POINTS Continued from Page 8 will have Hsu wars nf eligibili Is al ()regon We're looking fur him to be the kind that i an run the break Munson said of I oilier set up (he offense and distrib ute the trail, make good dei i sums ami mn the hall i tub Andre's the type ol kid s\ ho knows how lo run the hall (dub.'' he said ' I he slats of si oring and assists speak tor themselves lie's proven him sell by being the MVI’ ol his league " I h«■ marque plaver might likl'h lw Keel e wlio IVIS also last Season s ( .'.If I II,h If Kim k\ Mountain Region Player of the Year l he o t Kee< e averaged t ’> 1 points H t assists 7 -) re hounds and 1 I steals per game this past year in' leading Man uni High School.in Denver to three state i hampionships in lour seasons iih hiding win ning the state irown his junior and senior Years I don't think I've ever re i rolled a guv that averaged ta points eight assists seven re hounds and four steals a Kdmt* Munson said You i .m l s.» enough .ihout his ahil ll les Ihe thing 1 li.it impressed me " hr said 'is that three out nf llif luur years they won the state t hainpionships ami ho played a lot and started all the (lint* siih »• his freshman year ! he Dm ks beat mil sm h na Ilona! powers as Solon Hall l.ouisville \rkansas and New Mexii o in sinning Root e In tail Munson was at a Manual prai lire in September llial So toil Ilail ( oai h I’ | ( arlosimo also allended \\ bile there was a lot ol na tion.il intnri'st in Rmi i' during tin* t.ill. Moiimui '..lid .t lot i >1 si (nmls ii.n kt'd otf u lii'ii Ki'i'i i' hi'ld nil in in.iking In-, di'i i s it in Hi' dm idl'd hi' w intcil In got it ovi't with Munson said I think it wurki'd nil Iwlti'i tin us.’ that Ki'i'i i' Indil nil (in Ills dll INH1I1 (loth tin- signings id ( ullii'i and Ki'i'i r wort' oliv loitslv ill flin*rn i'd snmi'uhat h\ (Iran dun's dm isiun In iMitfi ihf draft Munson said It s hard tu sav Munson said l lii' kids look at lilt' situ alum and rvi'i'Auni' thinks tin's i an |il.n inrmi'di.iti'lv and l.iku over \Iiiiimiii said his si.ilt might tint have signed (adlit-r il Hran (ion had stayed tor ids senior v'iImiii, lull were intent nil sign mg Reel e it possible We would haul staved on Keei e pi ell v tl.ird. lie s.lld Quite 11 < i 11 k t \ We must llkelv wouid have li.ii ked oil ( ol tier I lie I links have now inked six plavers lot next season after signing lour forwards during the early signing period in the tall Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS looking for a male partner lor One Dollar Ballroom Dancing Fit Apr 19 in Gertinger No undergrads Leave rises sage 683 0903 Wanted H . .. .«*ftn , : • Eugene area for at adamic couple from NC Santa Barbara with twm babies Appro* dates 6/16 9'15 Cali colle. t (806)562 6729 105 PERSONALS Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds We're ill xour service! Birthday Babies Wi»h your tnencfe a Happy Birthday in Birthday Babies every month' uniy in in# Oregon Daily Emerald Classified*' 10'J PERSONALS 'Congratulation* to A V newly initiated membem Becky Paula Mayley We love you guys love Your Siater* Oregon Daily Emerald's 1-stop Marketplace L.\ The traditional Sewflt Rat was hoppm the tequila was popp«n And the band was rochm Thanhs for the party and helping welcome ouf new initiates Love Alpha < h. Pregnant'* l>r*« >-»■ 1 In regard* ' the ! .»• den! 1‘;th and Aide' on Wednesday April to Anyone with any information please •m t Je it 607 0920 ITS BEEN 4 YEARS BUT THE FIJI VOLCANOES WILL ERUPT AGAIN! 10b PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS1 ShiufJ & Pal on you» pinning ’ Lo«* *■ appa* K \«» GRE TC Ml N Planned P*f»nlhtx>»•• • ' i untHitfd counseling i 14 MM SMIlO Men! i' 4 !91Can I «e*l ATM WELCOME NEW MEMBERS A4> WMITNt V M DONNA O STEPHANIE E WE LOVE YOU! 110 LOST & FOUND Found Rl«ch A*oc*» ’ lib TYPING SERVICES ' f i> v-3'344-4510 Ql A U T V WORD PROCESSING Lu i. tr.a a.'iu»A"»iia ZiUSMJml \n-U II f f \* 1 ■ V4 N4 »>»•>••* [ r.. a.'w? '.«» ' Ml ’ I I ,'th What is "Birthday Babies"? tgrai^ru-t-mra V * < >tidu4lr S» h«wi! .\|>pfmrd * I h vieiuiion v’l hf tr\, Papris * 11 iM t nrnp«liblf, 1 mA ■ .'nvn ,>m * 1 i'ri l*nntM£ < * 1 Jilin*. K- >umr ' CAROLYN CJ NOV its TYPING SERVICES 144 *s9 ROBIN URAOSCHOOL APPROVE O . ' • . • ON v AMPUS I »a * Typing 003 1V0'» Report* Oi**eiiation* Reaumet L »tei Pi inter t AS f Y Pf WORD PROCl SSINu f LYING FINGERS . « S' - . ij- 404 VO 14 Jackie * T ypmg Semen 4860578 JO THE TYPING PRO 60 J 0OA0 ■ .< • ■ \ . ' *. f A' f Rf A . SABlF I ;NM ;( N • •< ■ TYPING UNLIMITED HarbaraLand Later Printer 406 1343 I ‘Mieriy - a led Bijou Theat'n llnig WORD PROCESSING Later printing S 1 . B4L3 2.115 aM#r 2 pm I?o TUTORING MATH TUTORIALS April 1. Oe.vJ Audi UH 7 V » iKl HT t (i.ltMMt I’io*k1oi1 by At4d*nuc lummy S«»*i< «* (.ourto* y of Ihe T'enhellenn and InleHretermty Council* i?5 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC WORKSHOP Thursday. April 18 11:30 1:30 pm M.» W'»f A.Jvarv o,l T.( .*-,J Minis no FOR SALE Lombinalion letge < 1 J{ > ■ l* I «M(«I ! j*C' Ja'N A*|nul I » 0»*fc ; ... . t . t\ on I ■- t . • »*>• ■. .!► ’ S ’ 1 '4 4 I f ff*»< IS H p«r > J S # I< • "> Sy'Ub $**) Dnj ir»< h POS 1000 l y lAl rjotny S I N ! BtlSI MM*’ ()Cr S'" V »'• I "4 .-ovv , nil-; SOX) ll-.* * Ifia' o/ M >AJ4Ut H S 1 loavo Your hjriail dot matrix printer. The neu ■ .1{pie St) ieWriter. Which price looks better to you? LTs face it. The more impressive your p;i{)ers ;md projects look, tfre more impact your ideas will have Which is why you illicit want to know about the new Apple’ St\ leWriter' printer It offers crisp, laser-qualit\ printing for about the saint1 cost as auot matrix printer It's small (at just 13" x 5!' it fits easily in the most cram|>eddorm mom) It's quiet (so quiet you am print at 3 am without waking wxir roommate) And it inconxrates TruelVpe," Aides new font technology which grves you Uit* abilit\ to scale :uid print diameters smoothk ;uid precisely from the siii;tlk*st footnote to tilt* lan^t-st ht-;ulliiu‘ This unguis that now t*uf\ stildfiit and even professor will ;ictualh be able to alforti aprinUT tiiat crtnik’s tilt* sh;irj>est .11 id most impactful doc uments with diagrams. charts and illiLslratk>iis that leap off tlu.* paye In oilier woods, it was designed so now you can get even tiling out ot a Macintosh computer tliat \pple built into it \ot just the power to look vourbest The jxiwer to be vourbest. Microcomputer Support Lab, 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am * 5pm, 3464402 tur hf\J ,in i tm,U tt>, , > ■ yf-j, >: Vf**' /V • Uu :»•: V • Ur;.-* urj K . tr