RECRUITERS Continued from Page 1 liespile this piilii \ militarv representatives have signed the Affirmative Action Compliance Statement fur the (farcer Plan mug and Placement Service saying the\ will not discrimi nate in luring ASl’O President Kirk Hailes said signing the statement is all that the militars is re«|uired to du for at i ess to t ampus "If an organization signs the dis< laitnii then they're let hill i ally allowed to do recruiting. Hailev said "That's what the (!IA essentially did and that 's how they got .irmimi tht* Af firmativi' At lion polit v lairry Smith. Career Planning .. Plat fmi-nt Services dm'< tor. said although the military i'm lodes gays and lesbians its rei roiling is legal till I niversily fac dities "The Department of Defenst direi live has lieen approved at the federal level " Smith said "The Affirmative Action poli< \ that applies to the I adversity e one that s set hv the State Hoard of Higher Kdui ation Oregon Administratis e Holes do ini lode sexual orien tation as mie of the prote< ted areas. tint tlx- federal directive i iirries more authuritv The administration agreed with Smith Representatives of I he armed fori es have signed the l'iiiversdv s affirmative action compliant.e statement regard mg non-diM rimination in em plovment as required of all cm plovers who use universiH stu dent recruiting facilities." a press release said "The l!niverslts of Oregon is advised that providing access to its facilities to the armed fortes is proper under apple a NOW YOU CAN Watch videos sent t" you I rum I urope \si Africa and other countries • Send videos home loi family and friends to vv ate ll INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS CONVERSIONS to AO nun S25 to 60 nun Shi 120 nun s is 4 :) i a .) -> ’■ . , irt-.i - r ' .I. -IWi Pietros Pizza _I SANTA CLARA 2620 RIVER ROAD • 688-2222 CAMPUS 20 E. 18th • 342-2320 FREE DELIVERY FROM OUR NEW P.D.Q. DELIVERY STORES (LIMITED AREAS) hie law .im! administrative rules |an Organ i hairman of the House (Committee of the IAU Hoard of Direr tors, said the ad ministration denies that the military ' unreasonably differ entiates" un the basis of sexual orientation bei ause the military directive is supported by the Supreme ( ourt "The administration says Yes we have this clause but we (.an t uphold it he said It s a very solid line for the administration to take Organ s.iid prior to l ebruarv. the IMt allowed ret miters to use a v\e refuse to answer i lause to sidestep the aflirma live a( tion issue On Feb 7. thi* Board of !)i rot tors removed the option to rt'llt't I ils i.nmpliante with OAK Organ said huwr Plan ning and Platement Service docs not have to follow BMP polit y and will continue to al low military ret miters use ol the fat alities Sue Dot kstader t o-tliret tor of the la'shian, (lav. and Misex tail Alliance. said the adtninis tration will have to go against state < iff it ials to prohibit mill tars ret roiling on t ampus "l'nfortunateh . bet arise of the position they're in. they have to get their t tie trom poll titiaus anti the State Board ol Higher I tint ation. Dot kstatler said DESIGN Continued from Page 1 im'lit ra\s said graduate stu ilciit I >.iv id Reynolds \ mill water fountain is one peripheral till tile site isn't .is planned' \ met It.imsm on one corner id the p.iv ilion s roof w ill i .il< h frilling rain until the water s weight releases it down upon ,i fountain where it will splash around and eventu al I v flow down i n t o t h e niillrat e "It will add drama to the event ot rain" in misU gray hugene. fourth-vear undergrad uate leffrev Mi Kean explained Design Itmld was a full-time commitment this week for many students who sacrificed other i lasses tor the one credit experteni e from Sellers. Steve Httdaties and John lamnell All I h r ee a i e re ti o w tied De sign Builders who have taught similar courses at Yale Pniver sitv. the I'mversilv o! Pennsvl \ illlkl and the l lliversit) ot Washington Students plan to complete the pavilion Park next week but the prn< ess oriented De sign Build method mnv leipno .inure'time 'Because we re inside the design itS lull -scale It's slow enough to see the process." Sellers said The amount id tune spent per unit of construe lion in Design Build allows builders to respond and make changes along the way I alwavs see problems in the process ol construction that could never lie fixed on the drafting board Sellers said Graduate student Gunnar Hubbard, who worked with Sellers in Vermont, coordinat ed the Design Build class with several other architecture stu dents during fall term The ar i Intel (lire department agreed to fly the Design Builders to Ku gene Mug sales. T-shirt sales and donations from local cun struction and machinery firms provided materials for the class DAILY DINNER BUFFET SPECIAL -All You Ctin Edt (nji*s Dailv Dinner Bullet specials., plus 13 Whet famous item-* loesdn.Famous Whole Fried Shrimp k lasts fotu Wednesdis.Peking Rib \ Sauteed Mushroom Dumpling and Ssseet t\ Sour Pork Fridas.I i>h with i hoke ot Saui e & ( urr\ Beet Saturdas.Pot Sticker & Mar Far Chicken Surxln.BBQ Pork Rib & Shrimp Fried Rue JADE PALACE CAMONIM L SZECHUAN CUISINE P'utri v<> j >\ itk ( Now Try The Best! DAILY DINNER BUFFET SPECIAL 15 iten» tor darner. 9 items for lunch • Crril Uslr • Vegrt jblr OK • No MSC AH tot/ Cm Pried SPRINT ANDERSON’S Anderson’s carries the sporting goods for your spring athletic needs! Running shoes Warmups Tennis equipment Backpacking equipment Running tights Swimwear Sunglasses ...and much more! HARVC FOX' 0)< ANDERSON'S (^^SI=»0«TlfMG GOODS bAl r M • ALtlAriT • LUMV ALL lb • t UUtNt 199 W. 8th, Eugene 484-7344