga\
immigrants were kept out J'>
\ ears ago
All through the iitlth i on
tun people were kept out if
Ihe\ had a 'psvi hopathii per
sunality Frank said The
Kennedy administration tried
to expel a man with a 'psvi ho
pathu personality' and he said
1 like gll\ s but I ill not .1 psl
i hopath
Despite the liberal adminis
(ration at the time the immi
gration law was later (hanged
to ex( lude people aft lit ted
w ith sexual deviants." Frank
Continued from Page 1
I’lul Keisling the new set retan
of state
Shihley is expet ted to ad
dress the issues surrounding
Senate Hill 70H currently un
del debate in state legislature
vs hit h would prohibit dis< rimi
nation on the basis of sexual
That issue will surfat e again
oil Wednesday will'll a protest
is planned to oppose military
discrimination against gay s and
..is Military ret miters
Masters and Ph.D Candidates
Place Orders At Information Counter on Main Floor
13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F7:
6 Sat. 10:00-6
ruder the Hush aommistra
lion. gas mi’ii .uni lesbians .irr
not excluded froiis immigrating
into this country hosvever. thi’
question of whether to admit
people who test lil\ positive is
still Iteing debated. he s.ml
Boston (linin' columnist Kllen
Cloudman recently wrote tli.sl
she thought Moses w.is making
people uncomfortable bv being
seen w ith Frank. Moses said
Should Harney always trav
el alone dine alone, act ept res
ervations for on#?!' Moses
asked We make sure spouses
are invited to an event, and if
they are. I go
"It's important to take the
next step and not unis have a
gas ineinlii'i of (Congress hut to
(also) have a gas couple.'' he
said "It's important to he seen
together I like to go out w ith
Hornes and blaze the territory
Moses said he is lucky to
work at a liberal 'compans that
defines a spouse as "somehods
with whom you si' had an inti
mate relationship for inure than
a sear and who you live with "
Some people have told Moses
to "tone it doss n" and not ai t
so gas . hut he said he’s pist he
mg himself
I don't knoss svhat line sou
drass in sour svorld that if 1
overstep it I’m being too gas ."
he said
Its been easier to he out
and deal ssith things as thes
come It's easier to deal svitll
the J ’> pen on! of the people
is ho hate me than foi I to hate
i i ,i n k s >»[)(■<•< n w .is spoil
soil'd by l 'diversity 1‘n'snli'iil
Ms Ifs Brands Task I on e on
Lesbian ami (lav coni urns, tin'
( lav and l.fsliian I.a\\ Students
Assui.iat ion and the ()tl 11 e ol
Affirmative Ai tion
plan to have a table set up in
t h e I- ML \V e d n e s d a y
I tin kstnder said
lhe (Jueer lest, a da\ long
partv in the I Ml (iourtyard on
I iula\ w ill feature musit and
a drag show
A dail\ i alendar ol events
will run in the I'm era Id
thriiiighout the w eek
Codas s Pride Week events
• 111 ill .1 in to 1.' ill p III
Panel disc ussion on the experi
ent.es ol lesbians, g.ivs and
bisexuals ol eolor. I AIL Hen
Linder Hoorn
• IIll p III to Ill p ill
Pa lie I foi usi ng on lesbian
mothers and then personal ex
periem es I.Ml Hen Linder
• 2 in p in to t in p m
Panel for using on ga\ lesbian
and bisexual international stu
dents. I AH Hen I inder Room
•imp in to i> ini p m
Panelists discuss issues sur
rounding bisexuality I AIL Hen
Linder Room
• it p m (.urst speaker
(.ail Shiblex Oregon's lust
openly lesbian state legislator
LMt Hen Linder Room
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Oregon Dailv Emerald
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