UNIVERSITY Pholii b» Mark \lrn VS I O Hxm utive i andidales Irnnifrr Hills llrll) and loSonja Watson said improving auvss to hi«tur nluiation lor Oregon's students is thru tup prioriti BillsAA/atson hope to limit barriers By Carrie Dennett Emerald Reporter Jennifer Hills and JoSonja Watson, one of three tn kets in the Asm president and vice president rate, saitl they want to improve at t ess to education "There are a lot of issues out on campus,'' said Hills, a fourth-year English major end acting chairwoman of the Inci dental Fee Committee, "hut ul timately, {students are) out for an education Hills and Watson salt! there are many barriers to education at the University, including campus safety, increasing tui tion costs, lat k of affordable child care and lack of services for the hantlit apped "We want to limit or allevi ate .is mans harriers to higher education as possible. Hills said The effects of Ballot Measure ri have ( reeled ness harriers that the ticket agrees are of primary concern "Oregon Student I.obbs has projected that one third of the money that’s being cut will come hack to the University. Hills said "We'd like to see that go toward lowering tin lion "If you can't go to si bool lie i ause tlie tuition is too high, and that $200 that you're now going to have to pay to the 1 'ni varsity used to pay your rent, or buy your food, or buy your books, then that's a barrier to sour edut ation." she said "Tuition hikes affect all of us. program t uts uffet I all of us bet ause it uffet ts tin' uvi'iall quality dI the I'niversilv she sail) We need to find a was to get the students pist hyped, said Watson, a sophomore un (let lured major and li t mem her "We’re only two people, we tan onW do so moth our selves Hills said an added problem is throughout the budget tutting process, higher etlut a tion officials refused to listen to the few students who tliti trv to her oine involved 'It's reallv frustrating he cause the state doesn't take stu dents seriously." she said The only way to overcome this disparity. Hills saitl is to Turn to ASUO, Page 5 “27 years of Qualify Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 202S F ranklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 THE FAR SIDE [c -- By GARY LARSON -— In tonw remote areas of the world, the popular sport Is to watch a courageous young man avoid being hugged by a Leo Buscaglla Impersonator. THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowri on campus «•> ‘ f 1 »•* <» ■ •'sXu > * MNOCRIANP * .Ht*l (OR PAHTII S AND BIRTHDAYS 5-wincn *ug»mes*o«« C*IUtU WlIHNlCHfLS GAMES admission m ss 5TH STRUT PUBLIC MAAHT {UGt»l • M3 1444 V GENERAL BOOK DEPARTMENT Hardcover Edition SECOND FLOOR A MODEL WORLD A N I) () T HER S 1 <) R I E S BY MICHAELCHABON c run s called Mivhael ( habnn s fust novel J’hc Mysteries ot Pittsburgh. astonishing < I he New York l imes Bt*>k Review i. remark able il.os Angeles Iiiikm. "bright. tunny i limes), daring. vivul. exciting' (Cosmopoli tan) "something close to genius' (Playboy). .iikI .1 lovely daring apparition ( I he New N orker) I he novel spent seven weeks on the New N oik I imes best seller list In the two sears since, nine ol ( harbon s stones base upjxured in I he New > 11 f k1 \ Model VS ,ii lil i' Mu luicl ( hahon s first hook Mini I hi M> sterns ot I’Hls hmgh While thi i are wonderfully diverse and unespeeted these 'tones share a wry sense ol whimsy an intellectual depth and the glittering Ian guage that has become C habon's hallmark f ( tuition writes Ix-autilul sen tcnces scrupulously crafted, yet retaining an easy, colloquial sitalily I he Sew Yoikerl Hies show us people who attempt to create and inhabit their own model worlds, only to watch them collapse in the lace ol the real world In s, \\(,|1 a group ol wedding guests is hijacked hi a last talking real estate agent but not before the bride herself disappears Millionaires gives us a trio ol lovers mystified by buried treasure Smoke take us to a base ball catcher's luneral. where one ol the mourners, a has been pitcher, con fronts the ruins ot Ills career In the hilarious tide story a graduate student jilagiari/es a dissertation on the movement ol clouds, only to lind himself and his faculty adviser in a parlor where each player must confess the worst thing he or she has ever done 1 he second part ol the bok I he I ost VV ,r Id is a series ol stones about a young hov Nathan Shapiro who must la., the wienching emotions caused by his parents bitter disorse \ Model World and < fthoi Slones show . d lurtliei ,nt Mu .■ a M, hael ('hah< ms ait w Inch Mice Mi I lerniott i tm/e.l in I he New Y or k I lines Itook Review as the voice ol a voung wnler with tremendous skill as he discovers, jovixisly, |usi whal his words can do Michael (hahon was bom in Washington. I> C lie re coed Ills It \ I lorn (he I tuveisilv ot Pittsburgh and Ins M I \ Irom tile I mversitv of ( alitor Ilia at Irvine Ho lust novel III. Mystene of Pitts"yreh, was a national best seller His stones Itc.gicnllv appeal in I be New tork.e: Hi iiiiieiitls lives in Seattle Washington 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00 6