UNIVERSITY Warren to push for integrity, holding student fees By Came Dennett Emerald Reporter I’risi ill.) W .irriMi, < .ihdidcitr tor .1 two vmr ltu tdrntal I'tv (loniinittrr s.iid sill' IS III trrrstrii in prrsrn lllg thi• intrg ritv of stuiirni programs while m.lint.lining the Irvrl ol stn drnt trrs "I don't trrl I i k i ■ students tin rstuirily want their trrs low rrrtl." stir s.nd "Hut thr\ do more for tlimr dollar V\ .irrrn s.iid w ith i uts in Mu drnt enrollment .itnoimling to S'lOt).OOd Irss III student trrs ,i reasonable w.n hi preserve all sUiiii'iil programs without rais inn Ices is for groups In look for outside funds U.irreu .1 senior sot lolugv m.i|o; Will bey i u g rad liate work next (.ill Her e v|>er ie in e i ru I udes more three \ears ol work lor the ASI ( ) oil the t lilld ( .ire I ask lone serving .is i lour w bn one \ ear and help i llg prepare I lie i hi Id i a re budget reipiest for the II I U ai leu a parent ol tini i lid dren has also lobbied on stale and national lends tor i hild care sulisuh .programs for stu drill parrnls Warren is one of the organic i-rs ill tin- I .ist ( nmpiis Neigh Imrliood ( i>11 in il .mil sitm's .is i O'pri'siMitativt' on the I amih Housing tlo.iril 'sin' inis prr i (dirge I'XpiT11' III I- III offll I' management .1 mi hnokkerping I'm ,111 older student .uni vs !• h.ivi' not It.Million,ills heen vvi'll represented on 1 ampus shi' said I ill ink I 1 .111 . it 111 1 lot ol wisdom .uni csprrirni r lo tile II I . 1 s \s i'll ,1 ,1 (Ilflt'OMt! perspei live ()nc (hangr Warren v\ mild like In si'c w ithm Ihr 11 1 ‘ is till' flllr slmlilll groups hnvr In unit nun vi'-ti bt'fnrt'tx'ing fit gilih> fm II I funding I In' mli' m.uli' III guild I,ulh. in groups ni'fii In show snmr intfgrilN lifinii' llit'\ gut innniu sin- said I Invvf vur shi' Im'Iiiu us that tills rule < .in hr a ri'.il harniT lm sillin' groups with a Dili' \iMir uniting pfrnid In he rm ug in/i'il In, llit- AS) I ) ami annthfi Vfar as a rn ugnizrd group lm Inn'tlit'\ < an rfi|ll«*st tundiug ammt r.£ I'risi ill,i \\ arrcn Stockwell calls for controls on CIA By Brooke Brannon Emerald Contributor |ohn Stoi knell urged a I iti versitv crowd Thursday «*v»*n i ii)4 to ed ur a Ie ! hem mi I ves about tht' ( "IA which he said should hi* limited to t ollec ting objective illtelli)jent:e. instead of furthering the t nited Slates historv of wars, conflicts and military operations tie worked .is a (.1A field agent for 12 \ears and oik e served on the National Set nrit\ t ouiu il as c oillinander of the Angola Africa task tone hut now tours the nation giving lectures on ( IA violations of moral and legal i odes Slot kw i'll joined the (11A in 11 it»4 serving in Vietnam and later m Angola hut left the or ganization in !l)7? hei .Rise he no longer believed that global peace mill d he attain eel through covert actions The motivation tor covert ( 1A operations in Third U orid i ountries are primardv tiased on prolit Stockwell said not ing that vvith I !.0011 opera |ohn Sto< hwell (Kins spread nut tnei ii sears everv Dili- ol lliein destabll i/ing targeted i outlines that leads to an unstable world In an unstable ss oi Id \ on can instils a huge milttars ma ( lime ss Hit li in turn makes high taxes ,k i eptable .is long as the money will he spent on do fellse he added Sfothvvoll maintained that wars such as those finish! in Vietnam and the I’ersian (.nit have been on hestrateil In our government solely in orviei to make a prolit At least sis million people has e been killed In ai I iv ities that the CIA organized he said " I' s essentially sis mil lion people who would hot have died it ov:i las dollais had not been spent In the CIA Stor klvell thinned that tin countries who are targeted In the ( IA are all t nuntt ies in the I Inn I World where the gov ernmeiits are not powerful enough to tori e the I 'tided Stales to stop lit utah/uu.; then people I here is delnutelv a lat lal pattern that emerges in (his thing In* said Its ()K hu otir set ret goveriimeiit to kill masses ot people in countries that are ot different skin color than the majority in this i try min Frank’s speech to open Pride Week I' S Rep. Hiii nev I rank who III 1 *>HH became the second i nil gressman in 111 sior\ to openly at knowledge Ills homosexuali t\ will s|»*.ik .it tin* Cniversity tonight iihmi! political issues ( tint erning gays and lesbians "Social ( haiigti lor l.esliians and (ia\ Men in the Political Aren.i in Oregon anil Nation wide" vs ill he the loins ol Ins presentation at 7 tt) p in in ltttt I’lil I rank's partnei Herb Moses will speak about his ex perieili es as lilt* gay spouse ot a public figure Frank who has been a mein her ol Congress since 1‘titl made headlines in FlHO when charges surfaced that a man he had been sexually involved with was running a prostitution business out ot Frank's home Frank said he had no know! edge of that. but he was i ell sured by the I louse F.thii s ( om niittee hi Congress, he is chairman of the Subcommittee on Ad ministrative larw of the | ml it la ry Committee, is a member ol the Hanking Committee, the Committee on Aging and the budget Committee lie has recently been active in promoting the Kyan White AIDS legislation, which would increase funding for AIDS re search and direct care for peo ple with AIDS I rank s sprite h. ( u sponsored l>\ 1 tmersilv President \lvles Brand's I ask Ion i- on I.I'slnan •mil (lav ( aim erns the* (,av ami l esbian l aw Students Assih ta lion .mil the Otfuc of Affirm.) 11\ !■ \i tlon i mm iijrs with thr beginning of thr l 'nivcrsilv s ( ,.1\ .111(1 I .rsllliill I’rllli' \\ rrk ( ion BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. (t \iludin^ pit s, supers and ^ianls) _T, -> i fT\ *«< Iff 3631 \N . Ilth TCBV I he L (iimtr i/s Iksl Iim/ii/I | LIVE!!! VIA CLOSED CIRCUIT TV | WORLD’S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMPION HOLYFIELD CHALLENGER FOREMAN FRI. APR. 19 GATES 5 PM 1ST FIGHT 6 PM PLUS FABULOUS UNOERCARO All Seats Reserved — $30.00 Buy in Advance and gel a Hamburger & Drink ($6 oo value) Jiggles Tavern 2166 W 11th 344 6897 • TICKETS WON T LAST INO'S DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS Campus Specials ""$4.99 i ONE MEDIUM PIZZA j with any one topping, I pan or original crust. I f \pircs 5 - K 1 J r $7.99 ! ONE LARGE PIZZA ■ with any one topping. 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