COMMUNITY Commissioners pledge mall support By Chris Bouneff t mot a id News Eddoi_____ Cmc County i.iimmissiuncrs tru'd walking the politic ,d tightrope Wednesday morning I>\ pledg mg miint'i to ‘signific anllv assist the i itv ol I u griic m reopening the Dow ntow n Mali Kngene voters will iln idr on M.i\ J1 whether the iii.i 11 should he reopened to motorized tr.iltu The proposed redesign would open portions ol Willamette. Olive .md hast Hro.idw.iv streets (Commission (Chairman Jai k Roberts. w ho repre sents Kngene. origin.dh proposed last week that the i ountv use road improvement funds to i over up to $.1 J million ol the projot ts t osts Hut at Wednesday's meeting (Commissiouei Steve (Comae e Ilia proposed an amended resolu (ion also i ailing lor the use ol i ounly road hinds for the mall However, this resolution did not spri ifv an amount I he hoard also mandated that tile laigene I its (Council prioritize road improvement pro|e< ts lot the c: 11 \ hefore coming to Ihe c ommissiun with .1 funding request "We do not know in relation to all metropoli tan projects that this is the Kngene ( itv ( ounc if s number one priori! v < Cnr11.11 c Ilia said Moreover. (Comae c Ina said the countv should avoid the appearant e ot meddling in l.ugeue poli tics We'd he unnecessarilv placed in the political dehate ot whether the streets should lie opened lie said (Commissioners III 1 it■ Ihundi and Marie I ra/iei supported (Cornacc Ilia s proposal, citing similai reasons (Commissiouei Jcrrv Kust joined Koherts m wanting In .iIIim .lie hinds before voters i .ist ballots Proponents of opening tlie mall said the i am paigll s deliate u ill not lot us oil the i ouutv s of tel In use ro,id tuiuls tor the proposed redesign Mayor |et t Millei vs lio with i oum llors have Robinette and Shawn Holes attended the meeting to show their support lor Roberts proposal, said tlie i ampaign issue will now be whether to open the iii.i11 and not where tlie i its will tiild funding souri os ll helps the ills! uss inn tie where it needs to he Miller said Miller desi rilled the downtow n redesign as his lop priontv ami tie i .died (lie i oiniiiissioners unanimous vote a positive sign lor downtown re vituli/.ution People are leaving |downtown) people are not there, (here’s no people who want to invest liei ailse there s no ai l essilnlilv Millet said Opponents ot the redesign who also opposed using i mints road monev to fund the redesign, were not taking the i unfity s pledge ol fi mini la I support as a setbai k | I he redesign) allot ts onlv two i il\ him ks said Astei who is a ma|or downtown proper!v OWliei Regardless ot where the monev inines trum people doii t want to see their monev spent that way \stei said i ommissioners ai led responsibly In not appropriating funds holme the Slav .'I vote and ill asking the i itv to assess its needs before re< eiv ing i ountv road funds Thev re asking tlie ( ity ( aium d to show some hai khone and lead in prioritizing their needs Aster said ~,n . SPRINGFIELD^ SCIENTIFIC | SUPPLIES 1124 MAX' Slf** ‘ VrgN*' (f ?w* /<* (503) 72&-9176 \ au»*4vo«7 QBBItftV Were you in Food Issues Last Winter Term? If so please contact the Student I lealth t en ter at 346 4456 for the food Issues II Group Meetings Food IsSUOS II will focus on building Positive Self Hsteem I bis 4 week workshop will be held in tfie Group Room, 3rd floor of the Student Health Center from 5:30-7:00 on Tuesdays - April 30th, May 7th, 14th, and 21st. i Looking for a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. iiiiHiiiiHiHiiimimiiiiiiiiHmiiiHiiiiiiiiiHimiiiimiiiimmiiimiiiiHiimiimiHiiimiiimimiimmii KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here’s your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. Certificate For a $ 10.00 Fee charged to your student account you will receive: ◄ 4 Hours of personnel class instructions ◄ Instruction booklet ◄ Red Cross C.P.R. certification card Dates for C.P.R. classes: / Tuesday. April 23rd 5:00-9:00pm Wednesday. May 1st 6:00-10:00pm Tuesday. May 7th 5:00-9:00prn Wednesday, May 15th 5:00-9:00pm Tuesday. May 2 1 st 6:00-10:00pm Wednesday, May 29 6:00- 10:00pm (all classes are held in the Student Health Center Cafeteria i Register Early. Space is limited. 346-444 1 (When answered press »3) Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund Sponsored by the Student Health Center. Office of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program Picture Perfect. When You Want... Or Quality Photos. Of Fast Service. [Or Low Prices. Bring Your Film To The UO Bookstore! 3x5 12 EXPOSURE ONLY2.89 3x5 24 EXPOSURE ONLY4.79 3x5 36 EXPOSURE ONLY 6.79 3x5 PRINT FROM SLIDE ONLY 49* BEEBIMIS 3x5 REPRINT ONLY25C 4x6 REPRINT ONLY 39C ENLARGEMENTS lfrq* supe q.o£Qj 5x7 ENLARGEMENT ONLY 1,29 8x10 ENLARGEMENT ONLY 2.99 IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE ANYWHERE IN LANE COUNTY WE’LL MATCH IT! 13TH & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331