ENTERTAINMENT Band brings a new sound to old Camper fans S*M*0#W*T*l«M*E CONCERT The Monks o* D 'i:>m a ■ ' perform at 9 30 p m m the Community Center for the Performing Arts t W Eighth St Opening the show will tie Harm Farm and F wgene s Noa WiI l'iam Tickets available a! the door will sell for ('..iinpiT Van Hei' Ihovi'll (,111s will love ( lie Monks ol Doom probably !><•< ausr il s tlin s.tmr band. svjlh tlit• I'M I'plioti ol I SMI people In April ul ( iiiiper Van Beethoven decided to call it till its due to personal disagree merits 1.1 ist vi as tin1 six'-ilium hoi liand lint from the breakup emerged ii new hand, or at least a nevvh named liand ' Tlie Monks ol Doom have existed since 1'IHti." said Vii tor kruiniilenai her. The Monks' hass plaver We re leased two albums while ( lamp er Van Beethoven was still to gather. This band has a history that goes beyond the breakup "The Monks of Doom is not a brand new thing." said (Ihris Pedersen I he Monks’ drum mer 'It's just minus two pen pie " So vvh.il h.is it been Iiki' for The Monks to go from being well-ret ogni/ed and well liked .is Camper to being the now (wild on llif block IVioc nonr through .1 lot hrununenai her s.nd \ow wo rt- .1 little loss prominent hut all things considered we're in preftv good slatos (fur nit.milt' 01 should 1 sav l.i* k nt income, iswhat s dilfei out Pedersen said As loi tlifir sound A *'11 that's 4 u hole ddli-n'iit slot'V \\ • n- loudfi ami intiri' ag gri'ssivi' kruinmi'iiai hi'i said t ampi'i had a hri’adlh ot in flilfiii os ami so do wf \\a■ still do thf s.iiiii' tiling, hut mori' f\ t reme 'v Pedersen disagrees It s delimte Iv a < 1 itffri'lit hand lit' said rllf Mi ink s of f it 11 mi draw on different sounds (fur music is mori' in thf vimii ol an Italian snundtrai k Sonic pfoplf mav 1 all 1 hi* Monks a i ollege musit hand others mav sav punk Wither desi nplion tits evartlv "It's a rm k band with ipmk\ influences." Pedersen said In some wavs, though it s even more than that "111 a certain wav people will be ipiit.k lo ( .ill us .1 col lege mi k liand Knimineii.il her said We re not post punk .mil we re not nK k n roll either U e i .in be heavy .mil loud but vve i .in turn it down .utd he subtle too I don't think w e re .< ( ollege mi k bond but I think we re big to ( ollege students bei ause the\ seem to lie more open to new things ' Pedersen said l or The Monks of Doom, the ill ns it w holes er style tiles i house is the most important thing We re really tired ot being sub t ategon/ed and hos ing to dress oud look and .u t that port.' Kruniinen.il her said It gets to the point svhere the mil sii s ( ool liei ouse it looks ( ool We offer the niusii lust and eservtlling else sei olid ( Ipenuig the shoss ss ill be I ugene's Now William, to.itin mg o prominent fiddle sound I l.irm I arm. o San I ram isi u bond ss ill olso perform prior to I he Monks of I loom Harm 1 arm. which recently I uurlnt ph WIUTC FANO 1200 ? 35 500 N v ■LING 7 30 0 50 m iuss f IXMJMUS KKAT1 ■ HK \ AWAXKNINO* 1? 1050*1000 fUl I tuft LA •TOUT 4 7 r (XXJIM.K rKATIJKK MOTWJio »irr TKOUB1C 12064 V> 0 36 fegj Vy i&'X KIN 1)KMt< AM I KM cor 220 rob &jii _ii^_y f tx>i,m-K nwam QUEEN CAXD 11 40 4 40 9 40 SI V Vi jiu OU1LTT BY SUSPICION 2 10 7 10 S3 f MOT A IXX/1XJE FEATVJKE ^ TIXNAGK MUTANT NINJA TVVmJtM II 12 J&2 4