Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Kurds pay with lives
for Bush’s idle talk
liven though In* mav look 11k«• a wimp whim throw
int; out the first pitch for an Opening l)av baseball
game George Bush's willingness to stand up to pres
sure i ailing for 1 S involvement in liacj s rivii war
paints an <i 1 ternative image of himself and other rec ent
Kepilhlit ,in presidents
\t last a consistent foreign polir \
Ills latest dei ision not to tin arivthmg to help peo
ple overthrow oppression remains in line with other
foreign polir \ decisions When the Soviet government
responded w ith violence to citizens asking for reform.
Hush basic alls said It s had. it's had Hut the presi
dent did nothing else other than r am eling a superpnw
eis summit where he could have said something to
( a III tar hei about
I hr i i .11 M li m ii
\\ lirn I hr
( hilH’Sr \ inli'llllv
|llll ilnu II ,1 |i'
IiimiiisI nun I'Hit'iil
in (Ill'll i iiinili \
lliisli i fspi mi 11 •» I
li\ 11*.i\ 114; ( Inn.1
mi (he I nilril
M.ili-s' 11 it is I l.i
\ imimI IriiiliH}} list
While; the involution
rhetoric was sliding care
lessly off his tongue, the
Kurds were taking his
words seriously and ate
now paying the price.
Xml ss lifii ( lit
iii'm' I'raimai I i 1’i'iin s munnisls iIt■ ii-11111 il Ins ii.uk
l InW II. -s. IV IIIK III!' V illlclK I' SlilS lll'l I'SS.II \ In SI1|I|U'I'SS
Mill i 1114 lllill III1 S.llll I ill I.ill'll'! I till' IIMUltlS S I 111 111 I
(.i ni Itiisli I hr sell |im< l,im 11 •! I u 111 til ’s | ml 11 M 1 h 11I
S.llll n< • 111111 ill .ill
\uu ill I tail |. Hush lilts 111.air .1 urn tll.it ha u ill mil
|cl \ 11 a-i m ,111 111 hi|is yet Imlint'll 1I1 m 11 m .1 1 is 11 ss .11
msulr 11, i< | lla 111.mil.mis Ilia mils III mu; lia util 1I11 lm
ilia hunts ,1 1 >1111 ul |iaii|tla lia 111 *1 smi.ills am mil.ivu'il
111 I as 1 ill is sal II11 ,1 s.llll I (1,11 S ss I in a I has W ill III s.ili
Il is am 11111.141114 lh.it Hush h.is lha Imusaslil uni in
ael msiilsail ill .1 1 1 s 11 ss.tl lli.il Inssmi li.is Inn'll
I < . 11 Ill'll I I ms as I'i 11 ss null I ll.lS a 111'a 11 I III a 11 lla ss (Ml h I
h.is 1 h. 111 lliasa same halials \s Ill'll ha am 1 nil.141*1I ilia
k. mils In 11S ft I In ms 11 ussiiii
I its a .hi msliim a ul .1 ssmhl la.nlai mil '41s 111 ■ .ms
I iuia.;,ll in lha pu.ssihlr 1 Hllsa(|liam as In Ills llippant la
ill.ilk \\ Inla lha I as ill ul lull 1 Ill'll 11 H ss.is si 1111114 1 .in
II .sis nil Ills lilt 1411a lha hill 1 Is ss I II l.iklli ; Ills SS1111I
sai 11 hi s I s .mil.11a miss pus 1114 lha 111 lia
Hush s | i.issii ill.ita spaai h nliuul mil samlmi; \1nr1
II .111 I II I Id I ail 11 linsa ha 11 set I In < .ill Xmeru.l’s 114 III 1114
Inn as | min ,1 1 is 11 ss .11 .11 si 1 h nlas ,1 m il hai 11 msi 111 ha h.is
mil haipaiI lha hunlish lasnll Hush ss.mls lha 1 unanl
11 .n|i 4m ai iimaiil In lam,1111 ml.nl mums Hussain II
lha hunls merthims lha 4m eriininiit nl li.it) .mil lliau
1 annul huh! lha immtrs together li.iq imihl hai oma
mihl.ml ami huslila In Ilia I hilled Stall's mm It Ilka
Inin I 11.11 pi.tvs as mm h into Hush s ih*< isimi In la
111.mi 11aul1.il ns sending kuls into a 1 isil ss.11 Hush
liisl iluasii I iiiaiiliun lh.it bt'( ausa il iliiasn I sound ns
guild mi ilia evening nasss
Xml ss h 11 a Hush svuuhl like ill'' ssmhl In think lha
,ml In lha hunls is lur hum.lint.in.m la.lsiius il is sun
pis .m allml In make met .1 m.issisa toieign pnln \
lilumlai II Hush 1 .uad a I >1 n 11 hunlish pauplu ha ssinihl
lias a linin' 1 aralulls weighed his decision In pnmipl
thi'lli min ras nlul 11111
I lia I S ami titlii*i .iIIims .ml shinihl ■ milium In
mi la. I SC SII lh.it II I III! max spa lit 11 s 1114 111 s.is a hunlish
lisas is prnpnrlnn • la III ilia animilll span! 111 hi .11 m 4
i 11 ss ml
I h.il is lha mils pussilila ss.is (e-urge Hush ami his
; Ml k nl nil'll anal S lap ill 14 II lam Is ss 111 ha ahia In Innk
at I hi'll! salves m lha mu mi as ai s mm liiltg
r* 11 Has tk.rK.m
T he •• , ' D.ti y I I'.sr.i'! '. ; ut>i:sh<wJ Monday through Fnday e»s opt during i» •, tv
a. .» : ».*t atoms by the ("ivj- > Dti-’y Emerald Publishing Co at the University o'
Oregon Eugene Oregon
The Emerald 's operated m dep«nd*ntfy of the University aith office* on the third
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The [ mt*f ji.l s private property The un-awfui 'emova of use of papers •* prose ut
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E dttor An i- «\ he*' *••
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io t akofish
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Quit denying
Student government ele<
tions .ire right .irotiml the mr
net (April J-41 .uni with Me.ts
tire 'i s impart alwilit to he felt
b\ many of us. I should hope
that ev ervouc will take tills
elei lion very sei iouslv
Student groups and a< tivities
that require money will he in
limho. at the very least limited
in their ability to him lion It
should lie everyone's priority to
trier t people with integrity and
who ire trustworthy espei iallv
people who may staff the IK
and make dei isions with our
I'he i ainpus ( (immunity is a
mu roi osin ol our national and
global i (immunity It is time we
all bis ame responsible lor out
ai lions (ome out of our denial
phase and address the reality
that has been looming all
It is all of our responsibility
to dei ide whether we will eon
tunic to live in fear or take a
stand and ask some big ipies
So vote on April J-l As stu
dents we need to ensure that
the various <u tivities that yve
are involved m continue to e\
ist and that the people making
de( isions are people with re
sponsihilitv and can truly be
Howard Hnilme
Bom ability
(umcerning the Stern and
Westlind letter [Ul)b.. Apr !1|
shame on you
You have ignored your Idler
ai education and (.died for
Mike (lolson to step dow n be
cause of a petty controversy
fueled by his opposition If ey
cry modulate who might ro( k
the ASI'O liout were to step
down our puthete student gov
ernment would sink even deep
er into the abyss of partisan ab
The (ontroversy here is not
tile petty allegation that Colson
added four words to a i ompu
ter file The real issue here is
that an upathetu student body
is being skillfully duped by tin*
saw \ |>otiti« laris m Suite -1
( ailson has aluavs been un
pdpular with the paper tiger
radii als who run llus campus
This fabrii ated scandal is their
brutal attempt to i rush the first
tu bet w ith am possibility of
defeating t hem
l arlson has show n a born
ability to withstand the power
till undertow ol politii al i.oi
rei tness on this < ampus He
has stood for true prim iple in a
bizarre political arena whir h
values conformity and knee
|erk liberalism over i rilii al
Stop letting the "activists”
tfnnk for you (let motivated
and vote, but vote with vour
mind instead ol billowing the
advice ot vour misinformed,
politii ally correi t peers
Jeremy hemp
Mike Walker
I am writing this letter in re
spouse to tile ( ailson ( uavson
campaign ad Apr 1 1)
In their ad (ailson Han lav at
i use Jennifer Hills and kirk
Hailey of bringing friends to
Washington. DC and the ex
penses being paid bv ASIJO. It
would have been useful for (ail
son (irayson to check the facts
Indore printing tJieir campaign
I did not know Hills prior to
the trip, and knew Hailey only
professionally due to inv in
volvement in student ai tivities
I also know that two other
members of our conference del
egation did not know either
person prior to the conferem e
1 trelieve that I was seler ted
as a representative due to my
merits as a student leader I ,1111
a student senator, chairperson
of the board of directors of Stu
dent Projects Im In addition. 1
am a very ai tive member of the
International Student Associa
turn The committee that select
ed the conference partn ipants
paid attention to the diversity
and to the personal at com
plishments ol the applic ants
Needless to say that due to
tlie incorrect information in the
Colson Grayson ad. I personal
l\ will urge all ( oik erned sin
dents, including international
and minority students, to vote
(or candidates other than (ail
son (Jravson
II this duo i annot he act urate
m their campaign ads. how are
they going to he accurate as
AM '() president and vh e presi
I personally believe that the
University student botly is bet
ter off w hen persons other than
( adson (Iras son are m i harge of
ASt'() Exe* utive
Aila l.ehtonen
Very tacky
Regarding the very tai k\ Col
son (Irayson ad seen in the per
sonals (O/JF.. Apr 11) attacking
the USSA lobbying trip that
Kirk Bailey and Jennifer Bills
participated in
I’erhaps Mike (lolson forgets
that he was on the committee
th.it approved the trip Sin* e he
had the finaiu nil details ini or
ret t. a memory lapse does seem
Or maybe he is pist trying to
shift attention awa\ from his
IFC situation Father way. I
would prefer a president with a
little class
Gina Harris
Romance languages
He’s our man
The organization Young fas
< ists for Bush (YFFB) is pleased
to annoum e its enthusiast!* en
dorsement of IFC. candidate
William Gaskill
We at YFFB believe that Gas
kill's campaign embodies the
principles we strive for He is
unwavering in his refusal to
recognize anyone's viewpoint
but his own and bis plans to
impose his personal moral
agenda on the student body at
large is particular admirable
We certainly hope that Gas
kill will clean up this campus
of anyone who actually leads a
lifesty le dissimilar to his
Gerald White