Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1991, Image 1

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Mortdas. \pnl 22. I|
I ugcnc. Oregon
Volume '■>' Issue I 'f>
( lass si heduie print
outs are available at the
registrar's offii e in Ore
gon 1 tall. Photo II) is re
(Candidates for ASI'()
president and vice presi
dent will partii ipate in
the Elections Hoard de
bate, to be held tonight at
7 10 m Room 110 Fenton
The six candidates will
ash each other questions
and also answer ques
lions front members of
the audience
Jennifer Hills and
JoSonja Watson say their
main goal as too 1-02
ASI'() president and vit e
president would lie to ini
prove access to educe
See story. Page it
University President
Mvles Hrand, speaking at
a Eugene Area (Chambei
of Comirwri e luncheon
on Friday, said cutting
the Sports At tion lottery
game would seventh
damage the (Iregon's col
legiate athletics pro
See story. Page 5
Oregon star quarterback
Hill Musgrave was select
ed by the I )allas (Cowboys
in the fourth round of
Sunday's National Foot
ball League draft
See story Page fi
Renee Mack
Oregon (loai li Renee
Mack sa\ s challenging
< onditions and unprodict
able weather i ould result
in higher scores .it this
gear's I’acifii 111 (Confer
unite women s golf chant
piotiships to begin todav
at the Eugene Country
See story, Page tt
I'h.Hu In \1 ^ t k ^ In.
Mm/rii/s i>rotr\linit I hr rrmm .1/ ill so rr.il Hi lrrr\ In allnt* >>tp.ifi.«iOli til Ihr Kmnlil I iltran pmnlrtl slouan\ tin Ihr s itlrn.ilk nr\t lit Ihr hrr slump-.
Tree removal prompts artistic protest
By Catherine Hawley
Emerald Associate Editor
A group ot students Iroin the Survival
renter's Ancient lores! Croup caused $.1110
to $100 worth of damage to .1 sidewalk near
the Knight Library on Friday when they
painted slogans protesting last month's re
mm al of se\eral hr trees
( arm Drayton, direr tor of tin1 Office of
I’libhi Safety said OPS and l ugene police
will conduct an investigation, and that as
many as eight students could he cited fur
criminal mist hief
Drayton said Ilf expel ts i 11.11 il tils In be Is
sued either Tuesday nr Wednesday \lso.
the students may f.u e prosei utmn under tin1
I niversitv's student i nndut l node lie said
One of the students who took part in i ri
day \s deitionstratinn said the group nbjei ted
not just In dll' removal but also In a l.ti k nt
student input into the derision In remove
the trees
Nine trees vs ere i ut down during spring
break In make room for planned library e\
pension At (he tune Pniversily Vn.e I’resi
deni Dan V\ illiams said die removal was de
!itm-r.itcI\ m heduled lor .1 limr when lrv\
students were nil campus. de< reusing the
1 ham e ol ut|ur\ and protests
Williams has also said the 1 amptis was
given ample Opportunity to 1 ommeiit on li
liraiy expansion plans during seveial puhlli
loriims lull protesters said Friday that the
meetings were either held several years ago
or u ere not well puhlii i/ed
Physical Plant crews uniked overtime
Friday to clean up drawings and sut li mes
sages as Progress Is destructive. I tie
souls ol trees' and There must have been
a hottei ua\ to add on to the lituary
Gay couple fights barriers
Legislator, partner
blaze their own trail
By Tammy Batey
i fTHvakJ Reporter
I hr first l»n men to dance tugetliet
publicly ill the White House ilisi tisseil
politii.il and personal perspectives of
being say iridax opening the I nixer
stty s Ca\ and I j'slilan I’ritle Week i el
I S Kep Barney I rank I > Mass
who publicly atinoiilii ed he was ga\
in 1‘IHH spoke on Soi ml Change tm
Lesbians and (lay Men in the I’olitn al
Arena in Oregon and Nationwide
Herb Moses a mortgage broket
spoke about Ills experiences as I rank
partner I rank and Moses have been
together four years
I am Harney's love. Moses said
It's always a problem how to intro
dure mvself 'Lover' sounds like
you're always hopping in anil out <>t
bed 'Significant other' sounds like a
i ensus form What's an insignificant
other? 'Companion sounds like one of
us is elderly or a dog
In .111 ideal world my sc\ lile
would be the business of no one ex
cept Herb." 1 rank said Hut keeping
a significant part of my life a set ret
xx as taking a toll on my life
The ga\ and lesbian lobby in Wash
ington is gaining a signifii ant imourit
of political power when used r.orrei t
|y I rank said However prejudice is
still a problem
" There is still prejudire and it s ha
(red and no one should he happy that
there is less hatred now Trank said
Moses cited the I S military as an
institution still harboring much preju
Kep Harney I rank
11H f low,ml wavs 111(1 lesbians He
used tin1 rot out Persian (lull War to
put this problem m < untext
I horo aro a tumilior of gay tuoilii al
reservists " ho said II they had said
yyheii tint t all ( ,111111 Up 'Wo want to go
and rve're gay' tho military would
liavo fat oil a ttnt|i>r dilemma
Muses wondered il the mil Italy
would have said "Wo really need you
hut after (tho war) is over wo'ro going
to return to our earlier position
"Many arguments against gay men
and lesbians aro the same as the argil
merits against women he said Hill
we just (ought a war whore women
fought and died and did everything
men did and it was the most sum ess
fill military endoavot over
Although politic inns are taking more
interest in the gay community since
the threat of AIDS then: are still
hard i ore bigots who must be dealt
yy ill) I tank said
My job is to make sure they 're out
f: RANI*
Week to showcase
gay, lesbian pride
By Daralyn Trappo
i meraid Reporter_
In I,ilc June I'Hi'i the patron-. 'il tin- Stonewall
Inn ,i s;,n liar m New York! il\ lehelled against
police raids and harassment by harmading
themselves in llit' hiir and holding polire nflu its
a! has fur two day s
That uprising has been i iiiiiiniTliur.iti'd h\ I In*
nation's gay and lesbian i ommunities rm situ ••
in vs li.it has (.as and Lesbian I’ridi- I las
\l colleges and universities .urnss the I HUH
trs tin1 celebration lakt-s place in spring, svliili'
mans students an- still in school Here al lilt'
I'niviTMts hi'shian, (.as and Hisi-vmil Pride
ssi-i'k is undi-i svas
' Thr thing that I always hopi'. sshi-iu-sri
l.tdtA din's any kind ul i-sitiI is that we can
shnss pi-iipli' sslin ssi' an- said Sue Dm kstadi'i
co-director ol I niversitv \ hi'shian (lay and Hi
sexual Allianu' I think tlm most important
thing is s isihihls on campus
Its other students straight students .mil
gas and leshian students seeing that their
i lassmales and professors are gas leshian or hi
sexual that helps edlli ate people on a sets liasn
level, she said "It's important to break down
the stereotspe that were hidden assay some
where in some dirty little hai
I think it's n ails important that people see
that sse re out on i amptls walking around doing
the things that everyone else is doing Not that
sse re the same hut sse also do the same tilings
that other people do
This week events range Irnm drag shims and
< ouifds to military protests and guest speakers
(.ad Shihlev. Oregon’s lirst openly leshian
stale legislator ss ill speak tonight at to in the
I Ml' Hen lander doom In January. Nhihles ssus
appointed to replace formei state representative
Turn to PRIDE Pufji 3