MUSGRAVE Continued from Page 13 had In no against Musgra ve four limes and coat tied him in the japan Howl was verv im pressed with how Musnrave handled the different aspei I'- of an all star game James believes Musurave helped hint self in that game ' The pro pen p I e say it doesn't matter but it does Juntos said He played really well in lapan lie was pretty at i urate r onstderlnp. we were ver\ limited in that we only had two hour'' to pr.u tu e to nether " The ability to learn a system <|tii« klv is something that Hellolti attributes to Mils nrai.e s intelligent e rhe ability to learn a system tpnt kly i.ould ,liso !»• .1 hl« different r cm how Miisuravc iid|iists to profits ion ill foolh.ill Hill is extremely intelli gent H' llotti s.oil It .im.i/cs mi- ,iih1 In- s m.uif m\ liff very e.isy In I,k t hf s s|hhied me v\ Iifii it i null's to i o.n lung quartcrlMi ks Hr wtil pii k up Ihf system very (]uit kly .mil n ill hr .ihlt* to iiper.ite within the system." he said "A lot of times that's what takes (juartcrhai ks so lung 111 the pros is pl( kills; up the mental grasp of what's happen ing around him and what arc the best (hours tor him to make The intangible things, sm h as bring able to \i in games m ( hiding bring a v«r> intelligent person and plavcr .ire aspects all ol tile si (Hits like about Mils ■ THE UO BOOKSTORE PRESENTS ITS FIRST ANNUAL ■ UP TO I s100 I CASH I BACK 1 WITH PURCHASE OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM (Check at EMU Computer Shoppe For Details) APRIL 8-20 EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (BASEMENT OF EMU BUILDING) UO BOOKSTORE (THIRTEENTH AND KINCAID, PH. 3464331) NO INTEREST PAYMENT PLAN O.A.C. STUDENT DISCOUNT PRICES LOW PRICES On Computer Systems, Software, and Accessories. Huge Selection of Top-Name Brands. Hands-On Demonstrations. Manufacturer’s Reps On Hand to Answer Your Questions! SAVE NOW ON COMPUTERS WORD PROCESSORS & TYPEWRITERS DISKETTE SALE! GET THE ANSWERS! Talk to Manufacturer's Reps MICROSOFT: Tues. April 9 PANASONIC (Computers): Wed April 10 Tues April 16 ZENITH: Thursday. April 11. Friday. April 12 CANON: Mon April 8. Tues April 9 BROTHER: Thursday April 11 PANASONIC (Word processors! Mon . April 15. Thurs.. April 18 JVC: TDK: MF2DD3 12 MF2HD 3 12 M02D05 1 4 MD2HD 5 1 4 MF20D312 MF2HD 3 1 2 MD2DD5 1 4 MD2HD5 1 4 Sale 8 50 Sale 17 25 Sale ' 4 Sale ’ 7, Sale ‘ 9 Sale 16 Sale ’ 5 Sale * 9. Supra Moderms: Inlet'Ml IBM 2400 baud f ilernal IBM 2400 baud Enlerna! MAC 2400 baud E»iefnai MNP 2400 baud Sale 89 95 Sale '119 95 Sale 119 95 Sale '139.95 grave, including k iper Some guvs have utilized that and some gins that .ire very intelligent hook smart i an t do the |ob on the field hiper said Some gins who aren't great in st hool i an go out there and he a leader and understand what it takes to lead a team down the field as far .is football is com erned Sometimes it doesn't < orre late he said, "hut in my mind it doesn't hurt ' t )ne thing all of the si outs and the Oregon coaching stall agree on is that playing for Ore gun won't hurt Yltisgrave's i ham es of being drafted It i er tainly didn't when Miller was taken In the Atlanta falcons Ur the f ii st round in 11IH7 There have been a lot of Ni l p I ay rrs t ii at ( a m e out of si bools no one had ever heard of Phil Simms attended More head State |ern Kue played college football at Mississippi Valiev Stale In fat t. play ing for the I hit k was probabh the most bene I i dial thing for Musgrave for sev oral leasims I don t think Bill could' have played in a system that would have given him a greatei opportunity to display his abili ties." Brooks said "He had the opportunitv to throw the ball a lot in the |ii a kel. on the move on play at turn, on the sprint out whatever "lie also had the opportunitv to take Looking for work? Graphics RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 346-4381 tit) Mi'mni ml Union • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION