b* hii him liiM'hn thmwrr Kim Hyatt, nho qualllird tin the \l \ \ mrrt at last \srrk \ /'»•/»>/ tram Inxitatumal \%on't ha\r la lonqmtr Saturday against trammatr Paula lim y SPORTS Teams face different challenges By Ashley Conklin f rricM ij Spoils I dltOi I he c hallenges fi>r the Oregon tr.i< k teams will he vastlv different in Saturdays dual meets with Washington State in Pullman W ash The Duik men will tr\ and win their sixth straight dual meet against the ( ougars. hut it won't he eas\ considering Washington Slate dominated the competition in Iasi week s Pepsi Team Invitational and won the team title liy outsi ormg the Dim ks JJ.t .• to 1H I 1 tin the womens side Oregon is expiated to keep its undefeated streak against the I unigars in tai l after taking the'.Pepsi title bv IH points over the ( ougars Despite Washington Stales overwhelming strength, Oregon men's (loach Hill Dellinger isn t expecting his team to roll over and die on the Moohem I r.u k We re not going up there i onceditig the meet. he said Most of the people know weie going to have to i ompete While Washington State might have'.what Del linger < ailed the best dual meet team in the i mill 11\ there are enough strengths on both teams that could swung the meet either way One of Washington Stale's lug advantages til winning the Pepsi meet was a 12 finish, respite lively from Kohert Price and |ohn Hill in the I.OOP meter steeplei base over Oregon's Kk k Mestlel and 'I've Vail Si hoiiii k should the reverse happen Saturday the Dm ks i oiild be on their wav to an upset of the ( ougars Two of the best individual mati hups w ill he in the hurdle events Oregon’s Bob dray a provisional \( A A quail bet m the high hurdles will go head to head again this week with Toiiv la tilth at last year's \( A A meet In the -Pin meter hurdles Oregon all American Bri.m \\ right xxill trx and hold nil I i who added tlt.it event this season However the best event of the da\ < mild he tile 4x100 meter relax as it was last week when the ( !nuKars set a si hool and ll.ix ward I ndd rei ord of t‘l _’4 w hile the Dut ks i ame w ithin an evelash ol the \( A A automilt ii qualifying mark One I )m k who won't he in Pull man is distant e runner Pat Haller who will he at the Mount San Antonio College Relays' in (California in an at tempt to get into a fast y.000 meter field and pos siblx run an \( AA qualifving tone Also at Mt SA( will he javelin thrower Paula Hern Hern ranked sixth m the country will hu e a national i.iliher field of throwers Sunday on I tiding Mart lin Sen/, ranked third in the l S and fourth ranked f rit a Wheeler 'The-Dut.ks won't miss Herry.-..though, and will use the dualmeet to move some people around and gixe others somewhat of a break We re not going to the ends of the earth to win this meet Oregon Coach Tom lleinonen said 'We want to ease up and rest some people hei a use we ve gone to the well several times in a i ouple of meets in a row l aurel Roberts, the Ducks top high jumper will he held out of that event while heptathlete helix Ilian xxill run the 400 hurdles for the first time in her i areer Moreover, sprinters Rosie \\ ill in ms and ( amnia iones xx ill run in only two events each, and nei (her xxill i ompete in the 400 meters ' (Certainly xve xxant to win the meet, lleinonen said hut xxe xxant to prepare people lor meets later in the season las.i karnopp and Put x \usrala who both turned in outstanding performances last week will battle the Cougars l.ui/.a DoN.isi amenta in the 1 MOO meters in xvh.il should he the best worn en s event Basketball team signs two point guards for next season By Ashley Conklin (: mere id Spoils t-d'to' (Iti'jjim v li.iski'tli.ill Ii'«im hits landed two luvjlih louli'il poinl Hoards during tin* p.isl two da\s .is (In1 Dm ks lr\ in rt*plai <• Ihr departing Ti'rrt'll Hrandon (!i>.u 11 I Inn M11 n sun .ill Mount ft! Tut'silrtV III.it Ilf h.ul signi'ti Antlrr I oilier t junior t ollt'Hf point xu.trtl from < .t 1 i fortii.i to ti 11• 111■ r of intent \\ fdiifsdti\ Ntonson .nltitul lohnnif Kt't't f tin' < oloriulo pit-p player ol tfle \f.ir tins p.isl season Brandon. llif I'.n ifit Hi • on ten-nil- player n( the year tins past season announi eil earlier tins month that he would ton mi Ins senior season tor tin 's BA draft With no other point guards on the team Monsun quit kl\ sel out to tind a point guard to till tiie soid left ii\ Bnunion In '■tr.nl hr Kot twit I think v\ hilt it tint's is it su Inlilirs our tram .t littlr hit Munson s.utl \\ rtl ursil.r, I think now we mi^ht hr .1 little hit hrtlrr than last vr.n a! that position hrt ausr vvr hail no our to help Trrrell anti hat k him up 1 r Oil lire v\ «i s the most v.i I liable player ut the (oast ( onteieiii e this past se.isiiil at I )e An/.il (all lege m Cupertino Calif the > toot to ( oilier ,iv e raged 1*1 \ points .imt 8 .issists pet game for the league (humps anil he Turn to POINTS Page 9 i r peasants. These people don’t have lCBM's; they don't have armies or navies; they have no capacity for doing harm to the US, and yet we've killed them." 7:00 TONIGHT 150 Columbia, S3 Students / $5 General I'v-apunamrd b>; burviiuiCmlkr, Students fur Phai•.mammLimd.Um LUTulilkal Siiinu' Don