HIRONS 18TH& PEARL STORE HOURS 9:00 A.M.-9P.M. 10 TO 7 SUNDAY FRANKLIN STORE HOURS 9A.M.-7P.M. DAILY 10-7 SUNDAY MAX FACTORX LIP STICK "LASTING COLOR" OR MOISTURE RICH REG 475 YOUR CHOICE 1 99 EACH ▼ MAX FACTOR NAIL THICK THICKER NAILS INSTANTLY REG 6 50 PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 4-26-91 f MAX FACTOR 'll NAIL ENAMEL DIAMOND HARD FORMULA REG 316 HINGE LID PLASTIC SOAP BOX REG 69c COMBINATION ^ LOCKS 1 7/8 size for lockers and security Reg 3 98 KEYS DUPLICATE MADE WHILE YOU WAIT SINGLE CUT ONLY REG 1 37 79 unicRn LmaxEll ^ 60 MINU UR 60 MINUTE CASSETTE FUJICOLOR 35mm - Super HR 100 12 EXPOSURES SHORT Dated WEG 2 77 fuJ'C010" “RUSS KALVIN’’ GENERIC BRAND SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER l00 OFF Rf GUI AH PRlCl .... COUPON VALID 4 25 91 ONLY THURS. ONLY SPECIAL f 4”COLOR REPRINTS ^F0R$ MADE FROM 35MM 110 126 OR DISC COLOR NEGATIVE O N E NEGATIVE Sl/E PER OFTDER MUST HAVE COUPON 12 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 349 2i PRINTS 4.48 15 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 429 JO PRINTS 5.28 24 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 639 ■W PRINTS 7.38 36 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS Q69 4 PRINTS O r7 PRINTS 10.68 MUSGRAVE Continued from Page 6 until alaint two weeks ago Nobody m the (amboy trunt of f it e t nil hi he re.u lied Itil i ninment Sunday night He I lot 11 said he thinks Mus grave i.011 Id have made yvhatev ei team he y\ as drafted In "Hill has a darn good i ham e of m.iking am team he said I think Hill has a great; I ham e til make the team hei allse lie s so intelligent and lie has the ability that he ( an he a perform el there like tie uas here the biggest knot k on Mus grave In many of the pro si outs was th.it he didn't have tile strong arm net essarv to make it as a pro t|Uarterbat k hut Hellotti sard Musgrave tail gel stronger and believes Musgrave is just now fully ret,overed from a broken (ollarbone injury he suffered his sophomore season. lie was never really able to i nine hat k (to full strengthl un 111 the last two or three months when he's been able to pul on some weight HellottI said Lesbian support group meets Mi ll l\< is itltitielll.il I if ( litnmiller I of H If Hi. I Ml Kutitti 1 lie follow toft will in iliM i.sm .I Him ► Si is - lent I r.icti S; t ' H««r \vmh idlion. KKMA Sistet I ’t»i\if\ Hinfetl Survival (,eti!ei Slucieiti Insurgent V te! tiarm-M Siu«lt*n! A*>m« t.iliou I SsA A SOI Child ( nf Sti ItMtly u it t'i Intel tut! Ititldi StUcjlMl! A'■‘on IrttlHM Et als W omen in I i amotion drop in women s fuiuiti meeting L« using i.n mimcn and nx.t*m with Marv Komer< Havafii Kudtifa C .’ami t hene\ and \ - He-kell imm it«> ’ p n. m l!»* KMl \\ alrwjt Room I rshidii suppml group Sponsored ll\ V\ (illll'il lit | fill iSlt l< *11 I lid* miitIi tonight from t» In >11 I Ml ( enfurx Room I Seniors in transition Kim kin' Kallm gtoup fnr ’bow uv,'! ’ meets i" H ill p in The is sfMiMsnrt'ii bv the Women III I irtiiMlmli 4Ini retpilies .in interview For information rail I4i< 4«h» i Sun i\ al I enter • meeting i" KMl Suite i a» h p m \SI IM (institution < ourt ■ • IV I *Mltur\ Kim>111 l) 4l »' |» Ml li’KrtnllliK •• « omplaud tiji-ii by Mu hael ( niton against Iti, AM O F *♦*» tilivi* Irtish Student I mnn ( iTitury K«»«nit F at t* 10 p in Student Prop* ts tin meets If*'" 4 10 In t. , r. : ' l entury Room K sPF AkF Ks Sui v iv at ( enlei forest biology plnniUhuu wdh I * •!* ' Peter Ifintiii tit I hr OCf'guli Naltmui Krvtmii t l mine if tonight Iron: > to t< H* hi (hr KMl Walnut Room Mate Krp (tail Shtblev speak Hi the* I Ml Hell Limiei K'Uim «i' > pin as d part of Lesbian and t .a\ Pride U 'HTi l\ IKKVII \\s l’he follow mg or gditiAalioiis w ill F»»- on id minis to interv lew si infants f *»r employ nifdl \ isit Room .'. 4 Hendricks lidll for mure information l hese i ompdine* art* available f «*» A|»nl - » VVhllehall Laboratories Portland Publu St bools Heels Fqutpmeiit Kt’ltUl ( t •(jMirat ion and I s Air Fort e The following t ompiftnu*\ are available foi bidding from April 22 to 24 Beaverton S« bool Distiu! state of Hawaii ftepartnurnl of Fdu< at ion and iaine I idllM* Dlstiu ! The billow mg group meetings will U* : .mt| • 1 HO Straub Hall • ■ .4 • ! • . ■ H 10 to ‘I a m Kooni 2.1? Hendm ks Hall • \. 4 * llarri Koom 247 Heitdru ks Hall Ml Si FLl-ANFOt S \si l) I'rmdenlul IMulr .*• « • Room t in Fenton Hall at ' 10 p rti Hie debate is sponsored In the \Sl !<) Lint turns Board I he tK*r»«** Hi kefs will be given the opportunity to pose ijuestions to the oilier candidates Audierste members will also Iw given the opportumts to ask (jueslKim l I) K()\l I utunal I KH |rdui ation session for those interested in learning to use the library # computer dalatMse for finding inhumation in edmatmri Hit session will be in the knight Library Reference Department at 4 p m