UNIVERSITY Ticket hopes to educate campus By Daralyn Trappe t meMid Repode. It there's one won) that.inight sum-up the vast array of goals s< oit Ihmlap ami ( iinnir S«*»*l'«“\ have tor th»* ASt () it's outre.n h Dunlap, a senior majoring ill marketing anil fi name, and Seeley a senior majoring in politic al S( lent e and SOI mlogv make up one ol the three In kets running lor VSl'O president and yn e president tins \ear I he two plan to toe Us attention on i om erns sm h as prey ention ol rape through edtn alum let ting new students know about the programs and resourc es available at the I im efsity and prim id mg information to high school students- about ti nancial aid and scholarships "We want In sponsor some events ai'e imt only going to he entertaining hut have i tiles sage, .Seeley said "I want to get some lug names here to talk about women s issues espe t i,illy dale rape 1 think that's something that this campus as whole has really ignored Hut yy hen talking about edm ation Sent I and i both realize that yye can educate the yyuineii ill yy e want hut we also have to edm ate the men That's something yye re really trying-To lot us in on.” Seeley said they plan to mi orporate an educa tional program with the Karlv Orientation and Registration Program lor freshmen It s only through education that we ll get at the heart of the problem.’' Dunlap s.iid One way that yye plan on doing that is to get .it the students who are |nst coming into the I 'niversitv by setting up programs through HOKP and New Student Week I hat can not only bring about awareness of ASIA) programs hut promote a tree thinking environment and sharing ot ideas "We want to set up a program not only shows people what the ASt () is yy hat its re sourc es are hut how they c an use tliat and try to bleak the st igma! ism ol the A SI () he said (letting students to the I'niversitv in the tost plate is another concern especially lor Seeley who went to a high school in a low income neighborhood in Portland "Probably live people ill my high school went to college and I don’t think it's because they (nuldn'l tin it hut they didn't know what their resourc es were they didn't know about tinunciu! aid.1' she said S.-eley said she wauls to talk to high school stu dents about higher edm ation and tinanc i.d re sources and perhaps set up a combined effort with other universities and colleges throughout the state Another one ot then goals tor the I niversitv is bt I odd Williams s< ott Dunlap (riiiht) amt f itnntr Stales onr ot thrrr ti< krts tor \M () prvsnirnt and \ n r prrsidrnt In set up .m Athlete Board of Dim tors similat tu (lit- I Ml ' Hoard. of whu h Duul.ip is .i member I would ri'.i 11 v like In see us together simir kind of ( i mi Ullttee nl k Ion i' .Hid start In (ill I : i lin.ird ul dim.Inrs) together .uni see kind nl student [lower we lould put on this See lev suit! If tlit-v re getting almost million nl our nn ident.ll tees, then I think students should have .1 sav 111 what s going nn I)uiikip and Seeley said they believe it is mi [ tort a ill tu i (inti line higher education lohhviug ef torts in Salem until Ink I and would tot ti*. enet g\ on Salem d a s[h*i nil session is i ailed next \ e.ll Moth want to emphasize what they believe me the attributes that set them apart from the other two sets ut i undulates lelinitei Hills ]oSoil|a Wat son and Mike ( nlsini Bari lay (,r.i\ son "()ur exjieriein e goes a In! further than student government experience." Dunlap said It out lies to a lot of different areas on this campus No two people i an have all the answers to the issues What our tu ket provides is a li.ntlework m which those issues can lie approached and solved through empowering the students SUMMER STORAGE^ Indoor Storage Units 5x10s 8x10s No unit fee with 5 month rental iS5 00 value' 747-4573 PROTECTED ’STORAGE CO. 361 Shelley St Springfield, OR 4 Engine Service 1000 S HrrlHsen Hd 18 fugene OR 9740? One Block North of W 11th NuUn Ind Pla/.i Special: no n l a \>,\jgen Service For SS vears 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON The curse o( artist s block POSTERS POSTERS DUBK / KK XMOdi I’KINTMV 1 280 Oak SI* MM 11» • ♦ m* f*. Mw