Buy it and try it! Buy a "Sate n Sound cassette or compact disc and if you're not completely satisfied return the cassette or compact disc within 30 days and we will exchange it for another cassette or CO of the same value Receipt will be required for exchange $4499 $A99 g | compact disc cassette BULLETBOYS f Rf AKSHOW rcs Xlttr tvii.ii Mil $AH* KINGOFTHEHILL I DO U • If PL AC l IN MY Hf AMT I SAY THE TRIPLETS M ■Hk* ' 1 CAUSE EFFECT This sale runs April 15 through May 15. Look for fi new titles on May 15. Gateway Mall Springfield 746-6373 Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover DISC JOCKEY ( ourtrM ( harlt'\ Prarl (\lrt Haldoinl and \nki Andrnon (Kim Hjsmitrrf .1 rr %tar-( rossotl loxrrs who ha\i* %v\rral < a I a mi tow tuarnaar* all to r.o h othrr ( h.irlrx I'r.n l ( \lt'< HdUlw ml .ind \ H ki \ndvr\un (Kim Htismyvrl hr Ihr kiwi in I r \ iiu; hul \ir\\rrs max find thvir imssiun mu uni iiu inu ‘Marrying Man’ script falls flat MOVIE 7hi’ U.rr,i • • « «o>th itie t lost Week \«■ i 1 Simon won the Pulitzer Prize lor Drama Host as sored il was not lor his si rt»«-ii|»la\ ol The \ him iiin \hin I he slor\ is ol 11 it- misadven lures ol toothpaste maguatt Charier PitarI (Alfi Haldwin) who instead ol (naming the movie mogul's daughter lif is engaged to tails lii-ail ovi't heels lor \ u ki Anderson Itsim Basinger) Siif is a sultir lounge singfl who. unfnrtunateh . happens to Ire the girlfriend ol moiisiei liugsr Siegel (Armand Assante). Siegel ends up Ion mg the two to get married sshon he finds util .i!«>ul tlirii udatinnship Knots ing liilli jlicjr iivi" 'll U' nimuti rlii-ii liinnt low .ill.his span ,t period ill eight vi'.irs during vvlm li thc\ have ses n**l 11'• >1 rifil light .tlul lease c.ii h oilier again .mil again and again It it sounds repel dive il is I In- gouil moments .in • 11 n tnni’s when Baldwin and Ins i-i ifilliii buddies an- on ihf road In 1-as \ cgas sini|il\ laughing and palling .inninil I hi", an' lhi‘ must lighthi .iil.-d anti icuaiding moments ot I In him 1st epl It ii dial di.- lilin is ijultr liii-siini' Thi: bi'lnnd tin' si fini s In' huvior ol ihi- stais during Ih*■ lilnnng ol this tm tun' is well dm unirnli’d with Basing* i Hi Illlg like a spoiled I lulls u in id diva while lias mg a lor rid real-life allair ss ith Buldss in Perhaps thus should hast si raiipi'il ihu original stors and dnni' a movie mi thi- ln'hind * i -.pil.' their nil 'i i> < ii ii,il i r,i\ n■ us tin- i In-i11isti \ In lut-fii tin’ Kvti i Iris thf\ play dttesii I i|illi« vvrilk II si'in is ton fil ,mil Mi in aI lit «i stun, .is i imvehilrd is ibis iiiir it Is Ills ISS,ir\ ,ll It‘list till' pUSNlnllS sl'fllt |M*l lf\.till*" It s ijuitf liiinl l‘> Iflifif H.ililvvm s i trt would Itiiim aunv tin rimiiI till' Ini I!asiitj4t*i Mtfl all she uni\ sitiiis aiti1|iiati l\ i. H a ■- lmrl\ ami i aii-ssfs hri'sell ail ovrt In W in Ills heart I ’ft is mm a- has vrrv iiitlf In niter s,Hi' Ini an enlertaiiunu ItMil up In a vrfA iiifilmi if pint N‘-it Simons si npt milks thf stiir\ Ini all it s mirth and mure hut tin- nut ifsidt fnnifs nut lookinu hkf an amusmu tali- told nver a ( ard unine that shnillil h.tvr stayed at tin |tnkfl table By Lucas J Gutman I ..... , 1 Caff; t,..' The academy's new ayatollahs ti\ John I o L Rim \ MS ( Me r rok hv.hR* foi Hoparm won rejection i*t Ouw was ck ort the wfs ik-u icitu for the i toward generational groupth iwi) Its punts t H) s Xlhmuliv I* ( . ru IMV vVsffspv •w onhskjoxs now Student hod it hut now the t ,4idl'd bv l4s ult\ who rebelled 4s students tK*n busing gas nghtv women s studies. (?u 1*1 l > i .11 u'hlv bilingualism I he sell segregation of Naiks ,,n .ampus 4iuJ censor \h»p m the pursuit of tolcrarkx* arc all political is . M„v. I he foil. w mg ale a! - f PC Dk N A 1 d**ubts ah* hi! abortion ( a I holts s sat*4fmp fui any cn^hasi' 'in standards of ex icllencc and an> suggestion ilut fender and ethnicity might not he the m.»si overwhelmingly imfk*rtant issues of the modern da ( .'iuvt anv! aeloist I* ( . ftii"'eiMC' are currently popf*>nf up all an Hind • \t New ^ - »i k I mscrsity V hool ol law siudcnts re fused to debate a nmol court »ase involving 4 hypothetical divorced lesbian mother Irving t** win custody of her .hild because arguing the .on side would he hurtful to gays 11* C law .axes fuse mils one side i At the l’mversily ol lexas a wriling .lass was assigned to *.fi tique a collection >•! ideological P * essavs, leading 'me professor to vomment ^ ou cannot let! me that students wiil tv* inesiuWs hi* gij,!ed " poiitu ills torrcsi thinking in the-e .lasses \t I Hike a laio 'u' hotbed of political correctness the anti P l Njtioiul Ass.) station of Scholars established a UhjI chapter with the leadciship of the wholls admirable political scientist Das id Barber a liberal Deni os. rat aikl formet hoard chairman of Amnesty Internaltona1 Stanley fish chairman oi the Duke fnglish department. reacted in typical fashion toi .« P (’ j\al«>iiah denouncing the N AS as rasist sexist -Its.' '• > '('I.- .iik! v...' I*.-.! N \s "vK p»*5lli } ' .»:>•! U null j r ( ,i n- . - : 'J I ' . .■ • | • :„-vl ;■ * . ‘ . . * . .tt-, p? ’ J he N I , . ! ' ■ , . 'V J: .,J ''{Viiii tY .1. •. i -k ai , f |«if *’*;.! * ;! who bring if up jtc ♦ »-*< a - cd • .ik - .I'ni student editoi* J ■ I ' ■ ■ • \>»itkiimes when minor'.lies . 1 *::>}»;,I •• !;.ut?:• editor of j h ;• . u. it c J ft’pf’tWIHilllVf -S the I* ( ilffgV) i\ imitiedt V .ill . added to the new spapef Sometimes the ncw spaper o defunded g iH shut dow II i I hi* logic i*l political correctness leads difetlh to silencing. the * unconverted LbePC campus speech codes which prohibit racially j and ccxualls intimidating speech. produce j good deal of mtnmda > lion themselves Thc> help intimidate non P l students and prufcs u • ■ ire! h ilc • ia'. I ' ' ■ • ! u , • ••. : Mi, ti ear • . speech i.«dc uncc struck down b\ a federal court a student brougnt up on chirps lot reading a limerick jhout the supposed ho £ mosciual axis of a famous sports star \ mediator lud him suite an > u\ for in. s.iv.*', pajvr headlined learned Ms Lesson and ’ like am hack sliding student at the University ot Beijing he under , went mwk altitudinal readjustment in ih»s ease partisipution in gay ' rap sessions At Harvard lavs School j yearlong flap erupted when ’ . Pi : 1 ji Mai V .p. I *•>.! Hs\:id whispo . I ■ vs ill ne’er consent consented which the Harvard Vk omen ' law ’ Association angrily dcr*«uikcJ as j \csni insult Ai Michigan the { re'ered demographer Rrvnolds I alley ran into trouble by reading a > (Vi-.sace Ir M.I dm \ s i-MoX r i, r . .n w *;ich th. author J. sefibed himscll as a pimp and a thiel He was so harassed that he \ dropped the course Some teachers >av P ( ers deliberate!) bait 1 them hoping tor an irritated reply that will lead to inscnsitisity j charges | PC ers las or the Orwellian language of treedom. tolerance and ; diversity Hut the rcalits is a good deal different The promoters of cultural diversitv tell us that theirs is an ideology of inclusion Lin t da C have/ wrote after her binning Bui the politics of cultural di versify as they are practiced on campus today have scry little to do with inclusion or diversitv And she s right k> fmiu Back to Bicycles TUNE-UP SPECIAL $18* Complete Service and Parts 345-7389 SCOOTERS PLUS 960 W. 7th I ugcne Hours: 10-5 Ml 1 spiffs {> 9 9] Macintosh Rental kinko's the copy center 860 E. 13th 1265 Willamette 344-7894 344-3555 | Opm 24 Hours Optn 7 Days 1 Get a Cut Above l or I hr Prior llrlow \t |lie Mail' I nil has i ss r r \ it i;iit a ilral lui suii | ii-I S I 2 Ini" sun l(n' liiilli -t ham lit in liivsii' >n rulin' til tin' Mail' I "It ami rrl a rut almsr' 44oJi* Lofc I Idl I a-t I'Mh • l!H - Via ODE ODI Recycle This Paper ODE .,4*4 *A1 ■ TMt»H *AT 11 00 WIDMOD |4«i.4W % i'* SI, | M l* I »'Hn VAHtT t.1 H** A (UP*» AlWAV* (J *0 r H..,t *.V -■ u. 4 V ^ * BOLD. 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