“27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% diSCOUnt to U of O students on all repairs. 202S Franktrn Blvd 342-2915! Eugene. Oregon 97403 Fashion with an Ethnic Flair! FOLKWAYS IMPORTSl CIOTMNG JfWElRY & KXK ART FROM AROUND Th€ WORlO I All You Can Eat SPAGHETTI DINNER $099 Dinner includes: soup or salad, homemade bread & ice cream with coupon with purchase of beverage exp 4/26/91 Open Daily 5 pm 725 W. 1st, Eugene 485-6220 ENTERTAINMENT Famed dance troupe to perform S*M*0*W*T*l*M#E Darvc® T f «- A '■» <- r •• » Dan.#- Thoate> *'!i iff’4 !(■ !hf» Hi Con lor ■» Stlva Concort Haii\fn«s Su day Apni 21 S-howlim*- / p tv T> ols ,»ro sold out As one iif the most revered \mer k ,111 moiirrn dam r troupes tiic Alvin Ailo\ Amerir .in I J.iin i* Theater has iMtnnl itself a for •is (he standard bearer of Amer 11,111 11 orar\ \rnerii an i ullur al expression Alvin Alley s milks are known to he poignant power ful i elebrations of love of won dermenl and of the esselir e of life itself Ills works draw on his memories of the blur k i film lies and Texas honky tnnk liars he knew as a t liild to sear mg sot nil protest dant.es ami spirited celebrations ot the mu su uf I hike Kllmgtnn We are thrilled to base one ol the most loved anil popular dame troupes glare us with a performance said Patricia ( u sri k assistant direr tor of mat ketmg with the flult ( entei This is their first visit to Ku gene in about ft) years and vxe re happy they're making a stop here l he riant e program at the r Hull ( enter includes three Ai lev pin es ' Reflect mils in I). .1 sensuous solo set to the music ol Duke bllington. "Kevela tions.'' his I960 c lassie per formed to traditional spirituals and gospel music . and Streams a series of dances reflecting tie meditative music of modern composer Miloslas katjolac The fourth The Slat k(Ip." is a brutal vett Ivru al Iccok at disparate c ultures c lashing in lirg-c it\ streets, < horeograpbed to a driv mg roc k sc ore Aden discovered dance at age !2 on a junior high school c I,css field trip to .1 performance! of tin Ballet Russe cle Monte ( arlo ‘What this 28-mem ber modern compa ny is about is excite ment. Energy. And most important, en tertainment. ' - The Seattle Times He started out in l.os Angeles as a c horeographer and dune er working in the film industry In Ti i ). hi' moved to New York to work on Broadway and studs w ith the city's outstanding dancers including Martha (Ira ham lour years later in ltiriH, Ai ley launched the \l\in Aden American Dame Theater at the 'lining Men s Hebrew Assoc la tion. an organization response hie for the support of mans modern dance artists sslio later ac hieve'd ai 1 laim After founding his own com pans from among some of Ness 'i ork s best dancers Alley set about 1 routing a repertoire that would gross to 711 ballets over the sears Since* its inception the c omparis lias performed for an estimated la million people* in -Hi c ountries The compans svas origin.ills all black and as it has bee curie multiracial, its primary thrust remains a synthesis of 1 lassie al ballet and American ja/.z dam e Before his death Isso sears ago .Niles received nearly UK) awards, me hiding tin* Kennedy ('enter l ifetime Ac hlevemenl Award and Ifie gold medal .it the International Dam e festival in 1’aris Ailev's ahilitv to express his soi i.il com erns through the art of (lame was also recognized In the I' S State Department whit h sponsored the compa in s tour to the far l ast South east Asia and Australia in l‘.t(>2 fhe company s i nrrent artis tu direi tor ludith lamison said It is the humanity of the i uiiipam that audiences hum Detroit to Moscow respond to w ith understanding and cheer ing. (amtinuing in her mentor's footsteps. Jamison is also lorg mg new pathways for the hi lure of the Ailev Dance Then ter She intends to continue the humanism that i harac teri/.ed Ai!e\ s i horeographv I ler long assoi i.it ion w ith the c ompany as a brilliant dancer, and more rec ently as a c horeog rapher and guest artistic assoc i ate ha\e made Jamison the in evitable choice to assume the troupe's leadership hi 1‘IHH. she started her ow n company The lamison I’rojec t and brought some ol the danc ers from her < onipanv with her when she assumed direr torship ol Ailev's c ompanv What sets this dance compa in apart is not just its commit men! to danc e. hut to sen nil re sponsibilitv as well Beginning m IUH 1 with the A i lev I fane e l amps m Kansas (utv. and more recetltlv in Boston and Baltimore, these schools serve .it i isk inner c itv i hildren fhe children's communities learn what a dance company does behind the sc cues In watching the unloading ol (tie vans and the setting up ol the backstage1 support system tor eac h performanc e Seeing this extensive support system ol tec hnologv and elbow grease adds to the act of performanc e for these c hildren and their par ents In Kugene, tin* company's outreach will include a master i lass led In Ailev dancer Mari ly 11 Banks fin students and lac ullv ol the I 'Diversity dance de partment It will take place on Sunday from to 1 tu p in By Ming Rodrigues ErneiaH) Entertainment Reporter Saxophonist on bill for tonight s< )\< . Wl) II \ \( I I'RIDAY APRIL I‘t frank Morgan .1 saxophonist is ill perform m 11ti Ins quartet .it » p m in the Hull ( enter's Silva Concert Mali Morgan had not been per forming for la years hei ause of a drug and al cohol addiction. but came b.11 k onto the scene flic years ago 1 11 kets i\ hii h 11 ill sell tor $ I > and $12 it), (an be pun based by calling the box offu e at t>M7 >000 SATURDAY APRIL 20 Walkin' |im Slid/ and Dakota Sid (liffnrtl udl present a multi media celebration of ivil derness at H p in in Room 100 Willamette Hall Aside from the evening show, they will also perform a children's show at .1 p m in the same itm atton I n kets for the 1 hildren’s show are $ i children and $4 adults For the evening show tit kets are $5 students and $1 > general A storytelling performance featuring Eugene storyteller and artist Linda Erz, w ill take place from 7 to K:4a p m at the Unitarian Church. •177 I 40th \ve The storytelling event will show wonifn and girls overcoming weakness is. .mil is ,iptl\ titled Teistv Females in Folk lore The cost is $ri per person or $lr> per family The Bulgarian Stair- Female Vocal Choir a Bulgarian folk iinisn troupe, will perform at H (i m in the Hull Center's Silva Concert Hall The Choir will perform in traditional ethnic garb I n ki-ts which sell for $15 and $12.50. can he puri based In calling the Ikix office at 087 5000 H !F:SI)AV. APRIL 25 The Willamette Street Theatre. 1045 Wiliam ette St , will ire hosting an actor's la-nefit in honor of William Shakespeare's 427th birth day The event will start at 7:30 p m., anti will feature dance, music, food and live theatricals from some of Shakespeare's plays All who plan to attend are encouraged to come in cos tume from a favorite Shakespeare play Tick ets. which are available at the door, will sell for $5 general and $4 students and seniors.