UNIVERSITY Director relives his gulf experience By Lisa Millegan f me i a lb Reporter President Hush made I lie null! dei I s ion when he or dered Ami'iiuui lmii|is into N.ttuli Arabia s.mi Wil li,im Walkei assistant direr tor uf the I niversity s A .1111,1(1.1 l-anguage <'enter If (S,kIiI.iiiii Hussein would have taken over (Saudi Arabia) we would lie in a ..depression now much worse than I he' one ill the I'l.’ll s Walker didn't arrive at his'opinion after carefully monitoring ne\vs reports lie was living in Saudi \re bia when h,ii| invaded Kuwait last siiminei W alker ( a me to the Yiiimida I entei aftei Work tug tor two years at an all male university in llhuhiaii Saudi Arabia, w here he taught Knglish and. served .is a cum puter lab manager for the. school's foreign language department He said Hush had no ( hoir c hut to send troops to the Persian (.tilt A mem a s a uniniiii w el fare depended on it "The1 issue Was riil he said We shoiildn I lie de pendent Oil Arab oil but We are Ameiu all soldiers in the Persian (.till were simply defending Altlrriiil s sai red right to a higher standard of living A mem as w I sest ( film e now to avoid a future i r Isi s is to look lor alter nut tv e energy souri ev he said, as the ( ost ot oil goes tar hevond the i ost at the pump Walket leialls Ins disbelief when he first heard about li.K| s \ug 2 invasion of Kuwait from a friend He had trouble finding a radio station that disi ussed tfie i rtsis file (inly souri e fie found with immediate reports of the invasion was the HM( W hen Saudi telev ision hroadi asli-rs finally began te porting the invasion, he said they referred to the war only as the situation in the gulf In the days following the invasion Walkei said he was uncertain about what was happening lie talks about paiiu king one afternoon over the ( lo sure of the Dhahtail International \nport Radio and television broadcasts tarried no news about the do sure l ater lie found out the airport was temporarily i losed in preparation to ie< eivc A mem an ( atgo lets Shortly after the wai began the Arnem an i onsulate told all American women and children to leave the i (iu lit tv Walker wasn't able to leave until tour weeks after the invasion bei lie had problems resigning from Ills |ob lie said the university system in Saudi \iabia is very different from the system ill the I 'nited Slates lie cause Saudi students are ai (Hally paid to attend < () Kmerald St at 8 to night KKI.KdON Hahai C ampus Assoc ration meets tonight at o in in the Hahai ( .inter 14aH Alder SI Roundtable Discussion I he Sei mill (aiming of (hrist" meets in the I AH' Skylight Refectory at 12 id (i m lodav Active ( hristians Taking a Stand meets it tonight in Room 14B Straub Hall for worship Hi hie study, and fellow ship f minn \dult (.roup ... Sumiav night a! ft III in the Ww mail ( enter lHat) I itutrald St to discuss ( aid in our Work " l or more inform,i lion i all |ohn I rentalange 4Ha 2'fBfl Weekend Masses in the Sew Ilian ( enter 1H ill Kmerald St , on Saturday at 5 pan and Sunday at 0 ,i ill and I 1 a m Servile of the Holy ( nmmumnn led bv Rev ]ane! < rnmwell will take place today from 12 to !2 Id p rn at the Wesley (antler 12 (H Kincaid St This event is sponsored by the Knifed Moth odist Ministry MISCKI.I AN KOI s (Campaign Social with (cmnifer Hills/Josonja W atson ASl < ) exec utive c andidates takes plac e in thi‘ Komonia ( .t-riter ac mss from !’l,(tonight from I. to H |i m I bis event is sponsored by the Students for Jennifer Hills Alpha l ambda Delta's and Kill Kla Sigma's last day to turn in forms and c hoc ks to join the M l) ITs I reshmeti National Honor Societies Turn nt information m Room 404 ()regon Hall by r> p m 2 Pizzas With Pepperoni! _ Pepperoni! TWO MEDIUM PIZZAS LARGES AVAILABLE °*$ft99 FREE Crazy Bread i ,»»*• v>/ i, *»f, *» 141a »' Little Caesars -pPizza! Pizza! TWu jfrrjt W»>* pfki- Atwjyi Ah*jyy Campus 1930 Franklin • (at vmard) 687-2848 Main Desk NOW STARRING... Discount Theatre Tickets Moyer Theatres 'Ticket good at all shows Act 111 Theatres ^Ticket not good at special engagements 450 HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RECRUITING TEACHERS FRIDAY, MAY 10 ) We need certified Special Education Teachers; Math Teachers, School Counselors; School Librarians. Please come prepared to accept job offers for ) 1991-92 school year. Excellent opportunities - statewide. Beginning salary: BA-524,208 ; MA-$25,451 ) Get \t>ur application forms and brochures at ) Hendric ks Hall (346-4235). Register early, only 16 interview slots available.