SPORTS Going pro Can Musgrave make it in NFL? By Ashley Conklin Emerald Spoils i flil'v Hill Musgrave Was the uiniiingest quarterbai k m Oregon histon llr wiin more gaiiins than m\ other quarterbai k and was llu- oiik I Hu k sig nal i allei In lead Ins team to hai k In bai k how I games Statistic alls MusgraVe was also the best quarterbai k in (iiegi m I) isli n \ lie coinpitMi'd mort’ passes, threw lor mnrt' yards, had mort1 lout hdm\ ns ami had .1 higher t (ini pletipn pert enrage \ drill \ .1II lit in k ii 11, Hub Herrs. Dan I mils and ('In is Miller Musgrase Was also une id ill)' top quartei hai ks 111 I'.n die- III (tin ferem.e h islors . and mils Slantnrd s |i>hn « LUvnv ! 1.11 i linin' time h _ ar?rA~i itmvn ji,ism's m tin1 history of the cull ten-lie :e I or (Jregon * oae h Kie h Brooks thi-re is no question where' Musgrave' slioulel tie picket! Ill S \.it loll.el l oot ball League; limit whle.ll eoiu.lueli's Monday "Where-ver it is unless it's m the' lirst riiunel. it s not high enough in ms opinion." Brooks said 'heeause lie s ae e eiinplisheil things no other plavei has been able- to do in Oregein bistort But for all ol Ins ae e eimpiishments at Oregon Musgrave likely won'! be' tak en in the lust, see mill or even the' third round ol the Nil. ilratt In tail hi' might not eve'll hi' e hosen on Sunday when the first five rounds take plan' The book on Musgrave; by most pro si outs is the same "( kid with gre'.et intelligent e A gooil student of the game But lai ks the arm strength needeei to make it in the Ni l. Some think the arm strength issue is overrateet Others base Musgiave* sole-U on the arm strength question alone So ,'thr (|ui's!iori Imgrts Is Hill Mns gravr flu Ni l ipiurtrrb.u k 1 (.'an hr in.iki• it in jli' \ | | I tlmik Hill is .1 starling Ni l ■ [u.i■ 11• rI>.i< k Hriinks saul I don't look. it Hill as ,i hai k up I think Hill has a good hit in i* in thr Nil ail'd not as a hai k up l u "iilil hr my a intuit I hf assfssnifiit "I Mi l Kipfi It who mt\ i‘v .1- I s!’\\ <|i ,i|| .111.11 \ '■ I Is miIHi-u ■ t) <• li i n St.ill- n i ).i11 \|i t .« ii,. S n ii ! h i- i n Mi sissi|i|>i s Hn i I avii tlnm mii^ \.n*Ii- ut l.mi is\ ill.*. Imiii Marino v it h ut I St Alan I lnl I I s III Kill- \ HI* 1111,1 s \ | 'h i.% ii \!• ■■ *ii- : Mi anus ( raig I’m ksnn l would make Musgrave unis the eighth best quarter bill k available in has been ■ unsnl ered .is ,iii average si'.ir ,it best fur quat terbai ks (Ithur pubin atiuiis and si nut', list Paul Justin ul Arizona State ami Mars land's Si utt /.nlat k ahead ut Mils grave as ss el I While hiper ssas impressed ssitli Musgrave s ability to get the job dune at Oregon he isn't impressed ssilh Musgrave s arm lie's a ss inner out there at Oregon hiper said lie's a timing tom h pass ei hut doesn't have the great arm so that's Ins major negative ohviousls "There's levels in there of arm strength and it takes a scout to try and measure it he said \nd in that re spei t lie i nines up short ol what sou re looking loi in a starting quarterh.u k Both Brooks and Oregon offensive coord i n.itoi Mike Bel lot 11 both think the arm strength lactoi might he over rated Alter all, Joe Montana has ssou lour Super Boss Is tor the San ! rani isi o I ormrr I hrviin i/udiin hat l Hill is /imii-i fii/ In /». /jh ini m l/ir Utrr iiiiiik/s ut I hr Ml ih.ill piers with .ill arm that's hardly a tan non I don't think there's any ijUfSttnn that arm strength is overruled lirooks said I tii'n* am a lot ot guvs with nth' arms atm t good • |iiart*■ 11>a« ks Hill is a groat i|uartt-rhai k hi* said and I think all you have to do is look at Ins numbers that ho s boon ahlo to ,n luovo in his tour war career httro at ()i ogon ! or liollotl i liko llrooks arm slrongth isn't th** true tost ot a i)iiurlor bin k 1 boro's a lot ot people w ith Iromon dons arm strength that ( an t complete vorv mam passes ho said and I think to mo the most ai id lost lor a i|tiartfthat k is i ompotitlvo ai i mac v How often tan ho throw the hall whore ho vs,nits to throw it and put it w hole the roi 01 v or can i all’ll it " liollotl! asked 1 hero are different ways to got the hall there One guv i an wait and at the last mmilttv pul !I on .1 line .111< 1 Ihr olhri g u \ i.m throw it earlier .uni Ir.ill a pel son to the spot and ultimately the result is the same I think Kill is kind ot what you would tall a * ratty headsv player that understands his ahtlilies and utilizes them and gets more ait ol them than a lot ol other people w ith greater skills I here also seems to he (tillering opm ions on him much Musgrave helped Inmsell in the post season all st.o games w here he was the Most \ alu.ihle Player ot the Howl and also on the winning teams in the last West Shrine (lame and Hula Howl |lle| played pretK well at the l ast West Shrine (lame (hut) hasn't im proved it (draft status} at all, hiper said He didn't do anything dillorenl there than he did at Oregon The arm strength t.u tor was still evident Washington ( lo.u h Don James, w ho Turn to MUSGRAVE Page 16 Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 too CONNECTIONS Wanted *• Nt. Id Bd'bd'd A lift ! A ' t.-dt. :«• •» 105 PERSONALS ATli Last Saiu'Udy •» ' Bash But forever it couKJn t ‘ast Once agam we meet beet __LK_ CONGRATULATIONS to the n«M ■. pledges Jeanne T Katie G Lon H Amy B Dehfie M Julie S Krista K Leede 0 We love you1 Your Lh Sisters AAA & UKA The 3 way bid day *a?» a huge »uicess so let s be sure to mah* it a° *»'»nua! springtime bash AT y/. Nancy C. Congratulations on receiving your promise ring from Jett* Love Your Sisters Phi Psi Thanh you tor the perty across tha Mtllrace1 Wa love you' Gamma Phi PS Let s play Millraca volleyball . ^ ^«>n yrtyin thj sun c^mas out1 IPS PERSONALS \\\ Al (.onyi dtuldtion* on yOU» pinning Good luck in tr>* Iuiui0 A X A Pi K jppd Alpha PROUDLY present* its spring pledge class T yl*i fr T j C G*br K H Matt G T Jury* G Mall T Congratulation* Thank You Cassie. Paul. Curt, Stephanie, Jennifer and Steve. I Out top lo tha coast *as aronderfu’ ( It d much needed tuodi' and I make a nlual .,ut 0» this Nf«l b"t* 'I bong more arood and remember j *r*« mar shmaiiow* Kevin T.A Looking for a place to live? See sections 230 260 10b PERSONALS r$B EfE Karyn Kyle Cony(«lul«tton» Your HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDA Y Crissy (DOOFY) -C- We luv you. :*j Roo. Lis & Trace *£> In r«g«rdt ' 'hp 1 ► i !*•' ' • •• f .1 A !.)#•* VV»tJf «% !«»» Ap r! 1 Anyone *ilh any .fplease . uniat ? Jen dt 68/ 09?0 KKI Happy II PfoviHi Kti u U this pap*T Unplanned Pregnancy7 » ConlxMnlui ?r©*i Btfthnghl Hfcbi SEAN A ;l4, !.*«♦ t»M\ !•••.*■ I 4 '•1‘ b«fl GUM* Happy Annivttf5*ry tiab© ’ lov* you tofftdNfi 0©c kmaistwf 10b PERSONALS SHIlO M UN Barbequing and shooting hoops was a blast' Thanks Guys! Love, X/. 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