Oregon DAIIY EMERALD Kridas . April I1*, I Wl I upcnc ()rej;on \ tiluriK' Issui' 1 " Students construct pavilion for design class By Laura Price Emerald Contiit>b!t» Architecture stcidefifs dunned i .11 p. m ,1 .'pells ,1 i-ni smoothed wet t:e'nio'n> .into.'iflj'vvimhI forms' this week, during e nnslrue tion of ,1 wood pavilion neat 'lie ! u gene Millrat.e studios The to young designers have work' d s,j 11, , last weekend on tile pavilion toi a ii!n.|Ur it) d'a'v Dr sign Build 1 lass Vet no one on the Bank of the inillraee mi hiding three professional an Inter ts ha a master plan loi the pavilion It's being designed as ii built "It VOU get ill leal 1 out e pi loll III ties 1 g 1 the pel ipl ends will I,ike 1 are of themselves is tie Building ;oes Up." an lutei t David• Sellers, known as the l.ithei ot Design Build told students in a lei lure I'uesdav Designs tor an elaborate a loot high sundial for r\ ample, gleam from a piece of notebook paper onh he cause students had to mat he main ally derive angles ot the still's light to pi.Ill the sundial "Wo ve tried to orient it to the times when people will he on the site graduate student Dan Stettlei said I rum late morning to mid-afternoon 1 gnomon (the pointer on a sundial! will shoot beams of sunlight down long cement rays on the ground Die longest and shortest ravs will 1 ones pond with the wmtei and summer solstn us I or tun students designed a hole in the gnomon to create .1 plavtui light spot in the dark shadows it will test You'll he able to see w hat da\ it is and what time it is" h\ looking at lead numbers imprinted in the t e Turn to DESIGN Page 6 i Photo b> Mark N Irn Mervdith Hurke an «iri hitet tun* a i ad tile student, uses a transit tit s et the angles nt the arms on a sun dud Hurke a Inna with ’ » other art hite< tun* students. built a pavilion as pait nt a 10 da\ Design Ittiild i lass Senator flip-flops on course loads By Rene DeCair F meraId Repoiter S \ 1.1 M lust two flits S ultiT x.i\ iuv> th,it Oregon s university professors ,tre nuirt' t tint ernod with rescan li than with teach ing a stale senator said I liurs das that professors i oursi' loads arc heavier than expei l Sen Frank Roberts II fort land at a U ays and Means edu i alum siiIh ommittee meeting said figures compiled b\ his ot file oil the workload of proles sors shows that professors are teat fling more than the higliet edui atom's figures mdn ate Higher education offn iills es Innate that Oregon s professors tear h an average ot two to three classes a term education administrators are "trying to he conservative" so they are not an used of overes timating professors yynrklnads soil higher eduiatmn I'h.incel lor I'homas Martlet!. respond mg to Roberts' observation Roberts who IS ,i retired Port bind St.de I Diversity pro fessor drew i ntu ism lor say mg «lK S« nil Dunlap .iml ( unnir St*«*lt*\ h.i\ •• fur (hr \SI () it s mil riMi li I )tl I! I.l j ' >1 m’IIH M i: i mi in.i! k«•! iip,; .11»«i 1111.11k > .iilii Si * 11p \ .i M'liim in.i)i M nil! in |)lii |t |< ,|j Si ii'llt i .111(1 Si M If V m.lklMl j) (HK* (it llu I i 111 • In ki“t s i in i ni n 'j I - • \Sl ( ) prvMiirnl •iiid \ m r I»n*si«!•*itl this \i'.ii Srr stm \ I*.liir i Entertainment ( jlli sl Kill \\ ll.lt lid \ dll \»H \\ hrn \ on ( dlltbim \|n li.ihiu m kim h.isin^n .nut .i Minina rr plot Ihk I In \ Sir i r\ ii*v\ I’.i i* H Sports Mil! Mum^i.iv »• m.»v li.n •• I mi •!» llir w inning's! ijii.nlti li.n ► m ()n m fiMilh.i!! hs (mV bill pin tnntb.ili r\|iril l»,l\ r Iliivnl opinions .iIhhiI In - .11111 i I \ In M i. i k i : I ; | 111 \l I Sri1 slur \ l*,«yr | 1