Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Bad gas
lit! one year (andidate V\ il
I iron (aiisKi 11 s diatribe against
the gay and lesbian. as well as
the animal "rights, c ommuni
ty indie ales that wr* as stu
dents havr a lot In learn alxrul
each other ll we are to coexist
on this campus
Although Shi A m,iv not m
lai t promote "basic c ultural
assimilation," our goals are
deeply rooted in the open ev
change of information and
(lash ills apparent ignorant e
distorts the purpose of the II t
whir li is not as he purports to
uphold the values ol a "strong,
free America " Tile role of the
li t! is not to alloc ate ideolo
gies.' but rather to distribute
lees to student programs The
It t is a budgetary t ommittee
and not the supreme court of
i ,unpus morality
(.ashill proposes "zero-fund
ing" for programs that do not
c (inform to his ideas of homo
geneity and cultural assimila
tion Ibis threatens to under
mine issues of diversity and is
detrimental to the academic
freedom and self determination
of all students
lit positions represent stu
dent interests and should re
main outside of the self ser\ ing
interests of certain c andidates
I odd Hausman
la regards !<> the ASI ( )
spring tdei lions I would !iki• to
make the point th.it not one of
lhi‘ i .milid.lies would make a
poor leader I'rom the debates
and interest meetings that I
h.ivr attended, I have hetm im
pressed In the and
i harisma of even t>< ki*l
I think that we sometimes not
lost in the enormous amount of
rhutorit surrounding issuns,
that we lose sight oi what is
most important a solid tii k
What I thought was most ef
fective in tlm Dailey Stiiktd ail
ministration appro,u h was the
teamwork approach I know the
Constitution (lourt has passed a
ruling against i;o presidencies,
hut I think i anduiates can still
approach the ASl'O as two
strong evecutive offii ers even
though their titles are president
and vit e president
I see tills same balant ed ap
proai It in Dunlap Seeley Until
nf these i anduiates .in* strong
■is individuals and their i noper
ation in,d.es them the must lip
pealing tie ket
On April l!4 and 2r> I encnur
age you In vote fur Dun
lap Seele\
Renee Berlolina
Polilii ai Si ieni e
Don't blame prof
In the April t I'.mvnild an ar
tii le altar ked Professor
Ilat/.nntiinis fur his planning of
the Perugia program The art!
i le neglei ted to state the i ill
tural differences Iwtween Italy
and the I'nited States that ma\
instead have lieeri the cause of
I studied and lived til Italy
for a vear and a hall and have
studied under 1 lat/ontonis hoth
in Italv and at the I hnversity
When students dei ide to study
ahroad they must take the re
spousihilitv of finding out vvlial
the program involves and lie
ready to fai e and ai i ept
i hanges from then t ustoniary
lifestv le
Italy is not Ainerii a and
should not hi' expei ted to have
Aineric an values l ins should
not mean that we t oiiiieiiin the
professors yvlio are try ing to of
fer a cultural experience to stu
Italian si hooting traditional
Iv tint's nut ini lude daily as
signments nr I'x.iminatiuns ilur
ing lilt' course Americans
studving in Italy have to stu<i\
umler the Itah.in standards
Whether this type of study is
better nr worse is nut the issue
The important tiling is th.it a
professor should nut lie blamed
lor the cultural different es
Hat/oritoms nut only loves
and works year lung lur the
I’erugia program, he has dedi
< ated over 20 years to it lie is
more than willing to work with
students on any complaints
the\ may have, both academic
and pci sonal
Although he is willing to
take responsibility lur students
complaints lie is not to blame
lor students' hn k of rrsponsi
bilitv in understanding the pro
gram and tor hjisn i ultural if if
( liristine Hell
In response to ‘Amerii ans
friemllv. not friends [01)1
April 4 i .mil N’az Negishi
The prohleins expressed hy
the mtern.itiun.il students .ire
not uniipie to the Amerii an ex
periem e All exi hange stu
dents eni ounter these proh
lems whether you’re .in Ameri
i .in in Fram e a Norwegian in
|apan or a (Ihinese in Niger ia
As exi hange students and
travelers 1 and many of my
friends also have experiences
the same things that you have
in your stay in Amerii a 1 hat
is international students tend
to hang out and it is often ddli
i ult to make friends with the
I i annot deny that the I 'nited
States IS ethlioi entru hut it Is
important to realize that all i ill
tores are ultimately ethlioi en
trie (though admittedly some
more than others) An impor
tant step to overcoming these
harriers is to realize that the
problem is not unique to the
country you are visiting, and
that your experience is not un
like tile experiem e of the for
eign students in your own
On a more positive note I
would like to thank the Interna
tional Student Assor hit ion lor
their efforts during Internation
al Week I would al.su like to
know how I and others t an gel
involved with the international
students and activities on cam
pus 1 think that 1 ha\e valuable
experience to share with inter
national students as I am sure
other \rnerii an students do
Aaron hilber
Ails and letters
Jon Wollander's link between
homosexuals and pro < hoii e
activists |01)1- April 4| is ap
palling What is the relation
ship to t ia\ I’ride Week '
I'm not ga\ but proudU sup
port the homosexuals in our
communils Can Pride Week is
not used to gain attention or to
.iiiniiv tile prejudiced hut in
stead it is a tight for recogni
turn and acceptance despite
their ininoritN Indicts
HomosexualitN is against the
laws of nature:' What laws ot
nature haven't we tried to
i hange through si lence? One
uiav also sav nature never in
tended sex lietween the same
sexes and our sexual organs un
designed to accept the opposite
sex Your argument com hides
that sex is used mereh tor re
production Yet. toda\ the
main aspect of sex is pleasure
Women no longer need pene
tration, there's always artificial
insemination from willing do
Homosexuals are already dis
criminated against without
bringing up their personal
views I low does Wollander as
some that abortions are favored
more by homosexuals and
women than by men? What he
tails to s,i\ is that women slip
port abortions more often be
i ause it is women who go
through the physical dilemma
Homosexuals somehow recog
nize this
What responsibility do worn
ell base to keep an unwanted,
unborn child? If these groups
are anti < hristian why would
they rather send a baby to heav
en than give birth to future
abuse ’
family does not necessarily
mean men and women living
together Wollander com hides
homosexuality to he an assault
on the family Explain the di
vorce rate (dearly there are
more problems with divorce
than homosexuality within the
families Homosexuals He
proud happy and never give
up the fighl for your lifestyle
(ihnstie Nil hols
Popularity contests in student elections must end
By Mike Colson___
It's mi l' tu know tin- campus never
c hanges Around election time .1 small
group of individuals continues to con
trol and manipulate elections through
coerr ion. threats and misinformation
These politic ill “elitists first resort to
mudslingmg and now they have gone
further and used a kangaroo court pro
t ess in ( omplete violation of of ( onstitu
tional rights and simple fairness in at
tempts to politic «il 1 v intimidate those of
us who an* not politic ally correct like
they want us to he
As your ele< ted representative on tin*
1 ik idental l ee Committees 1 have .isked
tough questions this year 1 have* rocked
the* fioat \o longer is the 1R a mere
"rubber stamp" body handing out vmtr
Sun) a term without justification I have
worked to save you money tins year He
i arise I liave gone after waste that rtps
off students i have had to t.ike a hard
look at the spot tal interest groups that
line up at the student fee trough to take
your money
t hese spet lal interest want your mon
ey with no questions asked With Ballot
Measure > hitting all of us in the pocket
I looks on campus S-t t u) surcharges
and tuition hikes student fees i annul
afford to go up any more
Your fees, which have gone up 42
percent in the last four years, will go up
unless across the lino vetoes occur by
the student body president We lost al
most S'liltl.tHii) in income this year, vet
the li t has not t tit budgets this year
This means you will pav more and you
can thank your student government for
charging you some of the highest slu
lient fees ill the nation
1'he bottom line here is simple 1 have
stood up lor lisral restraint in hopes of
doing mV small part to make your edu
cation affordable and accessible II \our
student government can't act responsi
bl\ and hold off charging you more
money, do you think the state legisla
ture vs ill1' file answer is prohabh no It
we can't get our ow n "house" in order
here on this campus who will do it for
Then* are mans popular things that
are not right There are also mans
things th.it are right but not popular
This election is not about personality
c ontests It is about polic v consequent es
and how these polic ies will affect the
lifestyles of everyone on this campus
Popularity c ontests in government must
end Much like the* federal govern
ment's inaction on the budget deficit
and savings and loan problem, our stu
dent government must put the political
considerations aside and get down to
1 have taken some unpopular stands
on tins campus in regards to spe< nd in
terest groups and I have been made pai
t\ to untrue .11 cusations and lies as pun
ishment lor it Yet. d I had it to do all
over again. I would choose to take the
same path It is <1 matter of standing up
for what is right and that means saving
students mone\ by preventing special
interests from ripping off students This
ele< turn will be de< ided by you and the
student body You alone have the power
to right the wrongs Vote on April 24
and 25.
Mike Colson is .in ASl'() presidential
i and id ate